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Honesty or Other’s Feelings?

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I speak my mind. I always have. That has upset a lot of people too. I don't sugarcoat or beat around the bush. I hate it when people do that. I don't want people to do that with me, so why would I do it with them. I don't care if it's going to hurt my feelings. The only way I can grow and improve is with the unaltered truth. If I try to sing a song, and sound like I'm going through a garbage disposal ass first, then for the love of the Gods, tell me. But if you want me to sugarcoat something, it's not gonna happen. I don't care if I hurt your feelings. If you ask me if those jeans make you look fat, and they do, then I'll tell you that Yes, they make you look fat. If you don't want the unapologetic truth, then I'm the wrong one to come to. It doesn't matter who it is. I'll tell the queen what I think of her without tact. The good, the bad, and the ugly. If that gets me in the tower, then so be it. But being that I'm American, it would most likely get me deported and banned from the country. But hey, as long as I got to see a few sites, and visit Scotland (vast majority of my heritage), I would be fine with that. There's plenty of other places in the world to visit, and millions of other things to see.

So what do you do when you want someone to "let you down easy" as they say? You ask your mother. If your mother is no longer in the picture, you ask a wall. What do you do when you want someone to give it to you straight, no matter how that will affect you and the relationship between you? You can come to me if you're brave enough. Like I said, there will be no tact.

The thing people don't like about me is, as already stated, that I don't care if I hurt your feelings. If you ask me an honest question, you get an honest answer. If you ask me an asinine question, then you will get an asinine answer.

A woman got in my face at Walmart one day. It was apparent that she didn't like my outfit. She finally asked me why I would wear something like that, called me a slut, and other shit. I was done with her at that point. I looked at her and very loudly said "Because my fucking Klan hood is dirty!"

I don't have a Klan hood as I'm not an inbred racist. But she wanted to act like an idiot, so I treated her like one. There were other events in that whole situation, but nothing that I feel like getting into here, as I'm a violent person.

So do I care, that I may insult you with honesty? Not one damn bit. You asked for honesty, you get honesty.

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4 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

I speak my mind. I always have. That has upset a lot of people too. I don't sugarcoat or beat around the bush. I hate it when people do that. I don't want people to do that with me, so why would I do it with them. I don't care if it's going to hurt my feelings. The only way I can grow and improve is with the unaltered truth. If I try to sing a song, and sound like I'm going through a garbage disposal ass first, then for the love of the Gods, tell me. But if you want me to sugarcoat something, it's not gonna happen. I don't care if I hurt your feelings. If you ask me if those jeans make you look fat, and they do, then I'll tell you that Yes, they make you look fat. If you don't want the unapologetic truth, then I'm the wrong one to come to. It doesn't matter who it is. I'll tell the queen what I think of her without tact. The good, the bad, and the ugly. If that gets me in the tower, then so be it. But being that I'm American, it would most likely get me deported and banned from the country. But hey, as long as I got to see a few sites, and visit Scotland (vast majority of my heritage), I would be fine with that. There's plenty of other places in the world to visit, and millions of other things to see.

So what do you do when you want someone to "let you down easy" as they say? You ask your mother. If your mother is no longer in the picture, you ask a wall. What do you do when you want someone to give it to you straight, no matter how that will affect you and the relationship between you? You can come to me if you're brave enough. Like I said, there will be no tact.

The thing people don't like about me is, as already stated, that I don't care if I hurt your feelings. If you ask me an honest question, you get an honest answer. If you ask me an asinine question, then you will get an asinine answer.

A woman got in my face at Walmart one day. It was apparent that she didn't like my outfit. She finally asked me why I would wear something like that, called me a slut, and other shit. I was done with her at that point. I looked at her and very loudly said "Because my fucking Klan hood is dirty!"

I don't have a Klan hood as I'm not an inbred racist. But she wanted to act like an idiot, so I treated her like one. There were other events in that whole situation, but nothing that I feel like getting into here, as I'm a violent person.

So do I care, that I may insult you with honesty? Not one damn bit. You asked for honesty, you get honesty.

Same here - some people hate talking to me because I tend to be blunt honest about most things. I always say the same thing " I appreciate the people that'll tell me the truth because it'll help me down the road rather than have me believing a lie".

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My grandma and mother are hardcore tell it to your face like it is-in their reality. That's what hurts. It's when someone is honest in their own mind and just says things that come out as insults. Their reality or opinion may not be true. So I say, think before you speak. Cause you have no idea the things you can set in motion in some people. There are so many random killings and shootings and mental abuse; where did it all come from? Your close peers play a big role. Remember that your honesty is an opinion at times. Don't assume your honesty is always correct in regards to opinions. You should always be honest. But honesty takes responsibility too. Honesty requires sympathy. Then when you have that sympathy for another's feelings, then you know how to be honest with them to enable them to be productive instead of insulted and mentally broken. 

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Ooh I've been told so many times online that I'm blunt and at times it's hurt some feelings. I don't like to purposely sugar coat things but there are times with some types of discussions that I'm aware I have to speak with a little more gentleness. But I do believe the truth needs to be stated in most cases.

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9 hours ago, Lämmchen said:

Ooh I've been told so many times online that I'm blunt and at times it's hurt some feelings. I don't like to purposely sugar coat things but there are times with some types of discussions that I'm aware I have to speak with a little more gentleness. But I do believe the truth needs to be stated in most cases.

Lying to people helps no one. Tell them the truth might sting at first but they'll eventually thank you in the long run.

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A few lies that have always pissed me off are the whole Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Faerie bullshit. There is no purpose or reason to tell your kid those stupid ass lies. If you're going to lie to them then explain how a drunk got 2 of every animal on earth on a 400' boat that he built in 30 days.

And if you can do it logically, explain to me WHY THE FUCK THEY'RE STILL LOOKING FOR CHRIST'S DICK SKIN FROM HIS CIRCUMCISION. The nails from his crucifixion should hold priority over that shouldn't it? Xtianity makes no god damn sense.

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