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Posts posted by kingpotato

  1. Puzzles in games for me are like a default feature, Zelda games for example are not that hard, the true power of Zelda games are the Puzzles, I remember the Ice blocks puzzle from Twilight princess , I spent about an hour on that puzzle alone, At the end it was something very obvious and stupid, but it was fun and I felt accomplished since I didnt had to resort to the internet for help.

  2. On 10/13/2018 at 3:52 PM, Alyxx said:

    Depends on where you get them, unfortunately most sellers are online these days and like to put online prices on things. Unfortunately neither of those games sold particurarily well so the rarity is also taken into account.

    That's true, most sellers these days will charge a lot for any vintage or rare game, I understand that they get harder to get as the years go by

  3. 13 hours ago, DylanC said:

    Everyone I know who bought the kinect IRL had similar feelings to you. Kinect buyer’s remorse was a thing, for sure.

    Personally, I kinda regretted buying an Xbox One. The console ended up having very few exclusives that I was interested in (Cuphead was the only real exception). I ended up selling it when I was in a tightspot cash-wise.

    You are right, I was also interested in buying an Xbox one S this year, for the price mostly and because most of of my old xbox 360 games will work on it , But the lack of exclusives is very disappointing

  4. For me it was an online mobile Yu-gi-oh game, If you wanted good cards you had to pay, if not you had to won at least a dozen battles just to get a booster pack and even the booster pack will only had 1 or 2 decent cards, but winning with just but cards against experienced players with better cards was a miracle.

    Same problem as most free games, If You are rich in real life you are invincible in the game

  5. I used to watch a lot of game shooter videos like Call of Duty around 5 or 6 years ago because I only owned a Wii since it lacked any good AAA shooter game.
    But after getting an Xbox 360 later on I stopped and now I only watch any gameplay video if I'm looking to buy the game.

  6. What's your opinion on the Playstation plus membership vs the Xbox Live?

    I still use my Xbox live membership on my Xbox 360, I like it very much, specially the discounts and the monthly free games. Now for Christmas I'm getting a PS4 but I heard that the PS plus is not worth it aside from using it to play online games.

  7. I will say No more heroes from the Wii, that game was fun, but the main story (if there is one) made no sense whatsoever , and the very best of the game was the Bosses , every one of them stranger than the other ,especially the last boss one twist after another. Oh and to charge your beam sword you had to shake the Wii mote like....well you guys now what I'm talking about

  8. Is there such thing as to much?

    I'm in Love with violent video games, Mortal Kombat , GTA, Gears of war, God of war etc.|
    But I remember playing Manhunt 2 on my PS2 back in the day and that game was to much for me, the violence on that game was creepy, I dont know how to describe it.

    Let me know if you have ever played a video game where the violence made you uncomfortable or your opinion on the topic.

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