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Aimee Hart

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Aimee Hart last won the day on September 9 2018

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  1. It's not that I can't kill, it's just I feel so bad about doing it... Any animals in AC Odyssey I end up taming or knocking them out, solely because I can't bring myself to hurt them. It's ridiculous folks, THEY ARE MADE OF PIXELS. THEY AINT REAL.
  2. Sex in video games is fine, as long as it isn't just thrown in there to make us feel extra squirmish for no reason whatsoever. Some games handle it really well like The Witcher 3, but sometimes its just so unbearable I've just GOTTA skip the scenes.
  3. Bastion! It's super fun!
  4. I hope this means they'll take on as much Telltale staff as possible and hopefully help with giving them severance money.
  5. This is gonna get me killed but I absolutely despise motion controls. I am a lazy idiot and if a game requires me to stand up and move in ridiculous angles just to get the right position (i'm looking at YOU Breath of the Wild) then I'm not going to be a happy person.
  6. I would snack on Nuka Cola, Radroach and Mirelurk because in a world like Fallout I could care LESS about what I eat
  7. At the moment I think the most time I've spent on a game is Overwatch, with over 500 hours. But I play a LOT of RPGs, and I can easily spend about 100 hours in a game if I really invest myself.
  8. Unless it's a game I really, REALLY, 'oh my god I must HAVE IT' want, then definitely not. I'm poor and I can't afford to buy so many games.
  9. Is it really a game of Skyrim if you're not reading about the Lusty Argonian Maid? But in all seriousness, I find Skyrim's texts super boring at times so I never bother with them. Dragon Age and Mass Effect I do, because I'm more invested in their worlds. Assassins Creed too because I find history, even if its really inaccurate at times, rather interesting.
  10. I don't watch 'streams' but I love the regular 'let's plays' that I see on YouTube. I like the ones where they only talk after a cutscene happens or with gameplay. If someone's talking while something important is happening then I will RAGE lol.
  11. Banned for banning the banning of the banning of... the banning?
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