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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. Do you own any custom or specialized controllers? Like a Scuf? Elite? or Pro controller? or perhaps just one customized with your gamertag on it?

    For me, I own an Xbox Elite 2 controller. I would like to get a custom one though for both myself and my girlfriend, but they're a bit pricey. It might be an anniversary gift in the future though 😄 

    Do you have any customized controllers or gear?

  2. On 12/14/2022 at 10:58 AM, The Blackangel said:

    Castlevania SOTN

    It's one that I'll never give up. I freaking love it. It's hands down one of the best Castlevania games ever made, if not THE best one.

    Classic game! 😄 I remember when I bought my copy on PS1!


    Last game played was Modern Warfare II the other night with some friends. Only got a few matches in before I had to leave but it was fun as always. 🙂

  3. Of course. Depending on the age of the kid that is. Once the kid is able to purchase the games on their own with their own money, then not so much. However, growing up, my dad bought me all my games, I think he stopped when I was around 12 or so. The PS2 era being the last few games he purchased for me.  I bought everything after that, bought the PS3 on my own with my own money and so on. However, My parents were more lax with what I was playing. Hell, I was 4 or 5 playing Mortal Kombat 😛  I turned out fine, for the most part. 😛

  4. I'm assuming this game is similar to say Rock Band where you can sing? A game like Just Dance but for singing?  Karaoke basically? I like the concept but i never actually seen this game anywhere out in the wild.  I'm not sure if it's something I'd get into as I hate my voice and wouldn't be caught dead singing Karaoke. 😛 

  5. Tenchu is one that always comes to mind. The last true console release was back in 2007 on the Xbox 360 with Tenchu Z.  From Software simply stopped making them not long after that release. Sekiro Shadows Die Twice was conceptualized as a new Tenchu title, but redone into a more Souls-Borne type game.  Which is a real shame because I've been dying for a new Tenchu title and would love to see full-on remakes of Tenchu & Tenchu 2 from the PS1 if I'm being honest.

  6. Amazon has some great gaming deals going on now, including Sonic Frontiers for $40, Xbox Series X for $239, Just Dance 2023 for $29.99 and more!  You can check out all the deals below:


    Moderator Edit: Link removed

  7. Right now you can get some great deals from Best Buy in their video games department!  


    Moderator Edit: Link removed


    It seems like the PS5 was in stock til recently for total tech members and it seems the Xbox Series X might still be in stock. You can snag a Xbox Series S for $250 as well. 

  8. On 12/4/2022 at 9:15 AM, Justin11 said:

    The PlayStation 5 is just unreasonably scarce.

    I sincerely hope I could find a good PlayStation 5 deal this festive period.

    If you have totaltech membership from Best Buy, they just had some stock in. Also try from Playstation direct. They get drops in from time to time.

  9. On 12/6/2022 at 3:46 PM, Kane99 said:

    Can I has???  lol just kidding. I always wanted to get a PSvita and a PSP growing up. I still wouldn't mind getting a vita as you can probably do a lot of stuff on them. But yeah, that's awesome you found them. They're all in good shape and no damage? 

    Yeah you can hack the Vita real easily these days and load up a bunch of emulators and stuff.  Yeah all the games are in mint condition as some I haven't even opened or played, just took off the shrink wrap lol. 

  10. I've seen it on sale quite a bit since launch. I know it was on sale for Black Friday & Cyber Monday and I think i saw it on sale again just the other day from best buy. I would keep an eye out for a sale if it's a game you're interested in. It seems like the type of game that'll go on sale more often than not, so waiting might be your best move to save some money.

  11. This game looks hilarious. I've watched a few friends stream it the other day and I couldn't stop laughing! It was absolutely hilarious. Some of the dialogue had me nearly pissing my pants!  Definitely a game I wanna try when I get some more free time. 🙂

  12. Anyone play this classic RPG from Square? I absolutely love this timeless (pun intended) classic! A few years ago I bought an original SNES cartridge of it for $70 on ebay. That's a lot of money for 1 game cartridge, but nowadays it's doubled in price. I'm glad I still got my cartridge.  I have it's re-releases on the Playstation as well as the Nintendo DS too. However, when I wanna feel super nostalgic i reach for the original cartridge.

    Have you ever played through Chrono Trigger? What are your thoughts on this game? 

  13. When it comes to video games, are graphics important? Can a game still be "Great" or "Good" without stunning graphics nowadays? Personally, I think so. I love phenomenal graphics as much as the next person, but if a game has a compelling story and fun gameplay, graphics, at least in my opinion, can take a backseat. 

    What about you? Do graphics make a game? Do they matter to you if the gameplay is good? 

  14. On 12/6/2022 at 4:13 PM, Shortie said:

    Being that I am a huge fan of this character and the games and have been since I was younger, the one I am hoping to see at the Game Awards is Crash Bandicoot - Wumpa League. It's been rumored for a while now but as of, yet nothing has been released by the developers at all, so I am hoping it's because they are keeping it under wraps for the announcement on the 8th. Either way I will be looking out for this game. 

    You kinda got your wish. There's a new Crash game. Team Rumble i believe is what it's called. Seems like a Smash Bros Style game. Looks insanely fun! We'll definitely have to try it together on Xbox 😄

  15. On 12/11/2022 at 7:46 AM, Empire said:

    Streets of Rage 4 blows every other beat-em-up on switch out of the water for me. it’s just as fun alone as with friends. it’s just so polished and it feels effortless to get into the flow-state and just be playing and playing. it’s absolutely gorgeous and is a clear labor of love on the developers’ part, just oozing quality and polish.

    And I was not even born yet. with the game back in the 80s 

    Fair argument. I'm still holding out hope for a proper Final Fight 4 though. I think in time we'll see one, in the same vein as we got Streets of Rage 4 from DOTEMU. 

  16. On 12/6/2022 at 3:42 PM, Shortie said:

    I remember Streets of Rage very well; it was an amazing game and was a game I played myself quite a bit with friends. I believe you can now get it on Xbox I think with Game Pass it was with at one point unless I am mistaken as I went back to it a little while back and it brought back a lot of memories when I played it again. If I had more time, I probably would play it a lot more like I used to when I was a kid but unfortunately, adulting is a thing.

    Yeah they had the games on the 360 for awhile. The 4th one was also on game pass for a bit. It's no longer on game pass, which reminds me I should probably purchase it so I can play it again 😛

  17. This game looked interesting. I watched a buddy of mine play through this on stream. There were some moments in this game that made everyone in chat laugh because of how he died. 😛  It looked like a fun game and I know they're making a sequel. I might have to try it sometime.

  18. On 12/6/2022 at 3:45 PM, Kane99 said:

    Best 3D sonic game maybe, but I think the original 3 games are the best of the bunch. Once Sonic hit 3D, is when the series started to take a nosedive. I know people love Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, but the games to follow didn't do so hot. Especially when you get to Sonic 06 and some of the other games. 

    But yeah, I'd say best 3D sonic game. 

    Yeah I agree. I'll always prefer the 2D games as that's what I grew up with. However, I think in terms of 3D sonic, Sonic Adventure & Adventure 2 were probably the best out of the bunch. These new ones just don't feel as good.

  19. I prefer the Xbox controller to the Playstation. Ever since 6th gen I preferred xbox's controllers to the Playstations, starting with the 360.  For me personally though? The best thing about xbox is being able to play with my girlfriend @Shortie,  I never owned an xbox of my own until 2013, for years she'd give me crap for not owning an xbox and how much better the 360 was compared to the PS3, well at the tail end of 2013, I finally bought one and we started gaming together, a year or so later and we began dating. She was the reason I bought the xbox and 8 years later, we're still together. 🙂 So to me, the best thing about the xbox, is the relationship I got out of it with my best friend. 🙂


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