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Reality vs Adventure

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Posts posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. There is a lot more going on than just Covid issues at Techland. Recent months they have had a huge turnover rate from toxic management as sexism, homophobia, and a so called ‘authoritative’ as they call it. The CEO hired his wife for HR with no prior experience, and she is the only female board member at Techland. And they demean ideas from their own team, which directly relates to the development of the game as well as its release. And this comes from employees who are speaking out about  how the CEO is pretty much fucking everything up and bringing toxicity and incompetence in the workplace. 
    Really is sad to hear that coming from such an anticipated game for me. The first Dying Light is one of my favorite games. And now it really sickens me too that employees are going through this to make a fun game for us. Shouldn’t be like this. Not at Techland and not at any company. And especially not in government either. This becoming all too familiar as there really is widespread incompetence going on these days. 

  2. What is going on? Is it the cold? Well, I feel for you and was hoping to hear from you soon. I personally don't handle things like that too well. I haven't had much of a family growing up, so my pets are something extra special. And I think you may have a similar outlook. Hope things get better for you real soon. 

  3. I've been excited for the sequel to be released...but now it's over a year later? The release is indefinite now due to a toxic work environment from the top at Techland studio, which seems to be directly impacting the game as well as its release.


    A more detailed report is here; long read. 



  4. On 8/27/2020 at 12:53 PM, m76 said:

    Geralt - The Witcher Series: A giant jerk, who constantly acts like an ahole, and is especially disrespectful towards women, I quit playing all three games because of my revulsion of him.

    I don't think he is a jerk in Witcher 3. There are many times when he has shown to have high morality. Plus everywhere he goes, the townsfolk are racist towards him. I think maybe he does have some womanizing traits, but I haven't played Witcher 1 & 2. In Witcher 3 he is struggling with relationships. But a witcher is infertile, so I can see how his love life may be a bit confusing. And maybe that itself leaves him to steer from love as he is known to have been with many women. I haven't seen how he has been flat out disrespectful to women. Maybe they cleaned his act in the latest game? 

  5. There are 7 billion humans. Some smart, some stupid, but how many are an actual genius? Think about all the things humans have created through our history. We have developed magnificent architecture when we didn't have all the modern technology. We have traveled to outer space and can communicate with anyone anywhere in an instant. From vehicles to designs on little pieces of jewelry. Paintings, sculptures, weapons, electricity; medication, medical tech, ships, and skyscrapers. 'We' are brilliant. But how many are 'we'? If I even think about how a person made a pair of shoes, I'm at a loss; or even my coat or jeans. I can forget about trying to build a cabin in the woods, or even make a bow and arrow. 

    Is it only a small number of humans that give humanity an intelligent name? How many people do you know that creates things? What percent or how many of humans do you think puts our species on the intelligent list? I would say only a few thousand out of 7 billion. 

  6. There has been a trend for years now where the father/husband always turns out to be such a moron. It is in cartoons, shows, and movies. And they always have a hot wife who always puts up with his idiocy. This is normalization if I've ever seen it. It leaves society thinking it's ok for a guy to be a chauvinist. He can get fat and lazy, while the female stays pretty and obedient. He can make mistake after mistake, and it's all ok. He can be a flat out annoyingly idiot, and at the end of the day, it's all ok. This is not ok! This is the dumbing down of society. Usually the trend is in comedies, which usually are family friendly. So the target audience is families who watch that crap. Then they accept the male head of household to just be super stupid. And I think society as a whole becomes damaged by thinking it's ok for politicians and any job with authority to allow men to act as grown children. 


  7. There is a new Valhalla River Raids in the latest update. I'm still in Norway, so I haven't even reached that point yet. But those that played the game w/o the river raids may want to go back and try it. I usually don't play male characters, but in this case I am enjoying playing the male Eivor. I actually like the story so far, and when the music kicks in along with the scenery, it's cool. The gameplay feels like a cross between the older style and the newer style of the AC series. Kind of like Origins. It's hard to play Valhalla and not stop to take a pic of everything. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Withywarlock said:

    GreedFall also had quite an extensive translatable language, which is impressive from a studio of Spiders' calibre. That's one of the few games that justifies the jargon vomit that so many fantasy settings and writers think they deserve to spew.


    Greedfall looks like a cool game. Just waiting for the sale! 

    Witcher 3 has some languages, not sure if its own or if there is an actual fictional book on elvin language? There were also monsters/entities with some language. Then there is the rock trolls trying to talk english! It's funny. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Kane99 said:

    I would totally play games on an airplane. I think more airports will start to implement those options. Imagine playing VR in an airplane, would really heighten the experience I think. 

    VR flight crash simulator!!! hahaha

  10. 26 minutes ago, Samuelkanu said:

    Marijuana is highly destructive more than alcohol. I know this because I relate with some people who abuse these two substances. It's effect has not really been fully understood. It has to be totally banned in my opinion because the harm surpasses the benefits.

    Name some health factors from Marijuana. Alcohol causes liver disease, heart disease and high blood pressure, stroke, osteoporosis, cancer, kidney disease, digestive problems and stomach ulcers, disease of the pancreas, diabetes, poor immune system, destroys brain cells, destroys night vision, and I'm not even going to get into mental problems. So as far as destructive, alcohol is worse. And if marijuana's effect has not really been understood, then alcohol tops it because it is understood. And there is massive deaths alcohol related. Ask anyone in the medical profession. 

  11. Just bought my first DLC's I've ever bought for any game. I got Freedom Cry for Black Flag and Curse of the Pharaohs/The Hidden Ones for Origins. I'm excited because I sure would love anything that extends these great games. 

    The DLC's I really want now are the ones for Odyssey and Jack the Ripper for Syndicate. Has anyone played any of the DLC I just mentioned? Well, it's a party over here. Creed galore. 

    I've been playing Valhalla. That game puts me in a trance in a good way. It's beautiful. 


    The game is based on an era where the life of outlaws is changing. And you are right, it’s not like they can go get a legitimate job anymore.

    Their honor system is based on a system of outlaws, not society. So killing another outlaw shouldn't affect their honor. Stealing shouldn't affect their honor as long as they don’t kill an innocent for it. Although, my honor has dropped stealing from a dead body that was accidentally kicked by a horse! I’m not sure if the honor is affected in the game if you protect yourself from the law hunting you.

    It wouldn’t make sense to be a murderer then become an outlaw with an honorable code. That’s murder as in killing the innocent. So at that point with blood on your hands, any honorable code is washed away. The only code to follow now would be the survival code. Take care of your own and screw anyone else. But the game is called Redemption! So are they trying to redeem themselves? Is it possible? In RDR1 were they murderers of the innocent? If that were the case, the only real redemption would be to turn yourself in. But you can't keep hiding as a redeemed outlaw. 

    To be a killer that killed other killers instead of the innocent, then we could talk honor. But now the honor system is within the gang. The player can choose to live as a broken outlaw who refuses to conform and just wants money no matter what. Or a player can try and help others out or be a bounty hunter themselves. And that’s funny to think about how Arthur gets bounties to help sheriffs, at the same time gets bounty hunted. So are bounty hunters any better themselves?  Or are they just an outlaw themselves looking for pay?

    Personally, I found it annoying being chased by bounty hunters, so I would rather just play the good role. At least, good for an outlaw. It sure is fun robbing a train though. But you just can’t do it without killing so many.

    But I guess the honor code in the game could be debated from different players. Any type of person plays video games. So there could be a genuine bad person playing RDR2 who would disagree with the game’s honor system and think ‘since I’m an outlaw, I can kill anybody anytime. Who cares?’ The game let’s you play that character, but what is the greatest reward? Killing and stealing to get rich? Or aiding in bounties and getting discounts at stores with a good standing?

    Unless you can defeat anyone and everyone at anytime, it will get old constantly being hunted when you actually want to explore something. So even that bad man playing the game will eventually start to do good just so they can actually play the game. That’s the main consequence.

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