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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Do you find it fun to explore in video games, or do you find it tedious? On the whole, it is one of my favourite aspects of gaming, and I love it—but sometimes it can be tedious in some games where there isn’t much to look at/do, just huge open spaces to cross.
  2. What is the absolute maximum amount of money you could picture spending on a video game, and what would compel you to spend that much?
  3. What are some installments in video game series that you really like that are not as popular with fans in general? For myself, I can list Dragon Age 2 and BioShock 2.
  4. What are some moments/revelations in video games that genuinely surprised you?
  5. When you have a decision to make in a game and your companions weigh in on it, how strongly do you consider their preferences, and on what basis? I try and listen mostly for logical perspective, but I try not to let myself be swayed to preserve a relationship unless it is a case where both options seem about equal to me otherwise.
  6. What are some situations you can remember from games you have played where you were forced to choose between multiple negative alternatives?
  7. What are some games that set up moral predicaments but don’t attempt to define good vs. evil or right vs. wrong for you? For example, @Withywarlock and I would list Dragon Age in this category.
  8. You and I have similar dispositions and feelings with respect to a lot of games. Totally agree FNV had much more to offer than Fallout 3 in this regard. And I love that Dragon Age never tells you whether to love or loathe any particular faction, what to believe or not believe about the world, etc. You can play through it as a devout Chantry follower or an anarchistic rebel mage with equal validity.
  9. Weirdly, the part of the Circle that bored me were all the non-Fade bits in the tower. I actually kinda liked the Fade, but I was able to be methodical about it and it didn't get too frustrating/confusing. Totally agreed about the big empty expanses. Thankfully DA Inquisition's expanses are quite beautiful, but they are pretty blah in terms of keeping one engaged at times.
  10. Not from the game--just from the character. Like, I adore Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite, and I still love her in Burial at Sea, but she breaks my heart in that game, and leaves me feeling cold and empty.
  11. What game do you feel you play the best out of all the games you have played (even if your best isn’t amazing)? I guess for me it is Skyrim, since I have managed to play it (however painfully) at the highest level, and I haven’t succeeded at that with anything else.
  12. It’s now been almost three months since PS5 came out, and I am guessing another three before I have a glimmer of hope to get one. It made me curious, what is the quickest anyone here has ever managed to snag a new console right after it was released?
  13. Is there a distinctive game mechanic you’ve only encountered in one or two games that you wish would be used more widely?
  14. I think issues with poor quest design have come up in at least two different threads this week. What games do you feel suffer in this department? I routinely notice problems in Bethesda games where information is poorly conveyed or even missing.
  15. I find sex in video games extremely clunky in general, but it is usually cutscenes. Occasionally I read about a game with interactive sex scenes. Anyone ever played through any, and what did you think?
  16. Are there useless items you collect in games that don’t do anything/have much value, but you can’t help but pick them up? Like the teddy bears in Fallout. They take up so much inventory space, but I can’t leave them.
  17. Are there quests in open world games you habitually get out of the way ASAP on a playthrough?
  18. What are the dullest segments of games you’ve played? For example, the Circle segment of DA: Origins springs to mind for me.
  19. What to you was the best era in gaming, and why? Since I am behind on games, I don’t feel qualified to give an answer to this question.
  20. Who are your favorite developers, past and present? I can’t say for the present because I am so behind with games, but with respect to the past, Obsidian comes to mind.
  21. Do you have fond memories of gaming from your childhood? If so, what are a few of them? I didn’t really get into gaming until I was a teen.
  22. We see lots of complaints about offensive content in video games nowadays. Has anyone here ever been truly offended by video game content they encountered? If so, what was it?
  23. What is your favorite mount in any video game? I don't think anything could beat Death in RDR: Undead Nightmare for me. Watching heads explode on impact will never get old.
  24. I’ve been having a new bug in Skyrim where the game freezes if I hit the PS button and circle button at almost the same time. Has anyone else had this?
  25. @The Blackangel mentioned in another thread having an empty feeling sometimes in games after characters change a great deal from who they were. I've had this experience as well a few times. It can be true to life, but sad too. Have others felt the same way?
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