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Can Molag Bal Be Considered "Evil"?

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Molag Bal is one of the Daedric Princes in the Elder Scrolls lore and is known as the prince of dominance and spiritual enslavement. He also well known for inflicting pain and misery on the mortals of Nirn, causing all kinds of chaos, creating vampirism and making several attempts at invading and merging the mortal realm with his own Oblivion plane. He'll try to turn the most noble of mortals into monsters (how vampirism came about). His methods are cruel and sadistic (rape, torture, spiritual enslavement etc.). On the other hand, he derives pleasure and has admiration for mortals that manage to derail his plans or defy him. Now here me out - he's cruel, I'll give him that but his actions are a way of dominating his targets (Domination is his thing after all). His constant attempts at invading Nirn is to dominate it as well - it's just his nature. Do you think Molag Bal is "evil" in the traditional sense?

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The obvious answer is yes. He is a sadistic, selfish sociopath. I suppose you could consider his evil behaviour to be more like force of nature rather than will, like a storm on the horizon or volcanic eruption, but what's clear is he (and the other Deadric Princes) dose possess a will of his own and the ability to make choices. Choices limited by his purpose of being, but choices none the less.


In conclusion, yes, he is evil. 

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6 hours ago, Shagger said:

The obvious answer is yes. He is a sadistic, selfish sociopath. I suppose you could consider his evil behaviour to be more like force of nature rather than will, like a storm on the horizon or volcanic eruption, but what's clear is he (and the other Deadric Princes) dose possess a will of his own and the ability to make choices. Choices limited by his purpose of being, but choices none the less.


In conclusion, yes, he is evil. 

You're mostly right but I think its his nature that makes him commit such acts. As I briefly mentioned, his dominating nature tends to fuel his need to take over and invade everything and that's why he keeps trying to enter the world of Tamriel. 

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