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Posts posted by Patrik

  1. 17 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Overclocking with more recent PCs is so negligible - the price to risk factor is definitely not worth it all. There's a reason major CPU manufacturers aren't granting access to it by default unless there's enough demand.

    overclocking older PC's too is just easy too sometimes, it depends on the platform you're dealing with, for example X58 CPU's from intel are easy to overclock (i own a X5670 tho)

    and yeah, overclocking comes for a price as well such as higher temperatures, higher power consumption and of course the risk of getting your cpu cooked if you aren't aware of what you're doing 😛

  2. 7 hours ago, Head_Hunter said:

    Hmm, such gonna be too demanding, proceeding without dying for once, what if unexpectedly, my pro got downed once what happened from there? 

    that's what speedruns are about, they are all about the plot twists xD, but if you aren't fine with that, you can check other categories such as no bugs/exploits speedruns etc...

  3. On 4/4/2022 at 3:36 PM, Head_Hunter said:

    I will brag a little that I was a K/D guy with GTA San Andreas version, I was killing the pedestrians and police men like it's a hobby, and experienced bursting severally as well. Because the capital sends troops of armies to halt my progress when the killing became too crazy lol. 

    the KDr term is used in online games only as deaths don't really matter in offline games (unless we're talking about speedruns since there are categories where you have to finish the game without dying even once)

  4. can't really decide as both of them are giant companies and they surely got their own pros and cons, but i guess i'll take the risk and go for sony just because of the playstation being a part of my childhood (as well as windows but oh, didn't i say that it's hard to decide 😢 ?) 

  5. 7 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Haha well that's a given considering overclocking needs cooling solution as is and they want to make money off the advice and affiliates.

    overclocking can also save your old cpu as those extra GH's help sometimes 😛

  6. On 3/30/2022 at 6:43 AM, skyfire said:

    Yes it does bother me. This is why I am slowly moving towards having one good product for lifecycle of 4 years, I make sure to add high RAM, SSD and good graphics card and work with those laptops. But the low end processor market is so trashable that i3 based machines are easily replacable in 12 months or so.

    but you can't change the graphics card in a laptop (unless you're going for an external one) "as far as i know"

  7. On 4/3/2022 at 7:29 AM, skyfire said:

    Tom's hardware also covers some of the overclocking specific CPUs and also some of the tests on which you can try them out.

    whenever i check an overclocking guide there i feel disappointed as they always recommed a decent cpu cooler as an advice 😞

  8. On 3/25/2022 at 6:10 AM, skyfire said:

    Depends on what you want out of the device. People who want to do powerful tasks like design, development make use of PC. Nobody in this world only checks browser and email. If that were to be the case nobody would own PC. Instead mobile would do. As for mobile gaming the device is good for various gaming activities while moving from places.

    well surely nobody buys a pc just for "checking" mails and browsing some net, but there are some people that enjoy doing that on PC more than mobile for many reasons such as the bigger screen, facility to write etc..., i believe a laptop is enough for that if you have no space and still limited when it comes to the tasks that you're willing to do

  9. made some researches, it looks very promising, i hope Samsung does the same and get out of the ordinary looking similar ONE UI

  10. On 3/29/2022 at 12:18 PM, Darth said:

    I won't fret over it as much but I do still care about my K/D. I think the whole point of playing multiplayer games where you can shoot other players is that you want to be better than everyone else. And your K/D kind of proves that point. If it's not good, I want to get better and improve it.

    issue with the K/D is that it ruins the fun at some point, as you have to avoid deaths as much as you can, and avoiding deaths mean not trying lot of things that might get you killed 😕

  11. gave it a look, it looks so futuristic and unique (in some aspects) actually, would really give it a try if i had a supported phone that can run it 😞

  12. On 3/25/2022 at 2:21 PM, Yaramaki said:

    You should get the game with the cover art below, not the one released in 1999 😉 , but man if you lived in europe i'd just send you a stack of ps3 games to keep you busy :



    i have played this one in PC 2 years ago!! at first i thought it's boring as you're always stuck in the car, but the more you advance in the game the more enjoyable it gets, i give it 10/10!!

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