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Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?

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My choice is animals every time simply because it'd be cool to travel on a whale's back while being at the beach or having animals help me locate someone or even keep an eye on them. Electronics as of now has so many limitations that I wouldn't really like that. What's your choice? Comment down below.

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11 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Animals. I could live alone and know exactly how they are doing health wise, and make my pets all get along. I could also have some of our less friendly animals pay my enemies a visit or two. Think venomous snakes and worse.

Hell, you could even make the animals act as your own security system constantly keeping an eye on your surroundings so no one will be able to approach you unless you allow them to.

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1 hour ago, killamch89 said:

That's actually a good one. I just find the concept of every animal in the area acting as my personal security and transport more appealing.

It does sound fun, but I would not want to endanger their lives.

1 hour ago, The Blackangel said:

I had thought about the money part. I would add like 12-13 digits to my bank account balance. But since animals mean more to me than money, I would rather be able to communicate with them, and in some instances control them for their own safety.

Yes, it is a tough call. I could use the $$$ to help animals too though 🙂

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