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Oblivion Knight

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Posts posted by Oblivion Knight

  1. 5 hours ago, Heatman said:

    What's the gameplay of Murdered: Soul Suspect like? Is it a shooting game or adventure based? I do like FPS games most of the time. 

    It's adventure based, it plays a bit like a sandbox game but more confined.. The mechanics of being a ghost and walking through certain walls is pretty cool.

    Well worth the £1.99 I paid for it back in December 2019.. 😅

  2. Are you setting yourself any personal goals or targets for gaming in 2022?

    I know we're not quite there yet, but after a rotten 2020/21 I decided it was time to start looking forward. I've set myself a few goals to try and hit, all of which are on PlayStation platforms, and using TrueTrophies to guide me...

            65% Completion including Owned DLC (by 31/12/22)
            Starting at 56.68%, 396 trophies left with 434 days to go (an average of 0.9 per day).

            50 Platinum Trophies (by 31/12/22)
            Starting at 31, an increase of 19 over 433 days.

            Complete Final Fantasy VII (by 30/06/22)
            Starting at 12 trophies, an increase of 20 trophies over 249 days.

    I'm not pushing the boat out with these by any stretch, but it's something to aim for and hopefully go some way to clearing a bit of my backlog.

  3. I've already noticed that my reaction times and hand-eye coordination perhaps isn't up to the levels of where they used to be, and I'm only in my late 30s.

    It does make me wonder realistically whether I'll be able to continue playing certain types of games beyond a certain age.

  4. Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS4)

    It's a game that I'd already started in May last year, and decided it was perhaps time to finish it off since it's quite an easy playthrough. I'm quite enjoying it, although I did encounter a bug or two while playing it on my PS5. I haven't seen the same issues playing it on PS4 yet..

  5. On 8/15/2021 at 8:46 PM, Shagger said:

    Vice City is my favourite GTA game. Everybody gives the props to San Andreas, but I actually prefer Vice City. I like it's setting I like the pogromist, love the soundtrack and the side missions are much more rewarding that GTA3. 

    Likewise, Vice City is probably my favourite entry in the series to date. It just felt like it was made with a lot of love from Rockstar.

    The characters, storyline, soundtrack, and even the vehicles are all very nostalgic of the 1980's. There's plenty of content and challenge with the game if you don't use cheats. I was very happy to get a port of the game on PS4 with trophies, but disappointed that there had to be some omissions with the soundtrack due to licensing.

  6. Just wondering if anyone else watches or subscribes to Tiametmarduk and his F1 content on YouTube?

    I've been following him for a couple of years now, and what I like about him is that he seems really down-to-earth and game for a laugh. Despite him clearly having a decent skill level at the game (no assists, 110% AI difficulty) he doesn't really boast or brag about it.. Almost the opposite is true, in fact.

    I've never had the pleasure of racing in one of his open lobbies (I still play with several assists enabled), but don't really have the desire to do so either. I just enjoy watching his content, whether it's his journey through career mode in single player, online league racing, or the open lobbies. Sometimes the racing can be more entertaining than the real thing!

  7. Whether or not you're a trophy hunter, how many trophies do you currently have?

    Bronze: 1,916
    Silver: 544
    Gold: 180
    Platinum: 30

    I do consider myself to be a trophy hunter, though I don't resort to "EZPZ" games for easy platinums, and nor do I play repeat stacks of the same game.

    According to TrueTrophies*, I currently have a completion percentage of 56.28% with the DLC that I have started (must do better 😅), and a difficulty ratio of 1.8072 which is pretty decent..
    *This is not an affiliate link, it just takes you to my gaming profile.

  8. Part of me wishes I'd held on to my Xbox 360 Slim that got banned for modding purposes, but similarly I don't have the soldering skills and would have had to pay someone to do it for me.. I seem to recall it's quite a capable console for emulation 🤔

  9. Did you know that Fifa 22 already has trophy issues on the PS5? If like me you're a trophy hunter, and would prefer to avoid starting up any games with similar issues (yes, we're a funny breed), then PST.org has you covered..


    I've seen a few lists of the same ilk, but none are maintained and updated as well as this one 👍 I have no personal affiliation with the site, so hopefully it is ok to be posted here rather than attempting to re-invent the wheel..

  10. I gave it a go, but it wasn't the easiest of things to set up. Booting games directly from the HDD in many cases introduced a number of framerate issues, especially with FMVs, since the data transfer speeds weren't much better than the USB 1.1 ports on the front. I never tried booting Linux from it, I didn't really see the point in doing so..

    (Playing games over Ethernet works much better.. 😇)

  11. On 2/24/2019 at 7:48 AM, DylanC said:

    I purchase from the PS Store all the time. Here in the UK the sale prices can be pretty damn good and are occasionally better than buying from brick and mortar shops. 

    I purchase the majority of my games via the PS Store these days.. I find the prices with Sony's digital sales are generally a lot cheaper than obtaining physical copies, especially if you're prepared to risk shopping around in different regions (Turkey, Indonesia, and Brazil seem to be best).

  12. A past work colleague recommended this game to me.. I did pick it up on Steam in a sale, but I haven't really given it a go yet.

    Apparently you have to be quite specific with words that you use in questioning, and it's one of those games that are better as a couch co-op with friends.. I'd rather play it on PS4 for trophies, but as far as I can tell it's only been in a sale once a few years back.

  13. I've owned older consoles in the past, but in terms of consoles that I own now - my original PlayStation.

    Even that had issues with getting it to work on modern TVs.. I ended up purchasing a HDMI (HD Link) cable, since using older cables was quite problematic. I think there are similar HDMI cables available for older consoles too.

  14. Never, ever be tempted to buy cheap chargers on eBay!

    I did and almost paid the price.. It worked for a few weeks/months, then randomly one day I thought that I could smell smoke. I thought nothing of it, until I started to hear sparking/popping noises and saw it was coming from the charger - it was performing a little firework show!

    I dread to think what may have happened if I left it charging overnight.. 😲

  15. Unlike many, COVID and lockdowns resulted in less gaming time for me.. 😱

    I was going through a rough time financially just before the first lockdown, so decided to take on a second job at a supermarket. Especially since we didn't know what the future held for schools at the time, and I felt the need to protect myself against being furloughed. As it happened, schools were reliant on IT more-so than ever so ended up working both jobs throughout the pandemic (March 2020 - July 2021).

    Only now do I have a bit (not loads) of time to start playing games a bit more again. Adulting sucks.. 😂

  16. I've finished both Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II, and unusually the sequel was far superior to the original.

    I did start playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood quite recently, but got a bit bored with it and haven't picked it up for a while. I should probably try to before I forget the progress I've made and feel compelled to start again.. 😅 It happens quite frequently, hence my backlog.


    On 10/15/2021 at 1:34 AM, Boblee said:

    When it comes to my favorite stealth games, Assassins Creed happens to be my number one. I played a lot of the game on my PS4 more than on my PC. 

    Metal Gear Solid is my favourite, personally.

  17. I used to be one of those gamers.. I remember camping out at my local indie shop for 2-3 days waiting for them to get their delivery of Final Fantasy VIII on the PSone. I was only a teenager at the time.. 🤣

    Now I don't really feel the same affiliation for my favourite game series', and will happily wait for them to drop in price. Even then, I'm in no great rush to play them when I do eventually buy them.. Case in point, I still haven't played Final Fantasy XII yet - and have only briefly played XIII, none of the sequels.

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