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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. At this point I picture someone's face being hit by three sniper shots at the same time.
  2. That's my friend for ya. He's an extremely tough cookie.
  3. Well, I suppose I could say that Silent Hill 2 and 3 managed to do difficulties just right by separating them into two categories (Action + Puzzle). Do you like to play a horror game and be challenged with complicated puzzles but cannot bear the combat mechanics brought by Tank controls? You choose Hard Puzzle and Easy Action mode. This sort of feature hasn't been brought back in future Silent Hill entries and it's such a shame because it allowed for a higher demographic to enjoy the game while allowing players to pick their own way to play it. It especially helped the fact that it helps players who weren't too invested into the game's mechanics and are there for the engaging plots and symbolism. (AKA they satisfied the niche they were pandering to without the need of coddling anyone or making the overall experience suffer for it).
  4. On that subject... I didn't take offense to your analysis. I'm just saying it's dumb as hell XD
  5. Everyone I showed this to agrees that you're a mental case at this point. And I'm pretty sure we don't need to be metaphorical for that.
  6. Unfortunately, there's a huge problem of mistrust in the press as well. Hell, I know that you've been accussed of plagiarism @StaceyPowers which just goes to show how much the community doesn't trust journalists in general. It's a huge shame because we're supposed to protect the consumers as well. SO what happens when the community refuses to listen to them?
  7. My next stream will start in a few minutes. It's going to be for the Ace Attorney Trilogy! Me and my co-host @Executor Akamia will go on and play this game for as long as our sanity allows. So yeah! Let's all have some good ol' fashioned Ace Attorney fun.
  8. Mostly so I don't clutter the VGR FOrums with my Stream announcements. This is going to be the main place where I'll post the announcments for this and future streams, from starting to ending. So yeah, this is the post I'll keep bumping! Anyways, let's get started by saying the schedules of the next streams. SATURDAYS: 5PM CST / 6PM EST / 3PM PST SUNDAYS: 9PM CST / 10PM EST / 7PM PST
  9. It's a tragic development, unfortunately. However, it seems like developers are getting tired of that shit so... Yeah.
  10. I would have it as a video game rental and store. Just think of the possibilities of players being able to play their favorite games and then buying them!
  11. Never really quitted on a game to be honest. I always ended up finishing or completing them. Even the awful ones.
  12. That would've been the weirdest flex but ok moment-
  13. "The Future is Ours to Decide!" - Shulk, Xenoblade Chronicles
  14. On top of that, the gaming community is also become quite known for forgiving these practices. The promise of "Better content later" which isn't a guarantee (-ahem- Final Fantasy XV) and the whole concept of the Megapatch is just so horrendeus that it makes me sick.
  15. That's the stupidest connection I have ever heard in my entire life. How the hell is that supposed to be any form of supremacy? Just how?! Look dude, the fact is that no matter where you go, you won't be able to please everyone in any way. You are going to find players that are certainly not going to enjoy the game you're making for them. Catering to them at the expense of the player base that's already loyal to you will not only never really turn the heads of those who didn't want to play the game iun the first place, but it will also turn those who already enjoyed the game for what it was away. And seriously, I am known for saying that things are linked to politics and such.. But this was the most vague and stupid connection I have ever heard. To the point where I am not even comparing you to the left, I just think you're entirely delusional.
  16. Believe it or not, reducing a skill gap or making a game easier to beat (Even if it's a separate difficulty mode) is going to have negative repercussions. Especially because it undermines the achievements that other players have made. Look at the recent Resident Evil 2 "All-Unlock" DLC. Now players are able to purchase the stuff many players have worked so hard for, destrfoying their achievements and making fun of them for playing the goddamned game to begin with. So yeah, EASE comes with a price. No matter what game it is.
  17. It's definitely a problem that has to be addressed in almost every industry out there. However, I also am keeping the topic to gaming since this is what this is all about.
  18. Same deal with Cuphead, you're supposed to beat people who are basically trying to keep their soul contracts from being taken by the devil. Of course they're going to fight with everything they've got in order to prevent the player from achieving their goal!. The Simple mode of the game not only doesn't allow players to see the entirety of the boss fights, but it also gates off players from playing the part with the Devil and King Dice.
  19. Sekiro is also considered part of the SoulsBorne games. Both series are also known for their difficulty.
  20. Believe me when I say that reducing difficulty will ACTUALLY take something away from the people who work to get their entertainment and enjoy it.
  21. An all-unlock purchase. Fucking SERIOUSLY?!
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