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Posts posted by UleTheVee

  1. 26 minutes ago, kingpotato said:

    Well I prefer burnout paradise because of the graphics, although Burnout 3 is the one I played the most on my ps2. I'm not really looking forward playing the game online but its sad to hear that 😔

    Yeah, apparently it's gonna be taken down in a few days.. I don't know exactly when but it's there.

  2. 5 hours ago, kingpotato said:

    the master race civil war started 😆

    this whole talk about burnout makes me want to repurchase Paradise, I think I will pick it up the next time I buy a game.

    I mean, I prefer Burnout 3 Takedown.

    Did you hear that they are taking the servers down for Paradise though?

  3. 6 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    I don't spend on cosmetics to be fair so I guess I also overlook it and you are right. We as gamers have to take some responsibility for overlooking this horrible practice.

    That quote alone screams of complacency.

    You have to denounce them and be vocal rather than just not doing them for the sake of avoiding conflict.

  4. Just now, killamch89 said:

    He was throwing a lot of shade at Anthem and he's absolutely correct. Why is this the new industry norm?

    Because people have allowed it to happen.

    Hell, I'm still the one guy who dennounces ALL MICROTRANSACTIONS. But you all just want to trivialize them when it's cosmetic.. So...

  5. 6 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    I'll take a competitor who will force those two to lower their prices and come out with more innovative products.

    Isn't AMD already doing that? We even made fun of NVIDIA back during CES 2019

  6. 1 minute ago, killamch89 said:

    I agree with you - After all, this EA we're talking about. They're always coming up with new ways to rip off their consumers and they always promise greatness and then deliver absolute crap. Bethesda also said there wouldn't be any microtransactions other than cosmetics and guess what? - they lied. 

    Exactly.. Why are people trusting EA right now? Like, I want that game to be successful to but I would trust literally any other gaming company

  7. 21 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    It took me a couple of days to build my first PC in 2011 because I was so nervous about screwing it up but it worked out. @xXInfectedXx @Darya Take the necessary precautions and don't hurry the process and you'll have your own gaming PC working in no time.

    I actually got it right the first time even though Imade the mistake of installing the motherboard first (lol). So yeah, as long as you keep your head clear and you learn how your comp works, you'll get things going in no time.

  8. 8 hours ago, SpaceExplorer said:

    This is supposed to be a single-player, story-driven game focused on melee lightsaber combat. I don't think there is any point of having microtransactions or loot boxes. Sure, they can add it so you can change the color of your lightsaber or the character's appearance, but Respawn said they have no plans for adding those or DLCs.

    It's EA's decision that's final, but seeing how Apex Legends succeeded, I don't think it's impossible for there to be no additional paid content. I'm sure they've given Respawn more creative freedom because of it, and with such success of Apex Legends and the fact that it's a Star Wars game, people will most likely be tempted to buy it the day it comes out.

    You know that they could also sell progression and upgrades behind microtransactions right?

    Also, it seems like that thunder on Apex Legends is starting to go away


  9. 1 hour ago, killamch89 said:

    They also have hired (poached) a few top-tier tech personnel from both AMD and NVIDIA so it tells me they are quite serious about their endeavor.

    I guess you're right but it doesn't mean they'll be good. What this tells me is that they are going to be on par with AMD and NVIDIAs

  10. 1 hour ago, killamch89 said:

    I could manage those hours in my younger days but now I can only go 2-3 hours at a time before needing a break.

    I never understood why age was a factor. I can still do long gaming sessions.

    I guess it's because it relates to being in the same place? But since I game on my bed I usually shift my position a lot or move around

  11. Gaming Chairs are unique on their own way, they are definitely advertised to offer a great experience for the users. The chair a gamer uses can often be a very important factor when it comes to withstanding such things as fatigue or even back problems. In a way, you could say that a gamer’s most important asset is his chair because of how it keeps you physically ready for anything the competitive scene have to throw at you.  However, there’s also been a rise in complaints regarding problems with the Gaming Chairs themselves. Such complaints talk about aspects like design and comfort, among other things. Some people are just not satisfied with their current Gaming Chair set-up and the people who like their chairs are left wondering why that is the case.

    I am quite indifferent to Gaming Chairs. However, I do enjoy protecting consumers from making bad choices with their hard-earned money. As such, I believe it’s important to take an in-depth look at what the inherent problem with Gaming Chairs is. We’ll talk about the main reasons why people are complaining about the chairs and what could be done to improve them.

    You NEED this, we promise.

    One of the main things that has been bothering me about how Gaming Chairs are sold is definitely the marketing ploys used to promote them. As mentioned before, there has been a lot of advertisement about how Gaming Chairs are supposed to make a “True Gamer”. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen this before, a Gaming Chair is usually advertised behind a lot of bells and whistles. They tell you about how prominent figures in eSports/YouTube use them without an issue and “make gaming better”. It’s one of the reasons why so many people tend to buy Gaming Chairs without hesitation, they are just chasing trends.

    See, a real good chair will not be focusing on aspects such as what eCelebrities use it for their gaming activities. No, quality stuff usually just focuses on things such as comfort and ergonomics to make a product worth sitting on. In other words, not a lot of big brand companies tend to focus on these key aspects, which makes a lot of the complaints much more prevalent. I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out that a huge chunk of the money used for Gaming Chairs is used on the marketing and affiliates. Meanwhile the quality of the chairs themselves is hindered due to how aggressive the marketing needs to be for a rather lackluster product. Of course, the people who end up paying for them are the consumers.

    The Problem Lies in the Core

    Now, a huge problem with Gaming Chairs definitely boils down to the core design itself. See, the human physique requires an adjustable chair that adapts to it, not the other way around. The main problem with Gaming Chairs is that they tend to take inspiration from racing cars on their design. Racing Chairs tend to be designed to prevent the driver from falling off a vehicle while they are sliding all over the place thanks to the movement of the car when facing quick turns and other sorts of obstacles. However, you won’t be finding this sort of movement while playing a video game.

    The main problem with Gaming Chairs is the fact that they are designed for an activity that is NOT gaming or even gaming related. The reasoning behind this is purely on aesthetics alone and we’ll be tackling this in a little bit as well.The armrests feel like they are more of an afterthought than anything. The wing design prevents the user’s arms from coming out too wide; resulting with very uncomfortable armrests. You can’t even use the “Workarounds” like the incorporation of a reclining feature, height adjustment or other things because they often tend to be negated. For example, if you want to use the reclining seat, you’ll have to get rid of the armrests, if you want the pillow behind you, you’re going to be faced with neck strain, so on and so forth.

    Point is, Gaming Chairs are designed for a lot of things, Gaming is not one of them.

    “It does look cool though!”

    And here comes one of the reasons why Gaming Chairs are the hot topic to begin with. Let’s get this out of the way, most of the people who buy a Gaming Chair at a premium price tend to look at the pretty colors. Heck, I dare to say that even the “Gaming” part of the title is enough excuse for them to purchase a product that costs over $100 USD. This isn’t exclusive to Gaming Chairs, of course. This is an issue that expands among a lot of “Gaming” Accessories and Peripherals. If it has a “Gaming” in the title, it must be a product made for quality purposes, right?

    Of course, I will always say that there are a lot of products that don’t need the “Gaming” label in order to be good. As such, a lot of gamers tend to rely on Office Chairs for a maximum amount of comfort and ease of use that doesn’t strain their bodies. Just because a product looks cool doesn’t mean it will actually help you. As such, I’ll say to those who are considering their next choice of Gaming Chair that they should check that it fits their bodies and keeps them from having or developing back problems.

    For the Stubborn Ones

    We’ve come to the point of this research project where I make a suggestion for those gamers who’ve seen this information and still want to buy a Racing Gaming Chair. I have decided to go out of my way and perform a few interviews with different members of the Gaming Community, along with a few recommendations regarding their preferred Gaming Chairs.

    A) The Maxnomic Dominator (CamTSB, Mane6 Game Developer) Price: $369.00 USD


    “I have had some un-enjoyable back problems for a good chunk of my life, and this chair is pretty dang comfortable for me. The chair is extremely adjustable both in terms of height adjustment, as well as in placement of the back support pillows, and the headrest pillows. The leaning and the lock-position for said lean is really nice when I don't want the chair to move too much while I'm doing something.”

    B) The Arozzi Verona Pro (Lewis, Smash Bros. Community Member) Price: $259.99


    “This gaming chair is really good for personal comfort due to the adjustable cushions, height, and armrests. So you can fit it to what's most comfortable to you. An Office Chair is still more comfortable for sitting all day, but this chair is pretty good for Gaming.”

    C) DxRacer King Series (Bruteforce123, GameDetectives) Price: $600 CAD


    “I'm a bigger fella’ so most chairs while I fit in them don't really feel like they supported me sufficiently. I barely feel like I am sitting in it most of the time its so comfortable. And since I tend to be in it for hours it certainly is nice to have.The construction quality really shows in that it doesn't feel weak, the bolts it can with are big and there's not a hint of wood or small thin pieces of metal that could be fatigued from use.”

    As you may have noticed, the chairs tend to go at prices higher than $200 USD. The very reason behind this is the fact that the quality control is actually taken care of here and most of these chairs tend to be custom made in order to fit back problems or other sort of conditions. Of course, people can alternatively look for Office Chairs which offer a better effect.

    Conclusion: Does the Chair make the gamer?

    To be honest, I think that there is a very important point that needs to be made about Gaming Chairs themselves. They are definitely not a requirement for a gamer to actually be proficient at what they do. It’s an accessory, much like every single part of a computer that can be upgraded. There are definitely alternatives that can be way cheaper, especially with Office Chairs. However, everybody loves a very good looking chair to decorate their room, so you can’t blame them for making that choice.

    Some of the common criticisms regarding Gaming Chairs come down to the design aspect. Some suggestions for improvements in chairs go along the lines of having the Pillows be filled with Foam, removing the armrests and have the pillows stick to the chair more securely. Of course, there is a large list of problems with the very core concept of Gaming Chairs. However, it should be noted that Racing Gaming Chairs are here to stay at this point. Unless the manufacturers of the Chairs shift their focus all of a sudden, we’ll have to deal with these flawed Chairs.

    In the end, a Gaming Chair doesn’t make the gamer. It’s better to use the money and resources on buying materials such as Graphics Cards, Peripherals and other sorts of stuff. You’ll end up finding that even a bed can make a great seat for your gaming sessions.

  12. 2 hours ago, Darya said:

    Oh my god. I get gaming laptops, but not too sure if a 'gaming phone' is going to be a great idea. Unless you have an absolute garbage phone, current smartphones are just fine for the games that they offer.

    Not really, a lot of phones can't properly run games at 60 FPS and gaming phones are supposedly engineered to prevent this.

    2 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    These gaming smartphones are a gimmick - they offer very negligible performance over standard smartphones during gaming but overheat way faster and the accessories for these phones are ridiculously expensive.

    I am with you on this one. Not only that, but it's tencent that's making it, I'm pretty sure it has a lot of programs that send user data to CHina or something.

  13. 1 hour ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    @killamch89and @UleTheVee I would like to thank you for your helpful response to my post. Probably the best option is to assemble the parts and machine together yourself as I know a PC Shop Assistant will charge me A LOT of money for something that can easily be self-taught. I can confirm that I do have a screwdriver kit with various sizes so this is something that I don't have to worry about. Are there any specific tutorials on YouTube you would recommend? Thanks. 


    56 minutes ago, Darya said:

    I'm with @xXInfectedXx on this. Given that I have the technological knowledge of a baby seal, I'd probably blow something up if I tried to build my own computer, regardless of whether or not I had a tutorial. 

    If you feel that's the case, buy a junker computer with really old parts and constantly arm it and disarm it until you feel the flow of the building. EVeryone has to start somewhere and I can tell you as much because I have been building PC's since the beginning,

  14. 2 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Just to add, I haven't heard any of these gaming journalists calling out EA for doing something that was an industry standard up until recently and calling it revolutionary. Instead, they are calling out EA based on the character's race and gender...

    Yeah, why do you think I am saying they are being racist? XD

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