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  1. Today
  2. What song you heard on radio in car or sitting in a shop, or store. You try to remember the lyrics and look it up later and find your song!!!! Here's my latest. What's your's. Bring up past ones too you discovered by a miracle. Cmon, everything is welcome. I'm inspired by this song because I was driving and couldn't believe my ears.
  3. Who here has played Stellar Blade? It's been out a little under a month now and it seems to be quite popular. I haven't played it myself, but would like to if I can ever get my hands on a PS5. It looks like it'd be a lot of fun. For those who have played it, is it worth getting a PS5 for? And do you think this could release on PC at some point?
  4. https://press-start.com.au/news/nintendo/2024/05/21/nintendo-has-acquired-shiver-entertainment-from-embracer-group/ Nintendo has recently acquired Shiver Entertainment from Embracer Group. They are responsible for developing games like Scribblenauts: Showdown, and Scribblenauts Mega Pack for the Switch. And they did ports of Mortal Kombat 11, Hogwarts Legacy, and Mortal Kombat 1 for the Switch. Nintendo doesn't buy up studios that often, so it's interesting to see them make the call to buy one up.
  5. Tried my hand at Minecraft with friends today and although I still don't like it all that much, some of the mods were crazy to say the least.
  6. Exorcist II - The Heretic (1977) - 8/10
  7. If you could bring one deceased musician back to life to continue making music, who would it be and why?
  8. Have you ever experienced the frustration of having a song you absolutely despise get stuck in your head? How do you deal with it? Do you try to replace it with another tune, or do you have any tricks to shake it loose?
  9. Have you ever been part of a choir? Whether it was in school, church, or a community group, I'd love to hear about your experiences! What inspired you to join? What was your favorite piece to perform?
  10. Vinyl records have made a nostalgic comeback in recent years. Whether it's the crackle of a needle or the warmth of analog sound, vinyl offers a unique listening experience. Do you own any vinyl records? If so, what's in your collection?
  11. Do any of you regularly follow music charts, like Billboard or Spotify's Top 50? Whether it's for discovering new hits or just out of curiosity, I'm interested in knowing if keeping tabs on these charts is still a thing for music enthusiasts. And if you do, what draws you to it?
  12. Yesterday
  13. When I want to relax, This is one of my favorite songs that my mom listens to all the time and I've loved it since I was a kid:
  14. Have you ever stopped to consider the objects or technologies that are omnipresent in our lives, yet remain practically invisible to our awareness? What comes to mind when you think about something you encounter regularly but rarely notice?
  15. Have you ever felt the itch to delve into the realm of coding and create your own application or program? Whether it's a mobile app to streamline your daily tasks, a game that sparks joy, or software to solve a specific problem, what ideas have crossed your mind?
  16. In the rapidly evolving landscape of tech, we often get caught up in the hype of the latest innovations. But what are some so-called 'new' technologies that actually have roots in the past? Whether it's a revived concept or an underappreciated invention, what tech advancements are more of a renaissance than a revolution?
  17. Imagine having your own personal AI at your beck and call. From mundane chores to complex projects, what specific tasks would you entrust to it to streamline your life? Share your dream AI-assisted lifestyle
  18. Imagine you have the power to implement a single AI-driven improvement to benefit humanity on a global scale. What would this enhancement be, and how do you envision it shaping our collective future? Whether it's eradicating poverty, revolutionizing healthcare, or fostering global peace, share your visionary idea and let's discuss the potential impact it could have on our world.
  19. They are awesome. You would love them. I used to have a few quartz singing bowls but I gave them to my friend that had autism and he loved them! I figured it would benefit him more than me. I sure did love them bowls though. My favorite was the C note, bowls come in different notes. It feels real good to listen to them, therapeutic. Tibetan ones are made from bronze I think, but there are quartz ones too. Can't go wrong with either one.
  20. Amber is super pretty, I love the butterscotch color. But it's so hard to find a real quality one. So many of them are fakes made of plastic and glue or something. I think it can be tested with a lighter, not so sure but I swore I read that one day. I have a baltic amber, but I'm skeptical it's even real. I think I was duped on it cause it just feels way too lightweight for its size. There are some that even have fossilized insects still in them. I've always wanted one of those.
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