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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. I notice a lot of my favorite games revolve around family as a theme (i.e. BioShock or TLOU). What are some of your favorites in this category?
  2. If you had to remake your favorite game, what would you change, if anything?
  3. Apparently, I will have to survive Rapture. Actually, this increasingly seems like RL anyway 😞
  4. Are there any games for which you have watched a ton of behind-the-scenes type content?
  5. Is any video game character a role model to you? Who, and why?
  6. What is the most important item you ever lost or missed in a game? For me, it was like a bra wire or such in Return to Zork. I needed it to pick a lock.
  7. A pet peeve of mine when playing an otherwise linear section of a game is when there is one area that I can’t access until later, and then I have to backtrack to it. The completionist in me hates having to walk away from it initially. Also, I worry that I am just missing something, and will often waste so much time trying to find a way in before realizing I need to just progress (I don’t want to pass a point of no return on mistake). Does this drive anyone else here crazy?
  8. Has a game ever made you motion sick? Which game, and did you figure out the reason? Did you keep playing?
  9. Ironically, I don't enjoy gaming on PC. I do see your concern, but I'm not sure my original title or yours really grasped what I was getting at. Basically, I want to discuss how some games essentially have controls that are really centric to one platform or another. For example, the clicking and dragging in No Man's Sky is strange on console, but would feel quite at home on PC. I wasn't asserting this makes PC superior, simply that some games play awkwardly on some systems due to how they were designed. I'd welcome further thoughts.
  10. I honestly have no idea. Japanese weird dating sims are a thing. I believe this one had its roots as an April Fool's joke. But it is definitely "hatoful."
  11. @killamch89 and some others mentioned on another thread that they typically blow off most of the quests in Skyrim. It could be that I am missing something as I have still only played the version on PS3 that I cannot mod, but what do you actually do all the time in the game? There are some random things I like to do, like climb on buildings and drink blood from characters I dislike, but without the quest framework, I’d feel pretty lost as to what to do most of the time.
  12. A surprising number of people keep mentioning this strange pigeon dating sim to me called "Hatoful Boyfriend" as an apparently oddly compelling game. Has anyone played this?
  13. Do you like games that are really open-ended—like they provide only a shallow framework of uninteresting missions and/or no missions at all?
  14. I tend to find boss fights more tedious and annoying than rewarding per se. What boss fights have you found truly fulfilling, and what made them so?
  15. I feel like I usually search rooms in games pretty obsessively, because I love examining every small detail--yet I am surprised by just how often I still miss items. Does anyone else find that despite being pretty thorough, you still miss important things?
  16. What games are most immersive to you, completely absorbing your attention and disconnecting you from real life? For me, it is the BioShock games. Aside from flares of my pain issues, they seem to be able to pull me in and make me forget just about everything else.
  17. Are there any games you find both scary and relaxing? Like, BioShock has plenty of jump scares in the beginning, but I still find it relaxing and low pressure.
  18. At what point does frustration with the difficulty level of a game and/or your lack of skill overwhelm your sense of fun or fulfillment?
  19. What are your favorite sandbox games?
  20. What are some games you have played that never seem to lose their magic?
  21. I was watching Ken Levine talk about how he built BioShock up entirely around location. He started with the underwater city, and only then came up with the plot and characters. What are some other games designed that way?
  22. Has a game-breaking bug ever stopped you from completing a game? Like, my friend was obsessed with Subnautica, but can’t complete her playthrough because of a bug, and is too frustrated right now to try again.
  23. Is there a common video game puzzle you know inside and out? Like, I’ve solved the Towers of Hanoi enough times in enough games now to find it quite easy and mindless.
  24. I just started BioShock: The Collection, and decided within pretty much 10 minutes that it was a worthwhile purchase (especially on sale). For the visual and audio improvements to the first game alone, I’m satisfied.
  25. What are some game controls that work well on PC but play awkwardly if you are on a console? Like, I find clicking and dragging to feel very unnatural on a console, but totally expected on a PC game. Moderator Edit; Title change, see "Shagger's" post below.
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