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Train or Plane?

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  1. Able to walk around and space is better
  2. On board toilets and also food cafes if on a all day train.
  3. Tables and to comfort chairs
  4. Able to see the lands and homes and scenery
  5. Here in the UK it's not cheap


  1. Get to where you need to be far more faster then car or train
  2. Go over water 
  3. Offers more food on longer flights 
  4. On flight TV shows and films
  5. space is very linited to move
  6. cheaper then trains at times
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Never been on a train in my life. Aside from the subways in NY, they're not common here in the US. But I have flown several times. I hate it. I have a severe fear of heights, and a 10,000 ton chunk of metal with 10,000 gallons of highly explosive fuel denying gravity IS NOT FUCKING NATURAL!!!! I AM NOT A GOD DAMN BIRD!!!!

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7 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Never been on a train in my life. Aside from the subways in NY, they're not common here in the US. But I have flown several times. I hate it. I have a severe fear of heights, and a 10,000 ton chunk of metal with 10,000 gallons of highly explosive fuel denying gravity IS NOT FUCKING NATURAL!!!! I AM NOT A GOD DAMN BIRD!!!!

Same - I've only ever really taken trains in New York and it's not my kettle of tea at all. As for planes, the only part I don't like are rough landings but otherwise, I quite like it especially the view from above the clouds.

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