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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. Put up that Decisive battle video up boi
  2. BUT THE GEMS. I guess you're right... But you how this industry is nowadays...
  3. Apparently they've been losing players in droves because the hype died down.... So I apologize in advance if the game turns out to be another OW.
  4. AWWW But whyyyy!!! Do you hate yourself that much?!
  5. The remake or the original?
  6. The reason is because even though you get these amazing upgrades and stuff... You're still a human being that's as fragile to bullets as it gets.
  7. UleTheVee


    Seeing as how @Alyxx and I are technically part of the community, I'm curious. What are your thoughts on furries and the furry fandom? Personally, I kinda hate it? XD I don't like being associated with furries especially because the degeneracy has become quite the troublesome problem in recent years. Not only that, but I don't really like that much of what people consider "Furry things": My fiancee knows how much I hate fursuits and she hasn't insisted on them (thankfully) and I often just go around and do my own thing. Then there's this thing:
  8. I am aware of what ASMR is but I never really understood the appeal of it.
  9. It probably won't considering the circumstances.
  10. THIS is a steal. THIS is something you should be hunting for RIGHT NOW.
  11. Don't trust him, he used to be a Starcraft II player until he literally betrayed his Protoss kind for the sake of Stellaris lol.
  12. I am surprised that people took so long to understand that. I kinda saw that coming the second Apex Legends stopped being in the spotlioght. But at the same time, we owe this game because it's the reason why Respawn is actually seeing more leniency in terms of creative design for that upcoming Star Wars game.
  13. Before you lose your collective nuts, this isn't a post about what yer favorite Mega Man games are or what you think is the best Mega Man game. I am going for the broader topic first seeing as how both me and @Executor Akamia are huge fans. So.. What is your favorite Mega Man series? My favorite definitely has to be the X series because of how many games do things great. Yes, we had the awful stuff like X6 and X7. However, games like X, X4, X5, and X8 have become classics and are incredibly great games to play even to this day. Of course, the main reason why I enjoy these games nowadays is because of the re-release in the Maverick Hunter X Collection. Another aspect I love about Mega Man X is just how emotional it can get (For better and for worse). Once you start thinking about the plans that are put into motion and how much of an impact this series makes before and after it starts; this series just becomes a magnificent written stuff as a whole. So? What's yer fave?
  14. Banned for not thinking right
  15. Don't forget that the original Deus Ex games are literally the hardest of the bunch. The Deus Ex games are NOT beginner friendly and they often give you a run for your money in most ocassions.
  16. Would you even be surprised if EA did the same thing or other companies taht we deem good such as CD Projekt RED? I mean, the latter has been found guilty of overworking employees too.
  17. Did you know that those songs you love listening to have a meaning?! OH GOD! All kidding aside, a lot of people tend to gloss over the overall theme of the songs themselves. Whether it's grieving for the loss of a loved one, someone trying to send a message to someone else, the motivational speech behind a song, etc. What are your favorite themings in songs? Do you actually know the meaning behind the lyrics of your favorite songs?
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if EA did this as well. It would fit them to a T. However, I find the fact that these practices are not enforced even more disgusting (AKA how the government lets these slimebags get away with it especially KNOWING that this affects the capitalist environment from an economy standpoint)
  19. I listen to whatever music I feel like listening to almost all the time! XD It sounds anticlimatic but I never settle for one genre. Sometimes I work with no music at all, some others I do listen to epic instrumental songs, some other times I listen to game soundtracks because in case it wasn't clear enough I think Video Games are superior in every single way lol.
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