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  2. There are some quality mobile games that have been created over the years, but video games still have better quality. At least in my opinion they do. Mobile games still have a long way to go before they catch up to video games.
  3. There's a difference between games that sharpen maths skills and games that simply use them. I work in engineering as my trade, so math is a way of life for me. So, with all due respect @Knight Barida and @Shortie, no video game is going to test a player's math skills that hard unless it's a true mathematical puzzle game.
  4. A trailer's purpose is marketing, simple as that. The level of insight it offers may be helpful in determining if it's the kind of game one might be interested in, but they are not to be trusted.
  5. It started with an Atari for me. I the think it was the 2600 Junior, but it could have been the 7800 as the two look similar.
  6. I like the title of this thread as it implies there is a difference between a video game and a mobile game. I concur. There is nothing wrong with mobile devices as a gaming platform, the issue is that the games on that platform are crap. The market is oversaturated with FTP garbage with some of the worst business practices associated with the industry.
  7. I'm starting to believe that games not pausing music on pause screens is a common peeve. With good reason as well because it is really annoying. Another one that come to mind for me is games without difficulty options. I know "soulsborne" fans are a bit sensitive to this critisisum, but alternate difficulty options only makes games better. It allows greater challenges whilst also forcing developers to work on other elements, such as storytelling, with equal focus.
  8. Why would anyone skip the cut scenes on a story based game? At least on the first play through.
  9. It's difficult to respond to this thread without determining the difference between a "AAA" game and an "Indie" game actually is to you @Knight Barida. It's also very important to do so because, from a technical standpoint, the difference is very clear and very simple. People who have been on VGR for while will likely have seen this from me at least once, so I'll keep it brief. An Indie game is a game that has been independently published. In other words, it's a game that has been published by the same company (even if that company is one solo developer) that developed the game. That's whare the term "Indie" comes from, that's what it means. So technically a list of "Indie" games can include the likes of Skyrim, The Assassin's Creed series, The Witcher series, Devil May Cry, Cyberpunk 2077, every GTA before 4, Unreal Tournament and Fortnite. On the flip side, there are games like Ori and the Blind Forest and Child of Light that have that small scale "artsy" feel but are actually backed by big time publishers. The scale, popularity and cost of a project has nothing to with the definition between "Indie" and "AAA". That is what makes this thread difficult to answer for me. The term "Indie" has become a buzz word for marketers. When most people think of an "Indie" game, they think of a passion project with barely a handful of developers working a shed when that is so rarely the case. And don't even get me started on business practices. AAA publisher's may be bad, and I mean really bad in this regard, but with the amount of scams, false betas, DMCA abuses, assets flips and other rancid behaviour that so-often happens within the "Indie" space, if anything it's even worse. That's why I simply don't care if a game is "Indie" or "AAA" and judge it on its own merit. Is it worth the money they are charging for it? Yes or no. I'm not souless, if I know that I'm buying a game in support of a genuinely passionate independent developer that is a nice feeling, but I don't let that distort my principles.
  10. Currently, I haven’t purchased any game with cryptocurrency as I’ve been holding onto my crypto currencies that I own.
  11. I personally haven’t met anyone in person that I’ve met from playing a game, but I’d like to do so one day. A lot of them are my good friends.
  12. Yesterday
  13. I tend to watch cutscenes if it is my first playthrough of the game but if it's not and I am playing the game for the second or even the third time, I tend to skip the cutscenes then and move right into playing the game.
  14. This is also one of my pet peeves when it comes to games. If I am playing a game and I need to pause the game for something such as answering the door, answering a call and music plays, that is super frustrating and just not necessary.
  15. Video games have become so much better graphics wise and its amazing to be able to see graphics used to bring video games to life like they do. Some of the things I appreciate in video games that we see now is the footprints that are left in areas with snow, leaves that blow around, snow that falls and you can see it and it looks like an actual snowy day.
  16. This is a good question and not one I have ever thought about if I am honest. One that comes to mind and I believe it is due to how much I have been playing the game and that is Jonesy from Fortnite, he is someone we tend to see a lot of but haven't been able to get to know as much as many of us would have liked, so many questions we could ask.
  17. I wouldn't say I have a fixed time now to play video games, I used to and it would be on an evening after I had made dinner, cleaned up and was able to sit down and chill for the night. Since changing my line of work, I have found that I don't have as much time as I used to so play games when I do have the time instead of having a set time.
  18. I have met many people online playing video games online, some of which I have become friends with and even now after 16 years, I am still friends with them but unfortunately, I have never met them in person. It would be nice to meet some people I have met in online video games but it's never easy to be able to do that when you live in different countries.
  19. I love playing video games, back when I was playing a lot more video games and creating video game content more often, I was less stressed and I enjoyed every minute I go to play the video games I did. If I was given the opportunity to play video games for a living, I would jump at the chance and know it would still be fun for me.
  20. As much as I have dabbled in cryptocurrency and I have accepted cryptocurrency in the past, I always tend to withdraw it to my bank account as soon as possible so I have never bought any video games with cryptocurrency. I honestly didn't know there were places you could use crypto to pay for games but that is awesome for those who need that option.
  21. Gaming is definitely the best part of my day for sure. I don't tend to get as much time as I used to, to be able to play video games so any time I do get is always time that I choose wisely and the best part of my day.
  22. At the moment I believe I have around 5 games on my Wishlist that I would like to get hold of, I have added them to my wishlist so that if anyone ever wants to gift, they know what I am looking for. At the moment I have House Flipper 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Borderlands 3, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway Turbo Edition.
  23. I believe I have only ever refunded a game once after making the purchase and that was because I accidentally purchased the right game but the wrong version and it wouldn't work on my device so I had to make a refund. The refund process was super easy and I got my refund quickly.
  24. I have in the past received games as a gift from friends and also family but I wouldn't say that it happens too often. I do love the ability to be able to gift games now though, the amount of people I know that have been helped others receive a game they wouldn't have otherwise is amazing.
  25. I always hit save when I am done playing a game but I also feel as though it is a habit for me to save the game when I do and as much as I do, something I have been doing since I was younger and it was more so many lives and you have to start again so that I can go back to it and try again.
  26. I haven't played too many scary games as I am not a big fan of scary games, also scary movies or horror movies either. I did once play Saw The Video Game quite a lot of years ago now but that is the most I have played when it comes to a scary game and would be my scariest.
  27. I have in the past chosen a mobile game over a video game on console before but I wouldn't say it happens too often. I will admit, mobile games have gotten a lot better quality wise over the years with some being very addictive too. It's great that mobile gaming is where it is at now.
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