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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I never wanted to see 25. And I truly believed that I would never see 30. I honestly believed that I was going to die sometime while I was 29.
  2. For me it has to be having a lucky number and a lucky card. My number is 4, and the card is the king of hearts. I always carry one with me. I've even gone so far as to have a really big king of hearts tattooed on my right calf, taking up almost the whole back of it. With the 4, everything I do has to be in fours. It's a weird compulsion.
  3. People thinking they can use and abuse me without repercussions. I've put a lot of people in the hospital over this. Men and women. But they learned quick to keep their mouth shut afterward. And I have no intention on changing that.
  4. I still cry about my dog Lady. We had to put her down a year and a half ago, and I have worn a vial on a chain around my neck with her ashes, blood, and hair in it. I never take it off for any reason. I even had @Rain Dew take a pair of pliers and clamp the latch to a point that it can't be opened. I'm 42 right now, but if I live to 84 I'll still have this vial around my neck.
  5. I still buy knockoffs instead of any name brand. With an extremely rare exception that is. These days a $10 pair of shoes will last me years due to being stuck in this fucking chair. So I don't see the point in buying $150 Nikes, when I can get everything I need from the $10 knockoffs.
  6. I was kinda forced to learn how to defend myself due to a drunk for a father that got his kicks by beating the shit out of me on a daily basis. He is also the reason I started sleeping with a loaded rifle in my hands when I was 12.
  7. I can't speak for anyone else, but I love listening to music in foreign languages. Musicians like Rammstein, Selena, Hyuna, and lots of others.I don't know what it is, but I just love it. And if you don't know who Selena is, it's time for you to crawl out from under your rock.
  8. I would say hockey players rank up towards the top. They have to be able to skate forwards, backwards, and even sideways before they ever pick up a stick. Then they have to learn the game and start training hard as hell if they want to be able to play at all. Hockey takes discipline, commitment, and a hell of a lot of training. Also I'm not joking about skating sideways. I'm talking literally sideways. Just watch a couple games, and you'll see it.
  9. The one you love. We often get into a rut and so used to waking up next to them that we just take for granted that they will always be there.
  10. Designer anything. I neither need nor want Prada, Gucci, Hermes, or any of that shit. I'll get my clothes and bags at Walmart.
  11. Not scared in the least. I actually LOVE thunderstorms. The more violent, the better.
  12. I don't know martial arts, but I do know how to teach self defense. If I can get the money to pay for things like insurance, training tools, and a good place to teach other than my home, I could start teaching self defense. I have taught a few people some things. But as for an actual class, I haven't gotten that far yet. And yes, I can teach from a wheelchair.
  13. I've drank Pepsi products my entire life. We have Pepsi Max here as well, but it's a different soda than Diet Pepsi. What I really can't stand is the raw sewage that's in those red cans/bottles.
  14. So as the title says, I'm thinking about building a custom PC, or having one built for me. The problem is that I don't know jack shit about building one. I don't know what parts I'll need and what parts I don't need to mess with. So I'm looking for help in doing this. Since I don't know a damn thing about it, I'm going to be wary of what people recommend. I don't trust, and I don't make exceptions. But I know all you PC gamers are educated and up to date so to speak on this, so anything I can be told would be a great help.
  15. I found out that the after taste I was getting wasn't the soda at all. It was the taste of the aluminum. I don't touch soda in a can now. It has to either be in plastic or glass. It's the same with my beer. I only drink from glass.
  16. Now that AI is making it's entrance to the political arena, people can easily make videos that are complete bullshit in an attempt to hurt their opponent in the political race or elevate their preferred candidate. Nothing is real anymore except the bitter hatred between the parties. We've had to deal with a domestic terrorist attack from candyasses who didn't get their way. When someone is that much of a bitch, things are not good. It's pretty clear that Harris/Walz are going to win the election. But I fully expect another domestic terrorist attack to try to seize the White House and install Adolf as the dictator he wants to be.
  17. My recipe is home crafted. I make everything from scratch,
  18. It would be learning Gaelic (Scottish not Irish) or playing guitar. I have my reasons for Gaelic, but not something I want to get into.
  19. Quiet countryside completely isolated. From what I know about the UK, it rains damn near all the time, so I would move there. I love the rain. I especially love when it rains damn near hurricane levels. We have to deal with flash floods all the time here. And the flood of ‘93 destroyed a huge chunk of the state. If I remember right, it’s still listed as the worst flood in a landlocked region in American history.
  20. If we’re strictly talking fast food, it’s Subway. Footlong Italian herbs & cheese bread. Spicy Italian with extra American cheese. Toasted. Lettuce, tomato, parmesan, and A HELL OF A LOT OF JALAPEÑOS. eat not only jalapeños as candy, but habaneros as well. Straight. It’s hard as hell to find a decent fresh jalapeño. It’s also a bitch to just find habaneros at all.
  21. A recurve is what I have to have if I’m going bow hunting. I can’t hit shit with the pins.
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