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  2. I search "relaxing music" on youtube and then listen to them if I want to relax while listening to songs.
  3. The iconic scene from Titanic where the lead actor and actress pose together on the ship is the only scene from a movie that will always remain nailed in my brain. It was just love.
  4. I think streaming has not really killed movie theaters because even today there are people who are crazy about movies and experiencing them in the theaters in 3D, 4DX, iMAX etc.
  5. The last movie I watched was 'Madame Web' in Netflix. I watched it today in the afternoon while having lunch. It was a good movie.
  6. Nobody actually. I don't tell things to everyone or anyone because it makes me vulnerable to them. Nobody knows who will turn back on you in the future.
  7. During tough times, its best to stay positive, strong and move forward not thinking of the consequences much. Having a Just Do It attitude really helps.
  8. Yes, I remember burning CDs. I used to burn games like GTA Vice City, San Andreas into blank CDs and give to my friends. I also even used to sell some lol.
  9. It is true that time heals most wounds but it can't really heal the wounds that were too deep. Some wounds can never be healed.
  10. I don't take naps during the day. I only sleep once a day i.e at night for 8 straight hours.
  11. It depends on how hungry I am. If I am too hungry, I can have a big appetite. But if I am not, I eat just enough. I don't overeat.
  12. Currently actually. I have been off social media since more than a month or two. I don't feel the urge to go back either. Life is much better without social media, honestly.
  13. I would prefer a 30% discount on everything. This way I can get great discount on even the most expensive thing in the shop.
  14. I prefer shower as I have never taken a bath in a bath tub, hehe. Maybe after I try it once, I will be having a different opinion.
  15. I don't find it difficult to apologize at all. I don't even think before doing it. If I make a mistake, I apologize immediately without a second thought.
  16. I use my credit card for almost everything but recently I bought some grocery with cash as their card machine was not working properly.
  17. Today
  18. I disagree. A Steam library is a collection, and collections get left in wills all the time. Over time as a collection grows, it can be worth a significant amount of money. I personally don't see a Steam account, or any digital game library, as being any different. As a digital game library grows it could easily contain thousands of dollars worth of games, additional content and software after just a few years. Ownership rights of digital media is certainly a problem that needs to be resolved.
  19. I rarely finish games within the "average" time mostly because I spend so much time looking through every nook and cranny for loot, resources and other stuff.
  20. I've read somewhere that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt takes around 80 hours. But there's no way that I can complete it in 80 hours. I've bought all the DLCs, and I usually do side quests. It will take way more time to complete this game.
  21. Steam has said that you won't be able to pass your library through a will. That's understandable from their point of view, they want to do business and earn more. But you can always write your credentials on a piece of paper and pass them through.
  22. I never felt that games were too identical in terms of strategies to each other. Whenever I play a different game, I actually feel that I play a different game. Maybe I'm just used to it or I don't have a good match that would make it feel like I'm playing the same game.
  23. I definitely don't feel worse than the average gamer. In fact, I'm pretty good at playing. I don't like to lose, so I train a lot. In games like CS 2, for example, I always try my best, and I perform better than the average player.
  24. Yes, in competitive games it's important to use the chat. Counter Strike is one of those games where I'm active in using the chat and communicating with my teammates. But I too avoid using the chat in GTA Online. There's nothing there to make it worth it.
  25. That might be it. The atmosphere in it just feels chill. Obviously, the fighting part of the game isn't that relaxing. I have to try hard to win when I'm fighting a boss. But exploration in The Witcher is very calming for me.
  26. Well, yes. Playing video games is a hobby for me. And there's nothing wrong with people who spend some bucks on their hobby. It's a way to relax. You invest in yourself.
  27. No but I am trying to build a habit of brushing twice a day. Earlier I used to brush only once in the morning but now I am trying to brush after dinner as well.
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