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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 20 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I agree that is true. But the thing is that complete atmospheric horror can be fatal for the mind too. So having some distracting sound can be good. Because we should limit each emotion to certain extent. 

    I don't know of anyone who plays a horror game to be not that scared - Most people play it to be scared out of their wits and the atmospheric sounds help with that. For instance, in Alien Isolation your character in-game starts to hyperventilate when an Alien is nearby and you can literally feel that fear.

  2. 20 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I don't know why but I have noticed the heating issues with the HP and Dell laptops. I have pretty good experience with the mac and the Lenovo. My current machine is lenovo. And it seems like a good option to get it if you don't want machines that get heated up. I avoid AMD for the work place machine for this reason, lot of heat dissipation. 

    My Acer does pretty well and hardly overheats even without the cooling pad. I used to have a Toshiba back in the days that was like a substitute heater - I literally had to open windows and crank up the AC just to use that thing😄

  3. On 4/14/2019 at 11:48 PM, Darya said:

    This could just be me, but I feel like, in addition to what's been said, there's this huge lack of original storylines. From what I've seen as of late, and what has really dulled my interest in video games is the complete lack of fresh content- to me all these newer video games are just recycled plots with a few newer features and younger players chucked into the cocktail.

    They definitely dumbed down the Storyline quality to appeal to younger audiences and that goes for the broader audience because most of them do not care about a well-written story. It's all about the action.

  4. On 4/23/2019 at 2:16 PM, UleTheVee said:

    Yes, but how exciting can it get when the matches are rigged to fit what the AI wants? It simply doesn't become that impressive anymore

    I agree. It's not like the AI is showing adaptive capabilities to deal with a situation which it wasn't programmed in any way to solve. None of these AI tests really convince me at all.

  5. Anybody here used to watch "Tales From The Crypt" on HBO back in the '90s? It had some pretty horrifying episodes but some of the deaths were surprisingly funny as well.

  6. 21 hours ago, Aerielle del Rosario said:

    I use steam and don't worry I pay for my games but when it comes to obsolete games, It's kinda hard to find 😢 so my friend uses skidrow and I just play it on my friend's computer. So that's how I learn about it and I know it is piracy (not encouraging it) yet suggested in case you want to look for a rare game that you don't know and just look for legal websites to pay or to play it 😄 yeah I also didn't know any better 😉

    I understand when looking for games for emulators because they are pretty hard to find.

  7. 18 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Custom built is often fun when you have time. Because often you have other commitment and you don't want to spend time on the custom built stuff. Often pre built if can be a good option for the building I may prefer that. 

    A lot of times, I find that the wiring among other things in pre-built PCs to be poorly done and the sad part is you can't really adjust it yourself or else your warranty will be voided.

  8. 12 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    Ah, I get you now. Sorry I posted that last night in bed around midnight I think, and I was a pretty wasted. So If there's anything that was posted late from me, it's probably not going to make a damn bit of sense.

    No worries mate.

  9. On 4/16/2019 at 3:01 AM, UleTheVee said:

    Well, knowing about the concept about megapatches and roadmaps I'm pretty sure it's a bad game that'll eventually become good or something,.

    It's a somewhat decent game now(at least that's what my friend tries to convince me of). It isn't managed by Bethesda so it won't become Fallout 76 bad and they do have regular updates and new content for the game but I just don't care about it for some reason. Normally, anything with Elder Scrolls on it would have my attention but I never did find the game that interesting (even when I played the first time around).

  10. Skyrim SE is one of the worst remasters I have ever come across. I mean why would you remake the game with the same god-damn bugs in it as the original and make absolutely no attempt to fix them AT ALL and then sell it for $60 dollars.

  11. Depending on the character's philosophy, their choices are always different and not two characters I create will ever make exactly the same choices for the same events in-game. I've created "villains" with good intentions but horrible execution of such intentions and I've also created "heroes" whose arrogance and self-righteousness causes him to make some questionable decisions. My characters are usually very complex (just like myself) individuals.

  12. 53 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    There is a problem with some people who have developmental issues being addicted to gaming. But they are typically the ones that play virtually 100% of the time they're awake, they hate sleeping because it takes away game time, and they can't distinguish real life from the game world. That's addiction. There are people who game way too much, but I wouldn't call it addiction. I'm willing to bet that there's a few people here that are like that. I'll admit that I game too much. But being in a wheelchair doesn't leave me many options to keep myself entertained. And I have a psychological problem where if I don't have something to keep my hands busy I'll start having panic attacks. That's why I have a small TV next to my computer that I game on while I'm online. I'm also a YouTube addict. So I have to have some form to game.

    How do you deal with your panic attacks? Do you have any breathing exercises or anything like that to calm you down or is it some form of medication that helps you to calm down?

  13. 3 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    I found a Press Release in Gamasutra which has the same ad that this one has.

    However, I DID finally find the infamous game on the Play Store. Unsurprisingly, it's an asset flip in the trailers and according to this review, it has nothingbut the title screen and no game attached to it.


    Also, my phone is also not compatible with this game... So add that to the pile of questions considering it asks for an Android 4 or up device.

    Thanks for the heads-up and it isn't compatible with my device either.

  14. 3 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    You know.. Not too long ago @Alyxx told me that her views on Anthem and F76 changed drastically due to the awful states they are in... I actually am going to write an Ule's View on this because this is a problem in the industry that will actually become worse

    This is a disturbing trend and the fact the Bioware Devs are now trying to say the game was in "Early Access". They could have said that before the game was launched and probably not sold it for like $60. They could have given it more time before release to sort out the issues but as usual for triple-A companies, money comes first.

  15. This is a downright mess and I don't see any way back for Bioware if they even have a future. The fact that they will blatantly lie and say the game is in Early Access long after it has been released is absolutely disgusting. What do you guys think about this latest development?

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