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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What’s the most obscure thing you ever bought or collected related to a video game? I just bought a 1950s label from a Jo Jo Melons fruit cart featuring the clown that the BioShock team borrowed for their design of the “Circus of Values” vending machines. It will go on my wall of BioShock related art.
  2. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/8/7/2044351/-Outrage-As-Cobb-County-Georgia-Grade-Schooler-Charged-With-What-Amounts-To-Felony-Autism Summary: Autistic kid repeats lines from RDR at school, gets charged with felony. Ridiculous. I am autistic, and like that kid, I do echolalia (repeating lines from things as a stim). Not sure if the school is ignorant about echolalia, prejudiced toward autistic persons, or hates video games.
  3. I always play some iteration of myself in an RPG. I’ve heard some people who say likewise, and others who try to invent characters who are not like them. I think though that if one pours one’s creative energy into something, what one creates doesn’t come from nowhere—it is still some reflection of personality or life experiences or interests. Thoughts on this?
  4. Did a second playthrough of a game ever radically change your perception of the game events, a character, a decision, etc.?
  5. Did you ever miss out on a big event in an MMO, and wish you could have a chance to be there?
  6. I initially found No Man’s Sky stressful, but find it increasingly relaxing as I get used to the crafting system and mechanics. What are some games you initially found stressful that later you found relaxing?
  7. What is a video game character that is very popular that you can’t stand? Cicero in Skyrim qualifies for me. His voice just grates.
  8. What is the funniest thing you ever read in a game? For me, this is a contender: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Tragic_Accident!_Baenlin_Dead!
  9. What was your biggest regret in terms of DLC purchases? Doesn’t necessarily have to have been the biggest expense—just the lowest value.
  10. SPOILER for BioShock follows ........ …….. ……. …….. ……. So, why did Jack maim his vocal cords? It’s not like stitched himself into his Big Daddy suit. Could he not have just recorded a Big Daddy and brought an AccuVox into the suit with him?
  11. Have you ever bought an original game at full price, and then wound up buying the remaster later at full pirce?
  12. If you own a digital-only console, what has annoyed you most about it so far? For me, it is waiting around for sales for digital games and not being able to buy used discs.
  13. I was having a bad day the other day and felt immediately a bit better when I started playing ES: Oblivion. What games make you feel better on bad days?
  14. Which buttons on your controller do you most frequently mix up? Like, I mix up L1/L2, R1/R2, sometimes L1/R1, and L2/R2.
  15. How long do you expect to take to learn to play a new game to the point where you are not constantly struggling with controls, etc.? A few days? A few weeks? Longer? When is it “too long?”
  16. 1. Lack of quest marking. Weirdly, I don't remember getting lost much in the first game, but I got lost a ton in the third because it didn't always tell me what system to go to. I think in 2/3, you can push a button to tell you what direction to go in real-time in an area, but I don't recall if that was implemented in 1? I WILL mention a warning here that I think mostly applied to 2/3, which is that you should get in a habit of doing side quests and such when they become available before doing main quests, as otherwise they can sometiems get disabled by your progress. 2. Difficulty spikes ME and DA are both terrible with this. Thus the casual mode for me. 3. Vehicle Awkward on console too, but manageable. Honestly, I got in a habit of either 1-sitting still at a vast distance and shooting when possible (works better in 2/3), and 2-just running over enemies. I like the vehicle in the second game much better, but I don't know how the controls will translate to PC. But it is less cumbersome in how it moves.
  17. They legit comprehend what they did wrong, and have no further motivation to do it again. Also, there needs to be some positive incentive to share my energy with them again instead of put it elsewhere.
  18. I haevn't played the Legendary edition, and am just now closing in on the end of the original ME3. It took me a while to really get into the series, but once I did, I was totally hooked. I hope you love it. I don't have any great advice, really, as I play Bioware games on casual mode, but if you have specific questions, I might be able to help.
  19. Tenenbaum was looking after them. And did you try a playthrough where you save them all to get the "good" ending?
  20. You feel saving the Little Sisters is wrong? I can see an argument that this comes with an unethical cost (one must murder quite a few innocent Big Daddies), but I'm not sure how saving Little Sisters (restoring their freedom and health) could be evil in itself. I am curious about your thoughts on the matter.
  21. This idea was my friend's, not mine, and he's the exact opposite. Which is why it would be great if everyone can choose an option. It can't be that hard to code settings for this sort of thing. But I don't know if anyone has ever done it.
  22. I’ve never understood why so many people say BioShock posed a “moral dilemma.” Whether you do the right thing or the wrong thing, you get plenty of ADAM. Do you feel the game posed a real dilemma?
  23. Some gamers complain that tutorials are long, slow, boring, and there is too much hand-holding. Others complain that they are too short, confusing, or absent. Here’s an idea: When a gamer starts a new game, they can choose a setting for the level of tutorial/guidance, they will receive, instead of a one-size-fits-all tutorial.
  24. If you had to name a kid after a video game character, what would you go with? I think "Ellie" is the obvious one for me.
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