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Biggest letdown games?

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When No Man's Sky came out, lots of gamers declared it was a terrible letdown--to the point where I think a lot of gamers since have acknowledged that it wasn't a bad  game--it just failed to live up to the hype.

What games have you been most let down by in terms of expectations versus reality?  

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5 hours ago, DylanC said:

Easily Aliens Colonial Marines. Gearbox literally had an open goal with that IP and they bloody scuppered it. What a wasted opportunity. Abysmal game.

I kind of enjoyed it but yeah, it was still a massive letdown...

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17 hours ago, Joant73 said:

Shadow of War was a bit of a let down for me.  I loved Shadow of Mordor but the second one just felt like more of the same, didn't really see many improvements.  Still fun I was just hoping for more. 

Yeah, I loved Shadow of Mordor as well. Was really put off by all the micro transaction shenanigans WB focused on for the sequel so never got around to playing Shadow Of War. May pick it up in a sale down the line. The Nemesis system was awesome.

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5 hours ago, DylanC said:

Yeah, I loved Shadow of Mordor as well. Was really put off by all the micro transaction shenanigans WB focused on for the sequel so never got around to playing Shadow Of War. May pick it up in a sale down the line. The Nemesis system was awesome.

If you can get it for cheap it is probably worth it, still a fun game.  And yea the Nemesis system is really cool, definitely a fun concept.  AC Odyssey does something kind of similar with their mercenary system, so its cool to see that system working its way into other games. 

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