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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I'd also go with raw veggies because all you'd have to do with most is wash them off. Raw meat has to be properly prepared before it can be edible - well most of them.
  2. If it's a party with family or close friends, I'd probably go but otherwise, I'm not going anywhere.
  3. It's one or the other...the flip side is ending up with a superpower like being able to vacuuming your room by inhaling through your nose. Who'd want a superpower like that?
  4. It's a different story if my dog dies - Of course I'll cry. It's like losing a family member but being in a relationship with someone who may or may not leave in the future is different.
  5. I can swim and I have done most watersports you can think of but I don't have anywhere to surf.
  6. I'm not sure why but even when I am silent people always seem to notice me.
  7. There are so many government files on the Dark Web. You'd think they'd do better to secure their documents.
  8. I'm not sure - maybe their brains are just...flat. No substance can make you that stupid - they must have different shaped brains than the rest of us. It's the only logical explanation. Wait, did I just try to use logic to explain their actions? Maybe I need to put down the pipe...
  9. Yeah - you did tell us that when you first joined. The poor pandas can't even enjoy their bamboo leaves in peace XD. I'm just kidding...
  10. I've seen the same and it's an increasing trend. What I've found is that some adults of today haven't matured mentally and that's why they're so irresponsible and act like a bunch of kids.
  11. Shortly after replying to your comment and reading the article - Yongyea also made a video:
  12. Because most have the same mentality towards games nowadays. The games are profit-focused instead of being player-focused and it shows.
  13. That could also be true...
  14. That's nice and all but could you provide us with a source/s for the info that supports your speculation.
  15. Of course it is and that because according to the lore books and what's described in-game, both realms of Oblivion are vastly different but Bethesda's laziness made them carbon copies of each other.
  16. I do it for RP reasons such as my character is a traveler who is just starting out so staying at inns is part of the adventure.
  17. Same here - hell, I almost broke my own code and pre-ordered it but I stuck to my guns and it turns out I was right.
  18. If you even look at the statistics of new players joining, it has dropped by a lot over the past 2 years and that's because most people already know what Fortnite is about.
  19. We need to stop depending on the support of celebrities or media personnel because they've already been bought out by these companies. If they haven't, they're prone to being easily influenced by money.
  20. Same here and that's one of the main reasons I'll never go back to being a console gamer primarily. It's just too restrictive of a platform in my opinion.
  21. Activision's CEO makes more than that in a year - if anything, the politicians were stupid to let them off for such a small amount of money. They could've gone for $500m but they only settled for $18m.
  22. It's because they know their fanboys will always buy it no matter what.
  23. That's the problem, the government has to benefit in some way. They put the needs of their citizens below any benefit to themselves - it has always been a self-serving institution.
  24. Exactly - having a bunch of unknown Marvel characters in a video game definitely won't sell as one with some of the more popular characters included.
  25. It's definitely made for a younger audience...
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