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Will you be watching The Exorcist: Believer?

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I was watching something on YouTube today that my son showed me and he got an advertisement for The Exorcist: Believer which is going to be releasing on October the 6th 2023. 

The trailer did look good but I can't help but feel like because of the society we live in now, the movie will be quite dumbed-down as opposed to the exorcist movies we have seen in the past. 

Will you be watching The Exorcist: Believer when it releases? 

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From what I am hearing so far, it's not even released for all yet and we are seeing bad reviews for it already. 

This is definitely going to be a movie that you will have to watch and make a decision yourself regarding how the movie is but bad reviews already are never good.

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It reached number-one over the weekend. People sucked you know what in hell for it, no doubt. Which is why so many movies are overrated, and I knew it would claim the top spot, because these people like the popularity of the originals too much not to, and I think box office placings are mostly predetermined so they are bound to be successful if they aren't competing or duking it out with anything else that's popular (in the same week). But this recycling of old franchises ain't helping to bring in new ideas. 🤔

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Honestly, I haven't checked it out and didn't even know a new exorcist came out or maybe I did hear about it and just didn't care.

On 10/8/2023 at 7:22 AM, Knight Plug said:

It reached number-one over the weekend. People sucked you know what in hell for it, no doubt. Which is why so many movies are overrated, and I knew it would claim the top spot, because these people like the popularity of the originals too much not to, and I think box office placings are mostly predetermined so they are bound to be successful if they aren't competing or duking it out with anything else that's popular (in the same week). But this recycling of old franchises ain't helping to bring in new ideas. 🤔

I totally agree - they keep releasing sequels of old series because a lot of the more modern movie series are absolute garbage with unoriginal plots and horrible acting.

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I'm a huge fan of the original Exorcist movies, and I have to admit that the trailer for Believer look pretty promising too. I'll definitely still be watching it, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high on it.


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