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Reality vs Adventure

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Posts posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Streaming will end up being like what happened to music where everyone at one point found a place to download what you want for free. Musicians at least have concerts to make money, but imagine the toll that would take on the gaming industry if a bunch of sites provided it for free illegally. Remember those crazy lawsuits of music streamers having to owe thousands of dollars for illegally streaming music? Maybe the gaming industry will have tighter control over it due to the number of consoles you own and it being registered. Maybe that's where the music industry got burned, because it's not like stereos we're registered to music sites.

  2. Humans actually look like that in rural Texas.

    I forgot about Skull and Bones! I was looking forward to it. It's lost in game space along with Dying Light 2. I heard gossip of Horizon Forbidden West maybe not being released till 2022. 

  3. This is fast becoming one of my favorite games ever played. It is a very spiritual game. And not in the sense of religion or anything. But for me spiritual is bringing me down to Earth; pulling me in with nature. It has such a unique take on gaining abilities and gear. I'm in aww with the scenery. It just looks magical. I can put the scene in photo mode and stare as if it's a meditating video. The whole setting really does bring out the honor and spirit of your inner warrior. I think the game reflects such a unique culture. 

  4. Bosses are at the top of the hierarchy in their own territory or domain. They are a branch of the tree. At the top is the final boss. But I think that final boss should be called something else. Cause it's no boss. It doesn't answer to anyone above. Final boss should be called death match. Cause it's the end of it all. Win or lose. Since we can play over and over till we win, the death match really refers to the last enemy. Cause they'll die. But regular bosses may be called that because like in jobs, or a racket, they are just part of something bigger. 

    Your link refers to the final boss being a dragon. That could work calling them a dragon, since dragons don't answer to any other. 

  5. On 2/27/2021 at 1:45 PM, killamch89 said:

    My list is as follows:

    Dying Light (if it comes out this year and RE 8. To be honest, I've hardly seen any upcoming games that have really peeked my interest. All I see is lots of remakes and remasters.


    I've been waiting for that Dying Light too. RE8 I bet is gonna be scarrrryyy. RE7 is going to be hard to beat. That may have been their best one so far.

    I'm really looking forward to Horizon Forbidden West. Biomutant looks interesting. 

  6. I don't know what's going on, but I tried my saved game on my new system and so far it's worked. I just have to wait and see if it gets corrupted again. If it does, then what? What exactly is causing it? Are you playing on ps4? I was at the Blessed Are the Meek story line. Somewhere past it exploring. So its not too far into the game. I'm thinking about starting a new story up to that point, then start my saved game again with all my collectibles and stuff. Do you still have that weird halloween shit in your game? 

  7. Just got Skyrim. Once I finish Witcher 3, I'm gonna be in need of another epic fantasy. Ahhh, my body can age, but I'm sure glad I found something that keeps me happy. If we all did that, I don't see how there will ever be another war. 

  8. 2 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    My girl made a screw up a couple days ago. She accidentally downloaded The new patch that fixes several glitches in RDR2. Like when you are in St Denis to get Jack back, you can take John (before or immediately after the graveyard) to safely ride around down past Blackwater into New Austin if you want to hunt every animal needed for the trapper. So she uninstalled the game. Apparently google said our games would still be saved on the hard drive, which they were. But the uninstall corrupted the files. So I lost like 60+ hours of gaming to get the best items, the best horses, the gold bars, all of it.

    I. Was. PISSED.

    If I hadn't done all that work, I wouldn't have cared, but I had 2 of the Arabians, almost all of the guns, including an extremely rare rolling block rifle, the legend of the east satchel, and almost all the camp upgrades. All that work for nothing.

    Say what what what? What did I miss? I have RDR2 all set and ready to go with the latest update after having corrupted files twice. Is it that update that caused it? I have my old data saved and ready to go on it too. Now I'm scared. It wouldn't hurt me as much to just start over, but damn. I found some gems that I don't even remember where what was. 

  9. 6 hours ago, m76 said:

    I did not say equal footing, but realistic and honest representation instead of distortions and straw man arguments.


    6 hours ago, m76 said:

    You are being an elitist. Which is the fault of most devs as well. Assuming you are better than the rest of the people and only you can tell that something is not right but they cannot. If you treat other people as lesser than yourself you already lost the argument and you are not winning anyone over. Counter to what many like to believe that people holding different beliefs are either stupid or evil the reality is that most are neither. They are misguided and misinformed at worst. But they are not stupid, so they can see through your strawman arguments and distortions of reality very easily. All you achieve is reinforcing them in the beliefs you are supposed to fight against.

    Some ideologies simply don’t deserve the platform. You have a lot more faith in humanity than I do. Stupid and evil vs misguided and misinformed; it is all mixed together. Come stay in the USA for a week and then try to say that. Cause we surely are witnessing the stupid, the evil, the misguided, and the misinformed. In extreme cases of immoral ideology then I am probably right. In moderate ideologies then you are probably right.

  10. 46 minutes ago, m76 said:

    This doesn't happen very often, most games use a caricature of the real world ideology then show that as bad, but that's pointless, OK great, you have shown that your strawman of the real world ideology is bad.

    They should present ideologies as realistically as possible, and then debunk them, because that's exactly the danger of these bad ideas that they seem convincing on the surface. If you don't think about them deeper. If you just present a highly distorted version that's even counter productive to fighting the ideology.

    If an idea we know is completely wrong, we shouldn’t give it purpose and then try to debunk it. If it’s dirt, let it stay at the level of dirt. Because you can guarantee that if they did set a really bad ideology on equal footing, then some may begin to be persuaded into thinking what is actually wrong. It could have the opposite effect. Some people are walking around just looking for answers. Looking for a reason. Looking for that argument to justify their nonsensical ideology. And if a video game displays it in a way as to put something bad on equal footing, they’ve already lost part of the crowd that was looking for what they needed. Then they shut down after that; instilled in their refortification of their view. Even if the game debunks it later, they will be left asking “what if?”

    For example, it’s like saying lizard people are here among us. There are people who actually believe that. Now make a game that puts that belief on equal footing with all plausible arguments. Now those real life people that believe in lizard people have extra arguments to reinforce their beliefs. Because they were only looking for that reason. And if they believe that, what makes us think that others can’t be persuaded who didn’t believe it in the first place? Even if the game debunked it, it still has left the seed of legitimate debate in the minds of idiots.

    But you brought up a great debate in itself. To debunk an ideology, should we present it on equal footing? Or is that dangerous? I’ve learned in cultural psychology; in the media over the years, certain types of people have been demonized. And to get their point across in the media, they make their target look like bad guys, and not intelligent. This has been going on for decades. If they wanted to get their hate across to the majority of people, do you think that they would have held the people they demonize up on the same pedestal in all equality and then debunk it? Nope that just doesn’t work as far as persuasion. It has the opposite effect. So I'm not sure whether you are right or not. Im just going by the logic of how media would portray a victim in order to convince the majority. 

  11. That's pretty cool! This is a rare honor in the video game industry. Makes me like the game even more. I recently started playing it, and is amazing so far. I hope in their travels in Japan, that they become inspired even more about the history and maybe make another game. But, when you least expect things, you get more than asked for. So this may be a once in a lifetime honor. And that is pretty great in itself. 

  12. I think The Walking Dead flirted with humanity itself. Individuals always think they are the righteous ones. But what separates the good and bad in survival mode? Humanity itself is an ideology because who are we to claim to be civilized? We are humans, but are we really humane? The game reminds us that everyone is capable of turning demon. We hold some very dangerous negligence and immorality in our hearts, only to be revealed in a type of situation we aren't wired to handle. And any situation can have a different response from different people. So in that sense, humane/civilized is only an ideology. Just because we have a house, vehicles, job, government, churches, towns, police, etc. doesn't mean we are tame. Far from it. We are just in passing, enjoying the goods, and that demon will show when you don't know how to handle a situation. I think maybe it takes training of the mind like monks or masters of Aikido or something to still the demon. 

  13. 14 minutes ago, Shagger said:

    You're kidding, right? The box has been a staple of MGS since the beginning. 

    The only other one I played was MGS 2. And the controls were clunky then too. Guess I never got far enough to hide in a box. So you can imagine how an outsider like me perceives it. For a game like that, I would think a camo leaves and branches suit would be more appropriate. But a box? If that was a thing, it's just funny to me. 

  14. I've had the same problem with the controls in that game. Hand to hand combat was weird, and trying to catch someone to interrogate or knock out, I couldn't quite get the hang of it. I often would flat out dive on my belly when trying to do something else. Then the silencer on the weapon wears off and so long for stealth at that point. And what's up with the box to hide in???

  15. Humans are eventually gonna devolve into cyborgs. As we see animals being able to play games now, with things wired to their brains, then eventually humans can work from home if they have a job that operates tech of some sort. They can just VR it from home while you control something in a factory miles away. Medical technology will replace actual organs in the body, bones for movement, eyesight, reproduction even. Anything that is electrical can be controlled through VR. You would be able to cook a meal sitting in bed, then switch screen to killing zombies, then bang your neighbor virtually, then picture yourself laying on the beach. That first black and white tv and computer were only the beginning. 

  16. I think there is an Indie trend all across the board from music to shows and to games. Music may get away with it more because it doesn't cost as much to create an album. Game developers need the resources, and that is their limiting factor. It wouldn't be called indie anymore if they had big spending bucks and made a name for themselves. So Indie games are forced to be more creative. That is why they probably tend to have better stories, at the sacrifice of graphics and size of map. 

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