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Everything posted by Jerlene

  1. This is how it works... 1st poster will type a word, any word. 2nd poster will explain how you can die with it and type another random word. 3rd poster will explain how you can die with it and so on and so forth. Example: 1st post: Shoelace. 2nd poster: Someone can use it to choke you. Candle. 3rd poster: The curtains catch on fire and you burn alive in your house. Chair. etc. etc. etc.
  2. Do you think they'll be surprised? Do you think they'll be disappointed, or happy? I think I would be disappointed but not really surprised. I'm not doing as much as I should with my life right now. 😞
  3. This is one of my favourite movies of all time. It's a really long movie and is really only for people who like a good story. There's no action in it or anything so it's just the story that holds you. Does anyone else love this movie? How do you interpret the last scene?
  4. With countries like Korea, Canada and New Zealand getting rid of their pennies, do you think America should follow suit? It really is unnecessary and would save a ton of money in the long run because of production costs. What do you think?
  5. Do you coupon? How long have you been doing it? What made you start couponing? How much would you say you've saved since couponing? How much do you save a month and year compared to before couponing? Also, where are you from? I'm from Hawaii where you can't coupon so would love to see where you can and can't coupon.
  6. Eighteen was always the age people stopped being considered a kid and started to be seen as an adult. This is usually when parents kick you out and you need to learn how to make it on your own. These days, do you think 18 year olds can make it on their own?
  7. Would you put online jobs that you've had on your real life resume? I've worked many jobs online, good ones, but never wanted to put it on my resume because they were remote jobs. I didn't think they would be taken seriously. What do you guys think? Do or would you do it?
  8. What is the dumbest reason you used to quit a job? Why did you leave and what did you tell your employer? I never used reasons to quit. I just didn't show up for my shifts and they got the hint. lol
  9. If someone is too young to do a job or too old to do a job then they shouldn't be hired. It's probably safer for everyone that they not be hired. What do you guys think?
  10. Some people may see it as a red flag because the employer comes off as desperate. Why are they so eager to hire? How bad is their turnaround? I usually don't find it to be a red flag though.
  11. When you're a kid keeping a journal or diary is a phase you usually go through. But do you do it as an adult, too? I like to write but I don't keep a journal. I used to but only because my teacher asked me to write a letter to her everyday and save it in a journal and give it to her after.
  12. Summer is gone and winter is coming up. This means the sun comes out later and goes away a lot earlier. Has it been easy for you to adjust to it? Do you even notice it?
  13. If you're from the United States, what is the minimum wage in your state? Make sure to mention what state you're in. I'm really curious. Also, let me know what the cost of living is in your area and if you're able to live off of minimum wage there.
  14. What are some of the things that you want to do before you kick the bucket? I want to travel as much as I can, go to every state in America, own my own business, buy a house, etc.
  15. If you wanted to create an informational website would you create a blog or a forum? If you were looking for specific information, or had a question about a specific topic, would you rather ask on a blog or a forum?
  16. I don't think this is my biggest turn off, but I hate when someone has a stupid laugh. I don't know why I pay attention to people's laughs but I do. I can't do high pitched laughs from girls, or those monotone sounding laughs.
  17. I've been wanting to do DNA testing for a while but I'm having trouble deciding between Ancestry DNA and 23 and Me. Does anyone here have any first hand experience with either of these? Which one would you go for?
  18. I live in Hawaii where there's only one season so when I get the opportunity to actually experience the seasons I relish it. My favourite season is winter. I love being cold.
  19. Did you watch Roseanne in the eighties and nineties when it aired? It aired for nearly 10 seasons and had millions of viewers each week. Why wouldn't that warrant a reboot?
  20. Jerlene


    What are the obvious reason Roseanne shouldn't have come back? They're not obvious to me. That show broke ground back in the day and was incredibly relatable for a lot of people. It also killed in the Neilsens.
  21. There's not much good on Hulu? You don't like television shows? Or movies? Hulu has a lot on it but the main thing that keeps people going back is the fact that they air new episodes of shows the same night they air on television. They have a lot of good stuff, just not a library as big as Netflix.
  22. Funny is subjective so yes, it is funny to a lot of people. Millions of people for both the original and the revival. That's the main reason they brought it back. It had a loyal audience before, during and after.
  23. Yay! Definitely yay. But I hope it has the same feel as the earlier episodes, not the later ones. The last season especially was hard to watch. It wasn't even the same show anymore toward the end.
  24. That woman is terrible. If I were her boyfriend I would break up with her. She doesn't even deserve that ring. And she wanted to know how to say no and ask for a better ring. What does the ring have to do with saying yes anyway? Just say yes now and upgrade later. But he seriously needs to leave her. She's a gold digger. Ain't nobody got time for that!
  25. I would love the ability to be invisible. I could rob banks with that power. lol I could do pretty much anything and get away with it. Flying would be a cool second though. If I ever get stuck on the side of the road when I'm driving, or just feel like someone is following me, I can just fly away.
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