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Posts posted by Smokey

  1. Did you own a Wii U before the Switch  launched? We picked one up years ago and it was fun for awhile but it was just a very underpowered system and the gamepad tablet was clunky and uncomfortable to play games with IMO. I feel like they should've just released the Switch instead of having the Wii U be a stop-gap between the Wii and Switch, personally.  What do you think? Did you own an Wii U?

  2. 42 minutes ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    A modern The Warriors game or something similar would be cool. I doubt they would ever remake that game though because it’s based on such an old movie that would also  never be redone. It’s just a thing of the past. 

    Ah yes, I remember that game from the PS2 era. It would definitely need a full-blown remake. I think a modern day version of that game would be cool to see for sure.

  3. This is a game i've seen a few of my streamer friends playing. It seems.....different.  Very hilarious though. I definitely wanna try it at some point. The guy who voices Morty from Rick & Morty is in it and it just seems like a real fun time. with unique weapons and a cool design scheme. Have you tried it yet? What do you think of it?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Shortie said:

    I don't own any Arcade1Up Cabinets no but they do look awesome and it is something I would love to get myself one day if I was ever able to and had the room to as I feel it would be cool to have a huge gaming room with these included. I have always wanted a gamer room and I know my kids being gamers as well would love something like this to be honest. 

    Move to the US and we'll get a house big enough for one 😛  just an idea 😉

  5. Even if you aren't necessarily a trophy hunter, is having a platinum trophy on your PSN account important to you? I didn't think it was for a long time, until I bought a game out of boredom and realized I had platinumed it within 3 hours. 😛 Now I have 8 platinums on my account, all are pretty simple to achieve, I'm working on platinums 9 and 10 slowly and I have an idea of running through a game on PS Plus that i thousand pointed on Xbox to get that platinum too. 


    However, if it wasn't for that accidental platinum, I don't think I would've ever bothered getting the others. 

  6. Anyone else miss the days of going to the arcade to play the latest games? I was only able to enjoy this for a very short period of time as a child and only when we visited certain places., but I loved it!  Do you miss the arcades from back in the day? They are definitely a rarity nowadays if not impossible to find any still up and operational. 

  7. What are your thoughts on these affordable arcade cabinets? Do you own any? They make lots of different classic arcade games such as Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter 2, Marvel Vs Capcom, The Simpsons Arcade game, to name a few.  I would love to get a couple of these myself for my basement but i don't have the space at the moment 😞 I think when i'm finally able to remodel my basement a bit more, I might buy a few of these for the back of the room. I always wanted an arcade cabinet, now they make ones that are affordable to the average joe.  Do you own any Arcade1Up cabinets? if so, which one(s)?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Shortie said:

    It's always a fun time when you hit the top spot but such a bummer when you find out that someone managed to knock you off that top spot in the end and it's always a pain to be able to try and get the top spot back as well no matter how hard you try. I mean I still try when it happens but it usually seems to take forever! 

    Yup! unfortunately that location no longer exists. I wonder what places like that do with the arcade machines when they close? I wonder if someone buys em off them or something.......I would love to get a couple of those Arcade1Up machines for my basement. 😛 Maybe one day....

  9. 9 hours ago, Shortie said:

    I honestly did not know that they did a game like this so it must have been one that I missed. It looks like the kind of game I would sit and play though as I have played many games similar in the past. I often sit and look at games that I missed when I was younger and sometimes wish I could go back and play them after missing out. This definitely seems like one of those games for sure! 

    Yeah I'm surprised you missed this series. It was a blast! One of my favorites growing up. The references were hilarious. Although at the time I didn't understand a lot of them, as you get older and go back to a game like this, you appreciate them more and realize just how funny a game like this was. 😛 Way ahead of it's time for sure. 

  10. What kind of mouse do you have for your PC? Do you have a gaming-oriented mouse?  Ever since I bought a gaming laptop in 2012, I always had some sort of gaming mouse to accompany it. In the past i've had the Razer Naga Epic, Razer Naga Epic Wireless, An Alienware  mouse (Had issues with this one......) and currently rocking a Corsair Scrimitar.  Do you use a gaming mouse? If so, which one do you have? I've heard good things about logitech mice.

  11. 4 hours ago, Shortie said:

    I have definitely had an interest in the Steam Deck but at the moment it is not in my budget. Being able to play certain games away from my PC and have access to my steam library handheld sounds pretty awesome to me. I know that some games are just not compatible for it and I think that is the only thing putting me off as well. I would definitely have to do some more research into it and what games are available before I considered jumping on it.

    Yeah. I'd love to get one myself. I found out recently you can run Dreamcast games on it and they all run pretty well if not flawlessly, so I'm pretty excited about that aspect. I might have to see about picking one up in 2023 at some point. It's definitely something I'd love to have and be able to use on the go. Especially if I have to go somewhere overnight and don't have anything to really do in a hotel room or something. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Shortie said:

    It's hard for me to say as I haven't even been able to use an i7 nevermind and i9 but everyone seems to be raving about the i9 so it must be good I would have thought. Personally I don't see myself getting a PC with an i9 for a long time due to the price not matter how great it may be and if an i7 works just fine for newer games that would be my go to for now. 

    Yeah I agree. I think if the price difference between an i7 and an i9 is too high i'd stick with the i7. If it's a matter of a couple hundred bucks ($200 or less) then I might splurge for the i9 on my next gaming laptop. It all depends on the price for such an upgrade I suppose, or if the i9 is coming stock w/ the prebuilt ones available at Best Buy or not. 


  13. There are plenty of ways you can experience it. PC, PSP/PS Vita, Nintendo DS. Hell i believe there's even a version on iOS/Android if you can put up with playing it on your phone or tablet. 😛  It's definitely worth experiencing. I hope they remaster it and re-release it like they did it's sequel recently, Chrono Cross. 

  14. Of course! I always played it whenever I went to a place that had a pacman arcade machine. My local Pizza Hut at the time had one, along with a Galaga machine and I would always play PacMan while waiting for our pizza to be done. At one point I had the high score on that machine, didn't last too long though cuz about a month or two after getting that score, I returned to find me knocked down 2 slots 😛

  15. All the time. I've not touched certain games because of mission procrastination lol. 😛 It's honestly probably the #1 reason my backlog is so big and I have so many unfinished games. 😛  The struggle is REAL.  It usually happens in more open-world titles, and that makes it worse because then I forget what I had to do when I do go back to them and end up starting over completely, it's a vicious, never-ending cycle.

  16. How do you feel about driving games like Gran Turismo? Ridge Racer? Driver? Are you a fan of them? I can take them or leave them to be honest. I don't mind driving in games like GTA, well at least not in the older games on the PS2. I generally don't find driving segments in games to be all that entertaining, but I can see their appeal. Are you a fan of driving games? 

  17. I think the original xbox missed the mark with one thing, a wifi adapter. I think they could've put out a wifi adapter to enable wifi on the original xbox. I think that would've been a big seller for the console, similar to how Sega released the broadband adapter to replace the 56K modem it came with. 

    Do you think the OG xbox should've had a wifi adapter add-on released? Or was it not needed at the time?

  18. 54 minutes ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    It's definitely NOT a worthless hobby. It's pretty much the way of the future. You have communication with others through gaming and making friends; it can be used in schools to help educate; it could have therapeutic effect through VR; there is the art of photography using the photo mode feature; there are job opportunities; there is competition gaming and also through esports; there is military training and could be used for all sorts of job training through simulations. Playing for fun is just one of the many things that's great about gaming. 

    That's a great way of looking at it! That's why I don't understand people when they say it's a useless/worthless hobby that's a waste of time. I've read about studies that have helped kids with learning & mental disabilities cope with said issues through gaming. If it's helping people like that, how can it be worthless? 

  19. I got a subscription, unlimited data on t-mobile here in the US. I pay about $50/mo for it. It suits me just fine. I never have issues with not having service. I enjoy their service and they offer protection plans. I think i'll be getting one for my next phone when I decide to get a new one.

  20. I got 128GB on my phone's internal memory. I'm guessing quite a lot. However, I don't keep too many games on my phone. I don't have a main driver tablet at the moment either, so I can't really say  how many my 'tablet' would hold as I don't really have one I use regularly. The ones I have are all pretty old and outdated, and probably wouldn't run many games too well on it at all.

  21. A lot of people when asked what their favorite Call of Duty game is, will say the original Modern Warfare 2 from 2009. That being said, it got me thinking, is it really that good of a game? It was released during a time when the original infinity ward was being split away from Activision due to lawsuits and half the studio left to form Respawn Entertainment under EA. The game had a lot of problems such as One Many Army Noobtubes, danger close, etc. Looking at the games in the series we get today, was the original Modern Warfare 2 really that good of a game? I don't think so. I think a lot of people are looking through rose colored glasses personally. I enjoyed my time w/ the game back in the day but if I had to go back and play it today, I don't think i'd enjoy it nearly as much without some QOL improvements.

  22. 25 minutes ago, Shagger said:


    I assume you're talking about this ET...




    As in a game that was on the Atari 2600, not Nintendo NES nor SNES.


    It's just that the topic itself is a little difficult to reply to when you specify that we're meant to talk about games on those two consoles to then bring up a game that wasn't on either of them. You can accuse me of nit-picking if you want, but it's difficult respond to, much less moderate, a thread whare I don't know the rules.

    Yes I'm aware it wasn't on the NES or SNES, but the other games I mentioned were, the games based on movies could be just that, it doesn't have to be limited to the games I mentioned or a specific console mentioned, you don't need to take every thread you read literal in terms of it's title or body, that's what's great about open forums, you can add onto the discussion, which is kind of the point. I'm sure there were other games based on movies that I missed. The point of the thread is that they're usually not very good, which is funny considering most movies based on games, aren't very good either. 

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