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Posts posted by m76

  1. 1 hour ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    I miss the simplicity of controllers. You pop in the game and start playing.

    That's part of the reason why I can't stand controllers. In each game the same actions are accessed and implemented differently. In one you sneak with square, in another you throw a grenade with it. Or whatever. I  always get confused during the heat of the battle which button does what. And don't get me started about when you have to press multiple buttons while holding another to get some required action.  My primary cause of death and failure in all console games is getting buttons mixed up. That's why I prefer keyboard+mouse controls, where I can re-map every important action to the keys I'm used to.

  2. Saving anywhere anytime. I hate the currently popular "checkpoint" based save systems. And most are badly implemented even at that.

    It happens to me numerous times that I get called away during gaming, then what do you do? Play until there is a checkpoint and seem like an asshole to everyone, or loose all progress since the last checkpoint? Or worse you get a call during a cutscene. There is no way to go back and view it again. But with a manual save system you simply load the save before the cutscene. As the story is the most important bit to me in games loosing out on a part of it is unacceptable to me.

  3. 2 hours ago, AndreiMirfi said:

    Favorite games?

    As far as games go that I played the most:

    • DeusEx (2000) - This game should be obligatory to know for every game developer, it lays down the rules of game design 101 that every game should adhere to (sadly most does not, or only to a few of them) despite finishing it dozens of times, it still has secrets I'm yet to uncover.
    • Mass Effect 2 (2010)  - It is the most well rounded game I played, storytelling, gameplay, characters, it all comes together.
    • XCOM2 (2016) - it's addictive, I've played it over 1100 hours and counting. With mods I can go on forever probably. Since most encounters are procedurally generated it never gets repetitive. Despite the fact that I've probably restarted the campaign over 100 times.
    • Mafia: City of Lost Heaven (2002) - The game that brought together two of my favorite game genres, driving simulations and story driven action games.
    • BeamNG Drive (? - Still Early Access) - Sure it's hard to call this a game yet, but for me as far as I can remember crashing cars in spectacular ways was always fun in of itself, and currently this has the best and most realistic damage model of all available driving games.
    • Gran Turismo 4 (2004) - The best the series has ever been, sadly it's been all downhill since then, with sports being rock bottom

    But there is another category of favorites, that I might only have played once, but that 10-20 hours was such a ride that I'd not have wanted to miss them at any cost. 

    • The Last of Us Part II (2020) this is a very recent title but it quickly found its way to the top of my favorites.
    • Beyond: Two Souls (2013) The game itself might have been dreadful, but the story and the sense of control you had over the fates of characters made this a thrill, I actually feared for the well being of fictional characters in a game.
    • Alien Isolation (2014) - Fear itself, when it's not super scary, it's creepy, but danger always lurks around every corner, the atmosphere of this game is so ominous, that I think it beats the actual movie it is based on.
    • Call of Duty Infinite Warfare (2016) - It's only fitting that the most universally hated instalment of the series would be my favorite. The contrarian in me rejoices. Peace to the fallen - the only time an end credits made me cry.
    • Alpha Protocol (2010) - This is an objectively bad game, with serious flaws, but it gets some things right, that no other game did, it must be experienced at least once for this
    • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (2005) - This is more of an honourable mention, because this is to appreciate the whole Splinter Cell Franchise with all its lows and ups, but this is the best part of the  series so it gets on the list.
  4. 16 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    You won the lotto and have your own studio up on the Swiss Alps. What one genre would you be making a game in? 

    Can it not be somewhere else? I don't like cold places. Unfortunately I'm afraid these days the cost of game development is so high that one lottery win would not be enough to develop the game I want. But I digress, if I had the resources of jeff bezos, I'd make an immersive simulation. Or if you meant the fictional genre, it would be either contemporary or cyberpunk.

  5. 20 hours ago, Shagger said:

    Any question? Any question at all and you shall answer? OK, here's my question. Given that god is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite...

    ... Would you like some toast?


    Well, I don't adhere to your premise, so I can't give the answer you seek. As I think, all gods are man made, and while there are certainly a lot of them, they are not infinite. And it seems to me that the universe isn't infinite either. There might be an infinite number of universes though, but the jury is still out on that.

    I never actually watched Red Dwarf, but it has been on my to watch list for the longest time.

    Does that answer satisfy?

  6. I'm not a super huge fan of creating my own topic, it feels kind of pretentious, but if those are the rules I'll bite the bullet.

    I've been a gamer since I was 7 or 8 years old, I had every intention of working in game development.
    I'm trained as a programmer, and when I was still intending to go into game dev, I experimented with a few game engines.
    I've even written a kind of demo project. This experience gives me great insight into how software development works.

    But in an unexpected course of events I never actually got a job in game development, and since I needed a job I got into another field. So my game dev career ended before it even started, but I don't see that as a bad thing.

    Still I have some friends who made it into various big studios. No I never did pry them for insider info, it would be wrong,

    But I'm still a gamer, and what best shows my ongoing interest in games that I've started writing reviews for games for fun, which is still an ongoing hobby of mine, and over the years I have produced probably close to a hundred reviews.

    So ask anything if you wish.

  7. On 9/22/2020 at 9:51 AM, skyfire said:

    Graphics wise and the gameplay wise it was not a bad production. I think they should make the game open source if they are not going to continue to it. I think that woould make many programmer gamers turn that into some other game. 

    it's not that easy, there is much  proprietary code that goes into a game that they probably don't want to put out there.

  8. 27 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    The less light there is, the better. I have light blocking curtains in every room, and rarely turn the lights on. The best thing about winter is that the days only have 7-8 hours of sunlight, and the rest of the 24 hour period is darkness. Sunlight is excruciatingly physically painful.

    If it's dark enough that you can't see your hand in front of your face, it's still too bright.

    So how did you type this message? Screens give of a ton of light in dark rooms, that's actually excruciating, viewing a bright screen in an unlit room.

    Even so, you can always block out the light if you feel like, but you can't replace daylight. Some of us have shit to do, and work 8 hour dayjobs. I need daylight to get shit done around the house.

  9. It should absolutely be legal, it's not more harmful than alcohol.

    Although I'm not qualified to address its addictive properties as I simply cannot get addicted to anything. I like to drink heavy and smoke during parties, but then after the party is over I Can go for months without touching either.  There was also a period of my life when I smoked marijuana almost daily for 3 months, and still when I Rotated back to the world I didn't even think about having one.

  10. Clear, Sunny Skies.

    I hate bad weather in real life as much as in games. I think bad weather takes away from games, not adds to them.

    Bad weather is the equivalent of being stuck indoors, I hate being stuck inside, as much as I Hate the dark. I hate winter for this exact reason because it's already pitch black at 4pm. My favourite part of the year is the middle of the summer when there is daylight from 4 am to  9pm.

    So I don't just hate games that operate with bad weather I also hate darkness in games. I want to be able to clearly see the environment and explore it unhindered.

  11. There is no such thing as "real man". All you have to be is a decent human being. If you believe in true equality then you should apply the same standards to all people.


    On 9/20/2020 at 8:58 AM, Reality vs Adventure said:

    A real man has the ability to admit faults and tries to fix them.

    Everyone would do well to improve their own faults.


    A real man does not have homophobia.

    That seems strangely specific. And has little to do with manhood.


    A real man does not think anyone or anything is below him.

    Then I'm not real because I certainly think that hypocrites, pathological liars, and pseudo intellectuals are bellow me.


    A real man will always stand up for and protect those that are weaker or oppressed. No matter what.

    What if someone doesn't want you to stand up for them? On what basis do you judge others to be "weaker" or "oppressed"? It seems to me that people themselves perpetrate oppression when they deem certain groups oppressed.


    A real man does not brag, show off,

    Everyone likes to show off, you are showing off your notion of being a real man right now.


    or underestimate anyone.

    Isn't labelling someone weaker or oppressed underestimating them?


    A real man never asks anyone to do anything he can do himself. 

    Society is based on Co-operation. There is nothing wrong with asking for help.

  12. 7 hours ago, Shagger said:

    This move from CDPR is something they decided to do based on the data they have, so it's fair enough and doesn't really bother me. If the story is well paced and interesting but just doesn't fill as many hours, leave it that way. Adding filler to make it longer will only make it worse.

    That's exactly the point. The data only shows people didn't finish the game, it does not tell them why they didn't. That's why I mentioned the poor comlpetion rate of another successful game that is short. Being long has nothing to do with it.  This seems like they are making excuses for the game already which doesn't exactly reassure me.

  13. This does not help the Xbox series X, any new game/franchise developed under MS is years away. In the middle of the life cycle of this console generation at the earliest.

    Or if their plan is to make already in development games XBOX exclusive they are just turning public opinion against themselves. Mine is already against them, due to the shitshow that is the windows store / UWP platform.

  14. Recently CP2077 developers have revealed that they shortened the story of Cyberpunk, because so many people didn't finish the Witcher 3.

    How do you feel about that?

    I say that's a load of bollocks, a campaign can't be too long if it's good. If people didn't finish it, there must be other reasons for it. If I like something the longer it is the better.

    And not many people finish campaigns in any game, that's just how things always are. For example only 22% of players beat the last mission in Control according to steam. Of course that doesn't account for players who are still in progress of playing the game.  but the fact is that an 50% completion rate can be considered extremely high among story driven games.

  15. 11 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Pretty much my point. But for the DOOM, sales is not indicator of their sequels. They make the sequels because they can. 

    That's the most ridiculous thing I've read this week. Of course sales matter for sequels, it's about the only thing that matters. High sales virtually guarantee a sequel. Low sales guarantee there won't be one. Because no publisher wants to finance a sequel to a flop.

    Take Alien Isolation, it was praised by critics and gamers alike, but it had lukewarm sales due to bad marketing and failing to distance it enough from colonial marines. So it never got a sequel no matter how hard fans wanted it. 

  16. Last move I watched was The Old Guard. Highlander on Netflix with Charlize Theron

    It was not that great, it seemed like a back door pilot for a series. But I wouldn't greenlight it personally.
    The weakest part of the movie was Theron herself, her acting was ridiculously lazy and unconvincing. She didn't care about this job at all.

    Plus the main cast of immortals looks like a pack of junkies, not what you'd expect from immortal warriors. They look sickly and weak, I'd have imagined that over hundreds of years of combat they would have trained their bodies to be the perfect warriors.

    And it also has the same issue that I raised with bloodshot recently. Just because you can survive anything, doesn't mean you must enjoy getting shot. They are completely careless in combat, and use getting shot as a tactic instead of trying to avoid it entirely.

    Stereotypical evil for the sake of evil one dimensional villains.

    4/10 and i'm being generous there. Would not recommend.

  17. 50 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    I never saw DOOM 2016 getting much sales, and in fact till DOOM eternal there was not much hype and barely any profit for them.

    If Doom sold badly it wouldn't have gotten a sequel.  Besides Sales != Rating. Where I come from people couldn't stop raving about how brilliant it is, and everyone was waiting for Eternal as the second coming.

    BTW Doom 2016 sold 2 million copies on PC in about year, which is not record breaking but clearly good enough to get a second game. And Eternal apparently sold twice as fast during launch week.

  18. Part of the reason I don't game online is because I can't be bothered to talk to strangers. But if I must I prefer typing over voice. I don't even have a mic, and I'll never get one for my PC.

    I prefer single player games. No chance for NPCs to try and chat you up.

  19. David Cage / Quantic Dream games. Especially Beyond Two Souls, but Heavy Rain and Detroit Become Human are also up there. I never felt such dread and worry in any other game. Not even the Last of Us, because there you don't control the situations, you are just along for the ride.

    But in Quantic titles your every move can mean something really bad. But if you make the right play there is a chance for a better outcome.

    So it runs through my mind a thousand times before doing anything: "Is this a good decision?, am I making the right play here?"
    There is nothing more emotionally taxing than knowing you are responsible for the fate of beloved characters.

  20. Also the edit button is gone?

    If you accept a piece of advice: Always do major version upgrades on a backup copy of the database on a non-production server. So you can see what's broken and have a fix ready before making the upgrade on the live version.

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