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Knight Plug

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Posts posted by Knight Plug

  1. I'd love to have an expansion game or full sequel. Due to how the game ended, I do think there's opportunities for Naughty Dog to expand on the series. However, if they did frequent entries like what Capcom does with Resident Evil, I fear they would gradually go downhill because of how quickly they could push them out. Naughty Dog are known for their exceptional quality. Capcom are able to offer greatness here and there. Don't count them out as a whole if they mess up here and there, because they can deliver. But sometimes, they get way too money hungry for their own good.


  2. OK, I have to gripe about something. You have a very outdated layout on here. You cannot edit posts or remove them yourself. You cannot preview a post before you submit it, and there's a lack of tags. 😞

    Normally, I don't like to double post, but I was using the YouTube app on my phone, and it doesn't correctly add the proper link, but rather the shortened version. Anyway, here's the video I tried to post the last time, that I couldn't. All of my devices feel like they're being throttled too, as my laptop is an ancient piece of crap.

    Meh. 😉


    Sod it. I posted a damn video before. Why isn't it working now?!

  3. I went back and played the last section the other day, somehow managing to avoid getting killed once. 😁

    By the way, if you're a real fan of the series, you won't want to miss this channel. They post comprehensive videos about the games, explaining theories and so on. Of course, do not watch them if you've yet to finish any of the games. But I reckon this is one of the best videos on YouTube.


    Getting links to work on here is a bloody pain. 😐

  4. Well, the game is getting heat too because Neil Druckmann even confessed he lied about the promotional material involving a particular character. It could be branded as false advertising. If you don't know what I mean, look on YouTube. AT YOUR OWN RISK! 

  5. You need a heart of gold to appreciate these games. While the second one let me down, I don't want to completely discredit Naughty Dog's work, like so many YouTubers are doing. It's a game that will hopefully not prevent further entries being produced for the PS5 era.

    I do feel some of the backlash from the fanbase is warranted, although as I said, Naughty Dog did make some questionable decisions. But all in all, there's a very gripping story on offer. In a way, this is the SJW community's wet dream of gaming. There's certainly something in this game for every SJW. LOL!

    The gameplay however, only received some minor new additions. Like, you can use rope to climb up to awkward catwalks to get passed. Other than that, it has a dodge feature, which is hard to get to grips with. The rest of it is mostly not too dissimilar to the original.

  6. Truthfully here, what did you think of this game? 

    The graphics are sensational. The story though, is extremely depressing. There's nothing but violence throughout, and the heartbreaking story saddens me.

  7. The Silent Hill franchise is arguably the scariest video game franchise ever. Perhaps it's more terrifying than even Resident Evil. But while everybody was excited about P.T. way back in 2015, the game Silent Hills (on which it was based), was ultimately axed after Hideo Kojima's highly public fallen out with Konami, and then his departure from Konami followed soon thereafter.

    Over the years, fans have gotten very little in the way of rumours about a game that could follow up from 2012's Silent Hill: Downpour, until the industry insider "Dusk Golem" on Twitter started to broadcast more details, about the supposedly in development soft reboot, which is meant to be just that, apparently. It's not intended to be a remake at all. And he said it's also in a playable state.

    Then today, I just seen this placeholder on Amazon. Could it be that Konami is indeed planning to reveal a new game in the series at the PS5 event? Well, sit tight, as the event is actually going underway tonight, at 9 PM BST. 😱


    What are some of your favourite moments from the series? 

  8. I don't know, man. But I didn't think RE7 had bad writing, but the remake of RE3 does have some of the series' absolute worst phrases. Even RE2 had better dialogue and character exchanges. Not that RE2 is all that splendid either, quite frankly.

    I really like the fact that Alex Wesker (in the body of Natalia Korda) is apparently coming back for RE8. She hasn't been in a RE game for like, 5 years by this point. She is Albert Wesker's sister, and that name surely has to scream RE when you know your stuff. So her coming back makes me glad Capcom isn't ignoring her. She's going to really make things extremely terrifying.

    But yeah. I don't particularly like first person games. In fact, I hope we actually get to see Ethan Winters this time. He was never seen that well in RE7. I don't want this being repeated in RE8. Oh, and Chris isn't an "evil" villain. He may seem bad, but he's just paranoid from the years of seeing people he cared for, dying before his eyes. Capcom making him a battle hardened veteran and regularly being featured is why he's arguably the most iconic RE character. But oh yes... Chris' redesign in RE7 wasn't that hot. That has to change. There's even crazy rumours floating around that maybe he's not the real Chris anyway. It is possible to clone people in the games now. A clone of Ada Wong was one of the primary enemies in RE6. Chris even thought Carla ( the clone) was truly Ada, causing Leon to intervene. If you remember the early trailer Capcom showed off, they were seen pointing their handguns at each other.

  9. I have no idea. It appears that Capcom is hiring other companies to develop the games, where they simply do very little. That's kind of why the series sucks now. No real passion went into these recent games. They felt like something you would find discounted at $10 in a bargain bin, and the dialogue is just so, so bad.

    No way is RE3 worth sixty bucks. I just hope RE8 isn't a colossal screw up as well. 🙄

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