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The Blackangel

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Status Updates posted by The Blackangel

  1. Broken heart. My baby is dying and I'm unable to stop it.😭

    1. Shagger


      I'm so sorry. I know what your animals mean to you.

    2. Reality vs Adventure

      Reality vs Adventure

      Sorry to hear that too. 

  2. Bored. Tired. Hungry. Typical day, really.

  3. Lost the title to my Camaro. Been in panic mode for a week now.

  4. Anyone got a monkey?

    1. Shagger


      Unless you count my 9 year old... no.

  5. Boredom gone nuclear. If something would just fall on my head....

    1. Reality vs Adventure

      Reality vs Adventure

      Boredom is an elevator; waiting for the next floor to get off. You can push buttons, but you still have to wait. Or hit the emergency button, pry open the doors, and climb out. 

  6. Doing better. I wouldn't say doing good yet, but just better.

    1. Shagger


      Hang in there. Glad to know it's getting better.

    2. AndreiMirfi


      Just let the time do its thing. You'll see.

  7. Not sleeping anymore.

    Tired. As. Shit.

    1. Reality vs Adventure

      Reality vs Adventure

      Oh man. How come? I've been pretty tired lately. If I lay down my eyes just want to close. I feel better today. 

    2. Reality vs Adventure

      Reality vs Adventure

      I hate that feeling if I stay up all night. Throws me all out of whack. How long you been up?


    3. AndreiMirfi


      Try some therapy, it might work.

  8. Playing with my new gaming desktop.
    HOLY SHIT!!!!

    1. Shagger


      Great to see. Glad you're enjoying it.

    2. AndreiMirfi
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