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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Growing up, did you play video games with siblings or parents?
  2. If you could add a new mechanic to your favorite game, what would it be?
  3. What are some video game ideas that were good in theory, but suffered in execution?
  4. Check this out: https://www.eatthis.com/news-stakester-research-video-game-calories/ "As first reported by The Daily Mail, research conducted by the online gaming platform Stakester claims that gamers who are male can burn upwards of 420 calories over the course of a two-hour session, while gamers who are female are looking at a calorie burn of 472 calories."
  5. @killamch89 and @Razor1911 mentioned in another thread moving around while playing fighting or driving games (i.e. leaning while driving) as an immersive thing. Made me curious. How many people here tend to do this versus sit completely still while gaming?
  6. If this thread already exists, sorry—I couldn’t find it. Anyway, I thought I’d make a thread where we could help each other identify old games. I’m trying to find the name of an old PC game involving driving around in the dark in a landscape of geometric objects (i.e. pyramids and the like). I think they had eyes on them.
  7. We live in some pretty crazy times. What video games do you feel are most relevant to our times?
  8. What’s the worst instance of content you’ve missed because of save issues in a game? For me it happened the other night. Final mission, last conversation with Garrus in Mass Effect 3, missed it by clicking on a door. Game last saved like 40 minutes before. Had to look up the conversation on YT.
  9. A lot of games feature a sort of “Chosen One” style protagonist. Do you prefer playing such a character, or something more ordinary, like a regular soldier?
  10. The other day I had an insight that it is easier to really tune in and listen closely when an NPC is talking to me than a real person, and to find what they are saying engaging. I think this is because IRL, I am always so busy managing my end (What do they think of me? Am I making enough eye contact? Am I responding wrong?) that it pulls focus from what a real person is saying. I found this ironic and kind of amusing.
  11. Does it irritate anyone else when games assume you missed critical information? Like, I was paying attention in Mass Effect 1 to all the Cerberus stuff, yet for the next two games, the only dialogue options often seem to ignore the possibility I was fully aware of what was going on. That drives me crazy.
  12. Those who have played the original Mass Effect games and the Legendary Edition, what improvements did the Legendary Edition make that you like the most?
  13. I just have to say that Mass Effect 3’s “Galactic Readiness” multiplayer thing impacting the single player campaign endings was a terrible idea. At least I hear they got rid of this in the Legendary Edition?
  14. I have figured out one of the reasons gaming makes me happy is because it is the area of my life where I feel the least inhibited, and just am free to explore and indulge the spirit of adventure. Is it like this for others?
  15. Have you ever lived with a gaming addict? How did it affect your life?
  16. How long a break can you take from a game before you start forgetting controls? I start getting hazy around 1.5 months, but it takes much longer to forget completely.
  17. What video game dystopian settings and the most and least realistic? (i.e. Fallout is very unreaslistic)
  18. Retro games are really cool, but does anyone know the cultural reasons they are so popular at the moment?
  19. Have you bought any gaming-related fan art before?
  20. Do choices in games matter if they don’t change outcomes? To me, they still do, because the value of a choice to me is in doing what I feel is right or necessary, not the outcome I cannot control.
  21. What is more enjoyable for you, puzzles with a single solution or puzzles with multiple possible solutions?
  22. Are there areas in games you go back to over and over even with nothing to do there? Like, I keep going back to the Forgotten Vale in Skyrim just to hang out there.
  23. Do you ever have moments gaming where you react, and then the character you are playing reacts the exact same way? Like, last night while playing ME 3, there was a moment when I heard an enemy arrive and shouted “YOU” at the screen, and then Shep shouted “YOU” in the same tone a second later.
  24. @Heatman mentioned in another thread that he thought it was strange I had purchased a game for a system I did not have yet. I do this sometimes when I see a deal. Do others find this odd?
  25. Seven, I suppose, assuming they can all be relatively similar if I wish (i.e. seven shades of beige, or seven shades of dark red). I do not want it to look "busy," but I'd hate to miss out on colour coordinating.
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