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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. He stuck around for a while, but played less and less and then eventually stopped. So I count it as a victory. I think I was one of "those kinds of people" myself, but I wanted to undo what I'd contributed to.
  2. @The Blackangel I'm always happy to bait you, in a good way of course :) I think it's awesome you play FF8 over and over. The world needs more people who are able to love something so much that they continue to engage with it like that for years. @killamch89 I see what you mean, although what you said kind of is my point about Skyrim (and I say this as someone who loves playing Skyrim). There isn't much difference between a bandit camp and a dungeon save for the type of enemies, and only a few dungeons have really stand-out, unique features that I can think of. There are a few quests that stand out though, like the one where you go to fight pirates on an island, and the one with the Forsworn in Markarth. @kingpotato Good call about NV. I agree, NV actually has pretty good quest variety.
  3. Curiously enough, I knew an actual pilot who used to play those flight sim games all the time. I would think that the experience would be quite inferior compared to the real thing, but maybe it still helped him to feel at home or something.
  4. Ah, darn. I know you can use a torch as a weapon. But I don'tt hink you can upgrade it.
  5. @killamch89 The level of realism in the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer is insane. Another trailer I loved is the Watch Dogs Legion one.
  6. @killamch89 I've read about that, even though I haven't played it, and that would be pretty mind-bending! I can't think of anything close to that in terms of unusual video game situations that I've encountered. The most interesting situations I ever encountered were all in MUDs (text based MMOs). I would say the weirdest might have been the day I realized that the person I worked for in game had (with my help) done such a thorough job setting up invisible structures of power that I had no way to effectively dismantle them. I really wanted to do so, but the only way I could possibly stop him from continuing to manipulate everyone was to quit the game and hope that he quit too. So that was what I did.
  7. What video games give you the Tetris effect? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect if you do not know what I am talking about. Like when you are falling asleep at night, and you see or feel images/hallucinations of the thing you were doing while you were awake. Real-life experiences which produce it for me include things like rollercoasters or going on long drives or boat rides. Sometimes I get it from video games like Skyrim if I do a lot of walking, and occasionally I get it from repetitive and long boss fights (the latter is just annoying). I also get it from the train ride in RDR (which is kind of relaxing and pleasant). I notice it is most common when a game experience is fresh and new, but after I've done it a lot, the Tetris effect (ironically) reduces. What about you? Do you experience this?
  8. It’s been ranging up above 100 degrees F in my home the past few days during the daytime. I have been running my PS3 in the evening and at night. It wasn’t that hot last night—I think it was maybe 75ish indoors, but the console got really hot and noisy. Anyone have any recommendations or warnings regarding playing on the console on hot days, and what to do with it when it gets loud and hot like that?
  9. What is the most you are willing to pay for a console, whether new or used? $300-400? $500 or more? $600 or more?
  10. When playing open world games in particular, players commonly complain about the lack of mission or quest variety. A good example is Skyrim, which is a fabulous game—but which has quite a few repetitious quests and experiences. What are some games that do well in this regard? So far I have been impressed with the variety in RDR’s missions.
  11. Wow, I had no idea that happened. I went through a similar thing with D&D and other RPGs being considered "satanic," so I can relate. But adorable Pikachu, being thought of as some sort of demonic evil? That's so wrong 😞
  12. It is. I've even though of changing my name on the servers and looking for her so I can win, but I doubt she still plays. Plus, if I so much as see her, I may smash my monitor in a fit of rage.
  13. I don't even know where to get a fork in the game. I'm trying to picture seeing one anywhere, and I can't. lots of bowls everywhere, but not a lot of forks. Do you recall where you found/bought it? Aside from the pickaxe, my silliest weapon is a wooden sword which I leveled as high as it will go and put a Soul Trap enchantment on. It's still a really weak weapon, so I need to make sure I really am down to like the last hit or two before I try to use it.
  14. @killamch89 @The Blackangel I remember being interested in Magic: The Gathering as a kid, but never got into it because 1-I recall my mother thinking it was evil, and 2-well, it meant buying a lot of cards. In terms of video game card games, somehow they never seem to hold my attention. Though I do admit to playing way too much poker in RDR. But that's a different sort of card game.
  15. I'd love to have a chance to go someday too. I think the most exciting thing to me would be having a chance to talk to some of the developers and writers.
  16. Just wondering if anyone here is attending E3 in person.
  17. I thought I'd make a thread to share trailers we found exciting from E3. I'll start: I have to admit the graphics in The Outer World look a little previous-gen to me, but I did kind of expect the wooden characters. The art design is right up my alley though, and the sense of humour is spot-on. I laughed out loud about the "scheduled scarcities."
  18. I remember Sphere. I also recall that for its time, it featured cutting edge special effects. An R-rating? Nah, let’s aim for G =D
  19. I've had moments, sure .... but they're definitely the exception to the rule. The best moment was probably when I had flawless victory over a former friend on my favourite Quake III map. But the next week my least-favourite map loaded, and I got destroyed. And then she ditched me. And I'm left forever with the memory that she trounced me last 😞
  20. Wait, can you actually use a fork for attacks? Or am I missing a joke ...
  21. It says silver and gold. It's $30-something with the discount the seller said they'd give me. I plan to buy it for myself as a reward for getting some work-related tasks completed.
  22. True, I have never gotten into card games either now you mention it. I tend to forget that they even exist.
  23. This can't be played on PS3, can it? Because it looks like something I would play if I could :/
  24. Ah hah, but therein lies your answer. Surely a mystical entity is better at logical design work than a human being.
  25. That one sticks with me too. I was actually looking at a ring on Etsy the other day with that inscribed on it which I really want =D
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