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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 7 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    I mean, let's go back to Resident Evil 2 and my question of "Is that thing you're saying actually holding up?" comes up. Like.. Let's not kid ourselves, there are many games which offer a complete experience at no additional cost with more content for people who love it. Sure, the model can be abused (And it HAS BEEN abused by american companies) but even so there are games like the BlazBlue series which had their own complete story mode and such without trying to go after player's wallets.

    Also, you know you could argue the same thing about games with DLC right? "You didn't have to buy the DLC for the game". Not to mention, what's 10 to 20 dollars compared to a FULL GAME PRICE?

    Except that with games especially from AAA companies (COD for example), the DLCs usually cost almost as much as the original game and the DLC itself doesn't add that much content. Yes, Resident Evil is an exception to the rule by giving us free DLCs but it's weird that the standard nowadays is that you pay for a game, end up with having to pay for DLCs when you already spent $60 dollars on the game. GTA online also give free DLCs but it requires spending upwards of $200 dollars to acquire most of the stuff that comes in the DLC. Yes, you could do heists and other stuff repeatedly but all it turns into is a massive grind that'll take maybe 2-3 months to get half of the stuff in a DLC. I am using the current industry practices of EA and the bigger corporations as they are the ones that set the trends in the gaming industry.


  2. 1 minute ago, UleTheVee said:

    And buying game re-releases of old games (The MANY editions of Street Fighter II) isn't kind of worse because you have to buy a new game for the sake of an update?

    The difference is those were optional - You could still complete the original game without buying the remakes. Most of the games nowadays purposely give you an incomplete game which forces you to buy the DLCs. I agree that selling many re-releases of older games is a horrible practice (one of the many that are quite overlooked in the gaming industry) but the DLCs of most modern games cost even more than the original game itself and that is quite disturbing.

  3. 1 minute ago, UleTheVee said:

    Uhm, wasn't Mega Man X2 (or any game with a FX chip for that matter) problematic because of the asking price?

    Also since we're on the subject of prices... I thought NES and SNES games costed 40-60?

    I remember most games being at $35 to $40 dollars - I'm not sure about $60 dollars. On top of that, you have to purchase DLC packs for modern games which takes the price way over $60 dollars and then add to that the microtransaction systems in-game take the amount of money spent on one game to astronomical levels.

  4. 1 hour ago, StaceyPowers said:

    I do think that goes a long ways. It's refreshing, and the game's weird sense of humour allows it to express itself through striking visuals and also lets the devs play around with some surreal events and features each season.

    I agree, the content is very unique and wacky but it fits the game's tone perfectly.

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