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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. Freeroms.com was a very good site a couple years ago because that is where I got my GBA emulator games up to a couple years ago but doing a quick check it seems that they are now labeled an unsafe site.

  2. 18 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    Aranea! She's another of my faves. Like you said, powerful--and I also felt sorry for her being essentially daedra-dumped by Azura with nothing to do. I like bringing her along.

    Me too as I usually love to have an all-mage team with me. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Alyxx said:

    I'm neutral. I believe it is up to the parents, but I would put more focus on being a good parent than what games your child plays.

    My sentiments exactly. If the video game is the one doing the parenting, there is something seriously lacking in the parenting skills of said parent.

  4. 2 hours ago, DylanC said:

    The PS Classic mini has sadly been a massive failure. A weak lineup of games combined with poor emulation and a high price point has doomed it to the bargain bin here in the UK. Shame. Could’ve been something truly special.

    I am glad that consumers are starting to be more sensible when purchasing video games and not just buying into the nostalgia of a classic console especially when it is so poorly priced.

  5. 36 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    I don't see any problem with it, to be honest. When I was around 6 or 7, I played Grand Theft Auto Vice City for the first time ever and I loved it. I didn't even care about certain aspects of the game, for me, it was great because it was the first open world and driving game that I experienced and had a chance at playing. It didn't mess me up and I don't think any games affect anyone really. It's all up to the individual. 

    And parenting. What I have noticed is that the media and society on a hold try to blame everything and everyone else for messing up a child and never really tries to hold the parents accountable for how they raise their children.

  6. 1 hour ago, DarthHazard said:

    That is a pretty dirty and dishonest tactic and it's a short-term plan really. It will never work in the long run and will only cost you more money, in my opinion. You can use the same example of No Man's Sky for this. They got a lot of pre-orders and sales for the game but the moment people realised the game was awful, they didn't want it and returned it. I believe Steam actually started accepting mass returns for the game based on "false promises".

    Hell, most infomercials thrive off the same principle. They promise you that the item they are selling can give you superpowers and everything in the cosmos and yet when you purchase and receive the item, it hardly does diddly-squat. The worse part is, this has been happening for over a decade now. It's one of those things that crept into gaming sometime in the early 2000s.

  7. 33 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    I saw something about that on Reddit but didn't really understand it fully. I know that Tenacent (or whatever they're called) is based in China and apparently in the Terms & Conditions, it says something about sharing information with them right?

    That's a definite pass. Nope, not going to happen - Why should we give up our information to some company in China nobody really knows about?

  8. 40 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    I actually didn't watch that much gaming videos in 2018 actually. It would be interesting to see what the statistic was like for 2017 because I definitely contributed to that. But this year, I watched a lot less gaming videos, the majority of them being either early gameplay videos or trailers. I did also watch a few videos on certain games by YouTubers like Vanoss but that's it. I've just been too busy this year to have the time to watch gaming and even if I did, I just think that personally I've slightly become bored of watching others play 

    I agree mostly with what you said as in I hardly have time to watch somebody else game unless I am trying to learn something from it.

  9. 10 hours ago, Scottypops said:

    I like Bing. I know the results aren't as accurate as Google's but the user experience is superior in my opinion.

    I never really tried Bing to be honest although I have known about it for close to a decade.


    13 hours ago, DC said:

    Not only that, but the most accurate as well. I've tried other search engines and without a doubt Google has the most superior algorithm. 

    Yes, the Google algorithm is pretty advanced.

  10. Just now, StaceyPowers said:

    Thanks for all the tips and advice! I know one needs to use a rifle and not a shotgun, but to what extent have you discovered it is a numbers game?

    I guess it's because I used to work in law enforcement but you kind of have to profile your client and see what they are lacking and how your skills helps to solve the problem.

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