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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What games do you think do a good job building a case against real-world ideologies? I think all three BioShock games do well with this, especially the first one (against capitalism and Objectivism taken to extremes) and Infinite (against American exceptionalism and Christian fundamentalism). They take a “show, don’t tell” approach to demonstrate how the ideologies in question could have adverse results.
  2. I am glad you are discovering his weird and wonderful prose and stories! I was really into his work a couple decades back when no one knew who I was talking about (his works were classics even then, but they seemed to appeal to a narrow niche), and now he is a household name =D All it took was his works entering public domain.
  3. What percentage of games you own do you think you bought used vs. new? Originally, 100% of my game collection was used, but I’ve snapped up so many digital deals online it is now probably around 50/50.
  4. What video games do you think have done the best job tackling issues of racism?
  5. What games offer the most in terms of the cuteness factor, i.e. adorable critters or characters or such?
  6. No spoilers please. Is it better to play Lair of the Shadow Broker before or after the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2?
  7. Amazing post as always, thank you so much for sharing such detailed thoughts. And kudos on reading Lovecraft. Are there any Lovecraft-themed games you recommend as a fan of his writing?
  8. What are some games similar to TLOU in terms of gameplay, etc? I’ve heard Innocence: A Plague Tale recommended, but no others.
  9. What are the most thankless roles you can perform in MMOs? I think any sort of “head of novices” or newbie helper tends to qualify.
  10. What are some quests you can remember having the biggest letdowns in terms of rewards?
  11. Do you ever abandon quests permanently, and if so, why? Usually I do this if finishing the quest would break with my character’s ethics.
  12. What to you are some of the most memorable vaults in Fallout games? For me, 11 and 22 stand out.
  13. What rewards motivate you most in games? Items? Abilities? Story content?
  14. How do you feel about followers teleporting? I think it leads to some weird immersion-breaking moments, but it’s still more convenient than what Skyrim does (making your followers physically walk around to catch up with you).
  15. Who are your favorite followers in any video games you have played, and why? Mine are still Ellie in TLOU and Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite, who seem so real and natural to me I forget they are following me.
  16. This whole response is so above and beyond, and sort of a delicious treat. Thank you. Ironically, there was a bright, sunny dungeon I saw in Skyrim once that I cannot for the life of me identify or locate again, and it's been driving me crazy for years. THIS. The stories woven into the Fallout vaults are awesome.
  17. @Reality vs Adventure said in another thread, "That's how I see a dungeon. It's more of a mental state of torture with added monsters." What are some games that actually feature something like this? In an indirect fashion, I think BioShock Infinite qualifies, though it is not literally in the protagonist's mind. But it does reflect his inner demons.
  18. @killamch89 mentioned traps as a positive in dungeons recently, which surprised me, cause they drive me crazy--especially as it is always my followers setting them off. How do you all feel about traps?
  19. John Marston in RDR also has a terrible habit of making bad decisions. His entire life consists of being used like toilet paper by almost everyone he meets 😕 I didn't find him unrelatable, but I wanted to smack him sometimes, like, "not again ..."
  20. There are a number of Lovecraft-themed games out there now, and I haven’t played any of them yet. Can anyone here recommend your favourites, specifically those among you who have read HP Lovecraft’s stories?
  21. I logged soooo many hours of Texas Hold'Em in Red Dead Redemption 🙂
  22. What makes a dungeon enjoyable and compelling rather than dull and repetitious? I like dungeons with variations in their appearances/layouts as well as those with interesting stories woven through them (i.e. the Vaults in Fallout games).
  23. What are some games that people consistently recommended to you that you still have not gotten around to playing?
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