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Xbox consoles’ new web browser can run Google Stadia

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Well that's something I guess. Could mean we can have more options for gaming, right on our xbox consoles. I guess MS is testing a new Edge Chromium browser for the Xbox consoles. I guess current beta testers for the Xbox side of things, can test out this new browser. This is pretty cool stuff, considering the current browser the Xbox has is pretty awful. I wouldn't mind having the option to stream content on this browser. It would open the Xbox up for many possibilities. 🙂 Which means, we can probably also play Amazon Luna and other game streaming services. 

You can read about this news here - Video games Chronicle

Edited by Kane99
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The question is who actually uses Google Stadia? I mean with all the recent events, I'm sure that most gamers are staying far from that calamitous streaming platform. They're being sued into the ground because they couldn't deliver on half of the promises they made.

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This little "revelation" is waste of time. Obviously Microsoft's web browser would be able work these browser programs on Xbox because it's exactly the same browser on Windows PCs that uses the same x86 software architecture, but more importantly, who would actually "take advantage" of this anyway? This isn't even a feature, more like a technological coincidence. Anyone who both wanted a game streaming service to use on Xbox and was blessed with mere shread of common sense would subscribe to Xbox Game Pass instead. Even on PC's, XBGP is a better option than Luna and definitely better than Stadia. It's like giving someone the keys to a Ferrari for track day, but also offering a clapped out old Beetle as an alternative, why waste anyone's time by offering that choice?

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