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Posts posted by Kyng

  1. While there's no firm evidence either way, I think that due to the sheer size of the universe, and how many millions and millions of stars and planets out there... I would be astonished if we were the only ones.

    (However, I don't believe aliens have visited us!)

  2. 21 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    Hopefully, unlike here, you don't have one of the major candidates quoting Mein Kampf. Our own Adolf 2.0 has been quoting Hitler for several years now, and praising his ideals. So we have 2 choices. A Nazi, that will work against us in every way, or a politician who will work FOR us. While I'm a hardcore liberal Democrat, I don't have much faith in either of our 2 main parties at the moment. They keep running around playing politics in the rest of the world, and ignoring what we need to fucking fix here at home.

    Also with the goddamn Electoral College in place here, our votes don't mean any more than toilet paper. We don't decide the vote. They do.

    Well, the furthest-right of our main parties is Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage. And the thing about him is, he's very good at walking the line of acceptability. He knows how to appeal to far-right racist types, without actually saying anything overtly racist himself, that would cause him to alienate his non-racist supporters. 

    Though, I myself am not a fan of the guy 😛 . Instead, I voted for the Liberal Democrats (who are actually somewhat more moderate than Labour: the word 'liberal' in a European context is basically "Libertarian lite", i.e. the party is centre-left with some libertarian-ish leanings, but is not out-and-out libertarian). 

    The Lib Dems didn't win my seat (I'm in a safe Labour area), but I am glad to see the back of the Conservatives!

  3. I've watched quite a few South Korean shows. 

    My favourite was Extraordinary Attorney Woo, which I could really relate to, due to the main character being on the autistic spectrum. I also enjoyed Squid Game and All Of Us Are Dead, even if the latter was longer than it needed to be!

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