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The Blackangel

Trump Properties Targeted In Money Laundering Investigation In Scotland

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Well, to be honest this sounds like the same kind of scheme rich businessmen/businesswoman do all the time. Operate businesses in one country to then have them register thier accounts, funds, business addressees, licences or whatever in a completely different country to avoid paying taxes. We all know they're all at it. So, to me this is Trump the businessman, NOT  Trump the ex-president of the US or politician, being Trump the businessman. It's obviously wrong, so I hope this investigation is successful so Scotland can finally be rid of him. We've been hunting for excuses to wash our hands clean of him for years.

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Trump is no businessman, he is a conman. Businessmen follow the laws and earn a living legally. Trump had a fake university to con people into money where there was a settlement of $25 million. He doesn't pay what he owes and filed multiple bankruptcies. He refuses to hand over his taxes. He had all kinds of conflicts of interest in office. There is no telling the extent of the trouble he is in if his finances were transparent over the last couple decades. He is a lifetime crook. He is no businessman. People who operate a business legally and has no problem sharing their taxes with the public is a legit businessman. If crooks were businessmen then the mafia and cartels are businessmen. Trump is nothing but a criminal thug. If the obstructers would get out of the way, trump no doubt would be in legal trouble and he would flee to russia with the U.S. confidential secrets. I can see him now wobbling his ass to russia running from America. But since his criminality is protected like a mafia racket and his cult could care less about laws anymore, he just might become the 1st American dictator. His lifetime criminality would be complete. He would be the all time greatest conman. 

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Bankruptcies - 4
Failed Marriages - 3
Trump University - Failed
Trump Magazine - Failed
gotrump.com - Failed
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Steak - Failed
Trump Mortgage - Failed
Trump Casino - Failed


Taxes paid - 0.00%


The numbers are horseshit to put it politely. The fact that he has avoided paying tax for so long and not been prosecuted yet tells me that he somehow has had the IRS in his pocket for the last several decades. As for releasing his tax returns, that is physically impossible. You can't release something that doesn't exist. He has no tax returns because he hasn't paid any taxes, which by this time is a multiple felony case. It's like releasing a crossbreed between Bigfoot and Nessie from the San Diego Zoo. It doesn't exist so it can't be released. There's a better chance of me shitting out his tax returns after eating the fecal matter left behind when the rodeo leaves town. For those not following that: I would be more likely to shit out his tax returns after eating all the bullshit left behind.

Yet people thought a career conman with all those failures was the best choice to run this country. And they were right, they just didn't finish the thought.

He was the right man to run this country............. into the ground.

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