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Posts posted by melanie_marie27

  1. I know, I really did think the longer I played, the better chance I'd have to level up and win some real cash. Never happened.

    It's such a fast game, isn't it?

    That timer.. 😬

  2. πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ It's embarrassing, but it's called "The Lover"..

    VERY dirty movie but I swear that's not the reason I like it. The movie would do just fine without all the naughty scenes. I think the storyline is cool. 2 complete opposites meet on a ferry, different in every single way possible. Even in age.

    Great film.

  3. 13 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Too bad, that's the kind of water I'm talking about, which isn't good, same occurs here in my country. They call it pure water', but when you look closely to the water, you'll see it being unpurified, not good for drinking. That's why I prefer making a drinking water for myself, by boiling it and removing the hardness in the water and make it a good water for drinking.

    I used to drink sparkling water all the time, always with a twist of lemon or lime. (Hey that rhymed) 😜 Perrier, which was wayyy too expensive.. and then I moved on to La Croix.

  4. I was just wondering, I know many people re-sell them and then people buy them used.

    Mine is old, and I kept it. It does something strange. It shows "dead battery".. and it's completely useless. Won't work at all, let alone turn on. Then in a couple days, it magically comes back to life, 100% charged.

    And I get to text again. πŸ˜‚ For awhile at least. It's a keeper.

  5. 5 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    It will be much on me, the restaurant foods are quite expensive here in my demographic of I go for those quality and tasty ones that meets my need. I rather cook those delicious meals on my own and cut down expenses.Β 

    That's a wise choice, plus, you can make something like a casserole and have it last for days. Maybe at least 3-4 days. Healthy and affordable.

    McDonald's is good the first time around. But warming it up for later...not so good.

    Taco Bell, yes. Just don't microwave the nachos (soft).

  6. 5 hours ago, Justin11 said:

    Here in my demographic, we call it 'pure water', I don't see much in that pure water bottled water. When you carry out test on the water filled on the bottled water, you'll see contamination in most of them. I prefer boiling water and drinking it later.Β 

    Yeah we did something similar when we first moved here.. put tap water in a glass and watched it overnight. By morning, we saw some little specky-specks floating on top.

    They were brown and orange. 🀒

  7. On 9/22/2022 at 8:48 PM, runswithspatulas said:

    i tried voss it was disgusting.

    i have never had fuji because it's so expensive.

    i like smartwater.

    Smartwater is good too, I've tried it.

    But have you ever been able to find a bottle that is NOT super-sized? πŸ˜‚ I can't. Not around here anyway.

    Has lots of good electrolytes. Nice choice.

  8. On 9/22/2022 at 8:29 PM, Crazycrab said:

    The tap water in Scotland is pretty good so I almost never buy bottled water.

    I would love some good old-fashioned tap water again. It was pretty good at our old house/city.. but then we moved out here more in the country right on a lake.

    The water is.... questionable. I wouldn't call it well water, but almost!

    You are lucky. Enjoy. πŸ’§

  9. 21 hours ago, Heatman said:

    As for my choice of candy, I wasn't that much of a candy person till my babe happened. She got my into eating Milk Duds and my God, I got so addicted to it. If a candy is coming in with my for a movie, it's definitely going to Milk Duds!Β 

    My niece and nephew got some Milk Duds while we were shopping and before we knew it, we finished the entire box before we even got to checkout. We also all felt kinda nauseous. πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

    I think we ate them too fast.

    And yes we still paid for them... Scanned the empty box. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜œ

  10. On 4/8/2022 at 11:21 AM, egghead said:

    I don't use a fitness tracker, however, I am thinking to buy a fitness tracker. What brand or product do you suggest for me?

    Are you just looking to count steps/calories burned, or are you more into heart rate, calories and activity tracked throughout the day?

    If it's the former, I'd say Sportline. I always stick with Sportline. πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

  11. On 11/29/2021 at 11:31 AM, Techno said:

    There are three people hanging off the edge of a cliff, a child, a middle aged man, and a elderly grandfather. You can only save one person, the other two will fall. Who do you choose?

    If it were MY grandpa, I'd choose him! ❀️❀️

    But if these were all random strangers, I guess I would choose the one in the most distress.

  12. 14 hours ago, Heatman said:

    You can't go to the movies without pop corn πŸ˜‚. It's the number movie snack as far as I'm concerned. I also enjoy having Nachos and pizza once in a while.Β 

    YES so good. Gotta have that popcorn.

    We had this AMC theater in Detroit that had popcorn with a side of nacho cheese sauce. So we'd dip the popcorn right in the cheese, piece by piece (your post reminded me of that.)

    Any candy you would choose?

  13. I still use my TV (even though it sometimes "pops" on and off when my room gets too hot.) πŸ˜• I love my TV, I just got really used to it and even though everyone is getting bigger and bigger screens, I've stuck with mine throughout the years.

    I couldn't use my PC to watch much of anything, it's simply too old.

    Which do you use more for watching movies.. PC of TV?

  14. Which do you prefer when listening to music..

    I enjoy YouTube (because of the added bonus of watching a video along with the song.)

    Never used headphones or earplugs.

    And I love listening to the radio while driving. FM only please. πŸ˜‰ 🎢🎢

    What's your choice? Where and how do you listen to music the most?

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