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Do you think Konami will remaster SH1 & SH3 in a double set?

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I did find it weird that Konami decided to skip SH1 and go for SH2 to make a remaster, but after hearing what others have said, it kinda makes sense to start with the biggest game of your series, and SH2 clearly was that game. It's talked about in discussions about classic horror games. As well, SH1 connects with SH3, so my guess now, is that they will focus on SH2, then make a SH1 & SH3 combo set. Since I imagine SH1 isn't that long, they could probably get away making it a two parter. This way we can get SH1 & 3 together to connect their stories better. 

If SH2 remake does really well, which I think it's going to end up selling like crazy, then they will for sure look into remaking SH1 and 3. And maybe even 4. But I am doubtful they will bother with 4. But you never know. 

What do you think? They could release SH1 & 3 separately, but I think it'd make more sense to include both, just for new fans to understand that these two games are connected. 

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We might get a remaster or even a remake but for now there isn't any news or report about it, silent Hill 2 didn't really sell back in the day as much as Konami expected so a remake might be possible to bring back the game again.

So far we've only been getting sequels of the silent Hill series but no remakes.

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SH1 is a PS1 exclusive, while SH2 and SH3 are anyone's guess. Konami released SH4 on the GOG store in 2020, but the other two are still MIA. A couple of Metal Gear Solid games were removed from GOG due to a licensing issue with the in-game music and footage, so it's possible that the legal dispute with the voice actors from 2012 is why they haven't been re-released on PC.

There's hope that some of them will be released on Playstation Plus Premium at some point.

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