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Posts posted by Shagger

  1. I'm not sure if this counts as a genre, but I do avoid the "Soulsborne" type games as much as possible. The closest thing I've played to such a game that I've actually liked is Jedi: Fallen Order. I've long since accepted that, despite loving RPG's and 3rd person action/adventure games, the "Soulborne" just aren't made for me. I hate thier gameplay tropes, like no pausing (And that really is ridiculous in a single play game) and the sluggish combat. I hate the way they look, it the same dreary, demon underworld cliché every time. But most of all, I hate the trial and error philosophy behind the so-called "challenge". There're not hard games, merely cryptic ones loaded with beginners traps and cheap enemy AI that prays on one's natural instincts as a gamer rather than combat your techniques and strategies in a natural way.

  2. She fought hard, but in the end we knew if was only a matter of time. My partners mother passed away last night. On behalf of the family, I want to thank you for your thoughts and condolences.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    That’s just terrible. Did she make it to see her mom yet? My heart goes out to your family. 


    She's in a hotel and is seeing her mother in the morning as far as I know. I'll be sure to pass on your condolences.

  4. Not been the best of days. My better half's mother was admitted to hospital earlier, and it's not good. She's got very little time left. My partner got on a train to  to try and get there before she looses her chance to say goodbye. Suffice to say, she's pretty devastated.

  5. 4 hours ago, Anders said:

    Wow, I honestly don't think I've ever seen anyone talk shit about Burnout Paradise before. I really liked that game personally, and it was pretty well recieved critically as well. The original is sitting at 88 on Metacritic. My personal favorite of the franchise is Burnout Legends on the PSP, played the shit out of that game back in the day. 


    With all due respect to people who like that game, they don't know any better. They don't know what an arcade racer and a proper Burnout game is supposed to feel like. I (and others) have spoken about this great franchise and that travesty Burnout Paradise before on these boards. Check out this thread for example.

  6. I'm still wondering what the hell happened to Deep Down. Capcom have a habit of hyping up games, especially new IP's, with awesome trailers and details about how awesome it'll be then we just never hear about them again.


    I found this video on the subject with what is the latest from a few weeks ago:



  7. 13 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Damn, I vaguely remember seeing it in commercials as a child or was it some TV series but never owned one. What games do you have for it?


    The Super Famicom is the Japanese SNES. Unless you were living in Japan in the early 90's I doupt you saw any commercials for it.

  8. I replied to the topic, but didn't even talk about what games I've been playing! silly me.


    Still playing Red alert 2 a lot, but have recently started experimenting with map creation. I played and reviewed Ravenlok through Gamepass recently. A beaautiful game, but with some serious problem with difficulty and combat. Check out the review here if you so wish. Other games I've been playing include World of Warships, Atomic Heart, A Plague Tail: Requiem (Reviewed that one as well, it's superb), Horizon: Forbitten West and Hogwarts Legacy to name a few.

  9. What are you using to run the program from? If it's from the original hardware, like the original CD/DVD-ROMs, you need an emulator to make the games compatible. I know how much authenticity means to you, but emulators can run games from the original game disks. Either way, I'll keep digging.


    EDIT: I found this article from The Windows Club that indicates it is possible to run this game from the original CD, but it is a bit of a faff and apparently does require a HD mod. Still, worth checking out.


    As for AOE 2, all roads lead back to the compatibility tab. I'll post this video tutorial on the compatibility function even though I'm fairly certain you have already tried it, but who knows, maybe there is something you've missed.



  10. Since we speak and scribe the King's English on this side of the Atlantic, I could just boil this down to saying you filthy colonials are spelling things wrong, but...


    You know, that's it. You filthy colonials are spelling things wrong.




    Seriously though, I have no idea why this and other spelling differences like this happen on the same language.

  11. There can be few things more annoying than stripped screws, they really are a pet hate of mine. Why do these manufacturers make them out of such soft metal?


    Anyway, I do work in engineering so have dealt with this sort of thing a lot. Given what you have already tried (And I must say, I think somebody's taking the piss with superglue thing, that was never going to work.), outside of  drilling through the screw, I can think of only two things that likely to work.

    1. Gripping the screwhead in a set of pliers and trying to turn it that way.
    2. Using impact force to turn the screw. I've done this . with rusted and rounded nuts and bolts, but the principle is essentially the same.


    What you'll need is a screwdriver (Flat head, preferably) or small chisel and a hammer.




    I hope that helps. Let me know if you enjoy any luck with this.

  12. Earlier this evening, I thought, "I haven't played Assassin's Creed Odyssey in a while, I think I might just re-install it and give it a go". Given the install size, I had to remove a couple of games giving myself plenty of room for the game and any updates it might install. I originally bought the game from the Epic Game Store (After a combination of sale prices and coupons, It ended up being quite the steal.), so naturally I use the EGS launcher to install the game. A couple of hours later, I start the game and Ubisoft's launcher Ubisoft Connect opens up. That's OK, I expected that, but then Ubisoft Connect prompts me to install the game, all 100+GB of it, all over again!

    It turns out Ubisoft Connect does not recognise the EGS install of the game. Why? Because when EGS installs the game, the game is listed as "AssassinsCreedOdyssey" without spaces, but Uplay installs the game under a file called "Assassins Creed Odyssey" with spaces. I am not kidding, that is why Ubisoft Connect couldn't recognise the game was already installed! I understand Ubisoft wanting to verify a digital game copy, but this is just plain stupid. This isn't an indigenous problem with this game either, it happens with others. I read a Reddit post from somebody who had the exact same problem with AC Syndicate.

    Thankfully, I didn't actually have to install the game all over again as Ubisoft Connect does have a feature that allows you to tell the launcher whare the game files are and verify them, but that was still a full 20 minutes waiting for it to do so for no good reason.

    I don't know if the same thing happens if you install and launch Ubisoft games through Steam (If somebody can confirm, please do so), but this is why nobody wants to have to buy a game through one platform, then have to link it and run it through another. EA makes you do the same thing when you install EA games through Gamepass, for example, but to thier credit at least that works without any stupid bullshit like this. I wouldn't put it past companies like Ubisoft and EA to make this whole process deliberately inconvenient just so people will use thier own launchers instead of EGS, the Xbox Windows App or Steam.

    Anyway, rant over. I just wanted to put this out there in hope this might see others avoid the same problem.

  13. Starship Troopers is franchise that has a habit of taking it's sweet time to have an impact. The original novel by Robert A. Heinlein was published 38 years before the Paul Verhoeven movie (1959-1997) and even 23 years after that there had had only been two video games made based on the franchise. First there was Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendency in the year 2000 then the simply named Starship Troopers in 2005. Neither of which released close to the movie and both of which more or less forgotten. There was also a pinball game and an iOS game on mobile that I refuse to even count. The film in particular has a definite cult following, so it is odd that the obvious potential for video games has been ignored for so long.


    Then comes 2022, and out of nowhere we get Starship Troopers: Terran Command;


    An RTS with a stylish, yet faithful look. It currently sits at a "Very Positive" reception on Steam at the equivalent of about $30. I haven't played, but really want to and it looks decent enough, by maybe lacks some of the ambition the idea of a Starship Troopers could have.


    Another year passes, and now an entirely different team looks to do another completely different take on Starship Troops in the form of a PvE, horde FPS, Starship Troopers: Extermination:



    As a fan of the movie, THIS is what I'm talking about! 16 players desperately working together to hold thier ground against an endless horde? I get the RTS game, I really do, but THIS is Starship Troopers to me! There are a couple of concerns, first of which being the graphics. The bugs look great, but the rest of it lacks detail for me and the troopers themselves look blocky and flat. I also feel the game could do with a campaign/story mode, but something tells me that's not likely to happen. Playing horde move over and over would get boring pretty quick, so I hope the games gets more verity going forward.


    Do you think this is will be the Starship Troopers game to finally meet the hype, or will it be another wet let-down?

  14. I don't AI is quite as scary nor threatening as you fear it is, but how much more sophisticated is has gotten over the last year or so is quite alarming. Most of the concern about it revolves around how it is affecting the realms of creative media, like with AI artwork. There are programs out there that can generate artwork completely on thier own with only a few words and themes inputted to guide it. There is even now an AI metal band publishing music on YouTube called Frostbite Orckings. This is NOT a prograM remixing sounds and songs from other bands, it's an AI that's been taught how to play these instruments, been told the basics about how song structure works, given a limited theme and style to work within, and these are the entirely original works it has come up with.




    There is no human input into this. The music, and video with all the designs were all done by an AI. As I said, humans had to "teach" the AI how to play the instruments and the basics of character design and video direction etc, but the creativity is all from an AI. Quite remarkable.


    And this is what's possible now, I can't blame anyone for being frightened by what AI might be capable of a few years down the road. Still, I still think that it's human malice and human error that would be the real threat with AI, and that is something we know how to deal with.

  15. On 5/17/2023 at 9:54 PM, killamch89 said:

    I've heard lots of negative feedback regarding Virtual Boy so that isn't much of a surprise. Wait? Panasonic had a console? It was bound to flop. To be honest, it's the first I'm hearing of a good number of these and they seem awful!


    Technically, the 3DO wasn't their console. The 3DO was an unusual video game console in that it wasn't manufactured by a first party. Panasonic were just one of several companies who were contracted by the 3DO Company to make the console. The others being GoldStar (Now known as LG) and Sanyo with Creative Technologies being responsible for the peripherals and many of the components inside. This meant there were several different versions of the console with different hardware branding, but there were all made to similar specifications. The 3DO Company itself founded by the founder of Electronic Arts Trip Hawkins and it was his company that was responsible for and would profit from software distribution, like a game publisher. The various companies that actually made the system would only see thier cut from the single hardware sale. In a way, the 3DO today looks less like a gaming console and more like a purpose built gaming PC, perhaps like one of those Steam Machines that were about a few years ago.


    And that was whare the real problems with the 3DO started. The fact the console had some advanced tech' for the time and that the manufacturers had to profit from the hardware sale is what made the system so expensive. It did have stand out graphics and some great ports of games like Wing Commander 3 that included almost DVD quality FMV, but it wasn't worth the price compared to it's rivals. A shame because I actually think it was a good system.

  16. I actually already own Metro: Last Light Redux through EGS, but I thought I'd share this anyway.


    From now (May 18nth) until May 25th, you can claim Metro Last Light Complete Edition for free through Steam. This an offer from Deep Silver in celebration of the games 10nth anniversary. Full story from GameSpot.




    All you need to do is visit the Metro Franchise Page on Steam;


    Click on the link, and there you go. Whilst you're there, check out the big discounts on the other Metro Games up to 80% off. If I'm getting the math right, one can own the entire Metro franchise including DLC on Steam for less than the equivalent of $20 right now with these offers.

    To summarize;

    • Offer starts May 18nth
    • Offer ends May 25th  (The Discount on EGS last longer, until June 15nth)
    • 77% to 100% Discount
    • Free game offer available on Steam only, but discounts also available on other stores.
  17. 27 minutes ago, Anders said:

    I'm deep into Tears of the Kingdom, and I'm loving it so far. It's basically more of Breath of the Wild, which is one of my favorite games of all time, so I'm very happy. Both today and tomorrow are national holidays here in Norway, and my wife is out of town, so I'm pretty much playing it all day, every day at the moment


    I'm surprised you managed to pr yourself away from you Switch long enough to post here 😄

  18. 4 minutes ago, Anders said:

    I absolutely agree. The only soulsborn game I've spent any siginicant amount of time with is Elden Ring, and although I did enjoy what I played of it, I definitely think it's way overrated. I mean, I do see why people think it's a good game, but people talk about it like it's the second coming of Jesus and the best game that's ever been made. 

    Most of the time I played it was spent doing the same things over and over again to farm XP, just so I could level up enough to not die in two hits. The game does not explain anything at all to you, so you have to look up what pretty much every item you pick up does. I won't comment to much on the story, but as far as I got, there wasn't much story to be had.

    I've never been a fan of extreme difficulty in games. I'm fine with a bit of a challenge, but having to replay the same boss fight 20-30 times is just excruciating to me. Whenever I try saying that to a soulsborn fan however, the answer is always the same:

    "Git gud"


    Music to my ears. It's not as if people like us don't like challenging games, it's that these games get it all wrong. Glad to know somebody gets it. 

  19. An update on the so-called "controversy" around Aloy acquiring an optional lesbian love interest.

    Apparently merely singing on this game's soundtrack makes you fair game for harassment. Julie Elven, a professional vocalist, received abuse from gamers over the optional same sex romance just because her voice is on the soundtrack. Full story from Push Square. What is wrong with gamers?

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