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  1. Past hour
  2. Are the kind of person that loves to eat heavy whenever you're eating or the type that loves to eat small in bits? I can't have a big food dished at once for me to eat, if I see the food big, I will lose my appetite immediately. I love eating in small portions until I'm filled up. How big is your appetite?
  3. Taking a nap during the day is something that's very good for someone's health because it helps to keep one's body well rested, in good shape and refreshed in the day. When it comes to taking a nap, do you have a specific time when you usually do it everyday or is it just what you do randomly?
  4. I finally saw Kung Fu Panda Part 4 today. It's as hilarious as ever. I can't believe they've managed to keep it high in humor till the 4th part installment.
  5. Heatman

    1 word song titles

    Glory by Lil Wayne is a great one word song title is I've been listening to for a very long time. It's one of my favorites.
  6. I can never get enough of this song Glory by Lil Wayne. He's a master in the field.
  7. As long as you're playing your video games judiciously, it's always going to be worth it even if you tend to spend a few bucks in the game's microtransactions if you're the type who plays mostly free to play games.
  8. Mehn, it's never easy to avoid those toxic people especially when it comes to such games. It's why I don't bother with trying to use it no matter how careful I can be. My peace of mind is very important to me.
  9. Imagine how good those views are in the game, I wonder what it's going to look like in the new GTA VI with all the improved graphics when it finally comes out. Rockstar have invested heavily in the game.
  10. Today
  11. Based on this article, what do you think about a Horizon Zero Dawn TV show? As long as they make the right casting choices, and the writers stick with the story of the game as closely as they can, with a few changes if needed, it could turn out to be a good show. Although personally, unless they make season 2 about Forbidden West, I don't see how it could last more than 1 season, or a mini-series. Forbidden West has more of my favorite machines, but I do think I like the story of the first one better, myself. If they do continue with the show, and Season 2 gets turned into Forbidden West, I sure hope we see my favorite, the Slaughterspine, more than just once.
  12. I personally tend to stick with Corsair components where I can. Except in my current build, I have a lesser-known company for my case (MetallicGear NEO Qube), which is a "dual PC case" which supports one regular sized motherboard and case, and one on the other side with room for a Mini/Micro build. The PSU is what was recommended from the company, a Phanteks Revolt X PH-P1200PS 80PLUS Platinum 1200W supply. Otherwise everything else is Corsair or Elgato. RAM, Mouse, Keyboard, StreamDecks (XL, Plus, Pedal) and Wave Link for audio.
  13. I rarely use in-game voice. I mostly use Guilded voice chats (an alternative to Discord with no paywalled features). I used to use TeamSpeak for a Battlefield clan, but that clan has basically died at this point, and I no longer live in the West Coast (which everyone was based). So nowadays, I use Guilded -> Discord -> In-Game. I don't even have TeamSpeak installed right now.
  14. Which are your favorite Battlefield game(s)? I've only played a few, which are BF3, BF4, and 2042 (which is alright, BF4 is better IMO). I have tried BC2, Hardline, and 1 or 5 (honestly forget which one), but I still prefer BF3 and 4.
  15. Yesterday
  16. If I remember correctly, I had gotten the Ninja Gaiden trilogy for the SNES and then Ninja Gaiden Shadow on the Gameboy and that's what got me into the Ninja Gaiden franchise. No, I haven't played the Sega version of it. It's a fantastic gaming series with surprisingly deep lore from what I remember of it.
  17. It's okay to be sad about the passing of your pet and you'll feel like this for quite some time. I'd recommend that you allow yourself to grieve. Also, think of the good memories the two of you shared while your pet was alive and what lessons you learned from having them in your life. I also lost one of my dogs earlier this year from a rare disease. You just have to accept that pets live for way less years than you do so it's something you'll eventually have to deal with. We'll all die someday - some sooner than others.
  18. How do you find the Witcher 3 peaceful. Is it the exploration part of it?
  19. Personally, it's my prior experience with FPS that I draw on when aiming. I learnt it through countless hours of playing many FPS over the 30+ years I've been a gamer.
  20. In some games, I use it because it's necessary. In games like GTA online, I tend to avoid it like the plague because it's usually full of toxic people who are trying their hardest to ruin the experience for everyone else.
  21. I haven't really spent on lootboxes either. It's basically a no-win situation as you're wasting lots of money for a rare in-game item. It's just not worth the risk.
  22. Exactly. That's how I see it as well. It's a hobby that I do in my free time - if you're having issues that need to handled in your life and you're gaming instead of taking care of that, I'd consider that wasting your time.
  23. A few that come to mind worth checking out; Carmageddon: An instrumental version of Fear Factory's Demanufacture album. Enough said. Primal. A soundtrack comprised of all original songs from the band 16Volt. There is a heat pounding violence to this sound along side a haunting, daunting atmosphere The game itself is an underrated PS2 classic as well that really needs to be played by more people. Playlist: The Burnout Games. I know, this is a little bit of cheating as these are playlists made up of licensed songs, but they are very compilations worth checking out. I'll even extend that to Burnout Paradise, even the game itself is a piece of shit. Even though it is all licenced music, some of the games did something clever with it by muffling the music while you were not boosting and that served as a genuine incentive to go hell for leather just to keep hearing the music like it was meant to be heard. Very smart audio design. I'll just post the intro to Burnout 3: Takedown as a taste of what to expect: Here is a Youtube Channel dedicated to the music in the games to check out https://www.youtube.com/@CrashFMBurnout The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim It may be a familiar score, in fact the main theme is the same one from previous Elder Scrolls games, but man it upgraded big time for Skyrim. If you actually stop and listen to it, it's a very dramatic, full sound that is easy on the ear and very pretty at times too. Goldeneye (N64) I know that this soundtrack is mostly comprised of remixes of the James Bond theme, but the are original mixes and sounded fantastic, and on N64 no less. They still sound fantastic a quarter of a century later. I would go so far to say that this video game has the best version of the James Bond theme I have heard in my entire life, full stop. That alone more than deserves a shout out. Final Fantasy XIII I don't care that this game sucks, the music is fantastic, one of the best soundtracks in any FF game. I have got to be honest, I do think FFX's soundtrack is better, but I decided to focus on FFXIII as I feel this great soundtrack gets overlooked because the game itself was a bit shit. It has that serene, yet chaotic feel to it that's very unique and pleasant to hear. Screamer A little known DOS racing game from 1995 that I played a lot as a kid. I love it back then, but having a better understand of what was out at the time, specially on consoles, I can see the game as being pretty mediocre. However, if your PC was able to run the soundtrack direct from the CD-ROM, you were treated to the original recorded versions of the game's digitized rock music soundtrack that sounded amazing.
  24. In FPS games, having a good aim is one of the most important things to win. Although, how do you improve it? When I was into competitive Counter Strike, I used to train my aim for at least a few hours every day. There was a special map I used to train my aim, reaction time, spray control, and anything else related to shooting. Spending even an hour shooting at bots helps you in a real match.
  25. Which game has the best soundtrack, according to you? The Last of Us: Part 1 won the 2024 Steam Award for the best soundtrack. I listened to some of it. I can say that it's really beautiful, and I enjoy it.
  26. Have you spent any money on lootboxes in the hope of winning something cool? Personally, I haven't spent anything on lootboxes. I see them as a way to gamble, and I usually don't have that much luck with them. I would rather buy the item myself than hope for a chance to win it from a box.
  27. What was the last thing that frustrated you when playing a video game? For me, it was a situation 10 minutes ago when a player on my team decided to teamkill two other players, including me, and then he just left. I really see no reason why he did that, griefing shouldn't be resorted to, even if losing. It reduces the chance to make a comeback and win even more.
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