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Posts posted by Crazycrab

  1. 13 hours ago, kingpotato said:

    I dont care much for the shape of the console, on the other hand the shape of the Xbox X series opens the door for a very cool special edition 
    This is from IGN:



    That actually looks pretty rad!  I'd tottaly buy that!

  2. 4 hours ago, skyfire said:

    I think there are some sort of creator or streaming program and they only allow those restrictions for those who are not approved. So I think there are definitely things about nintendo that we know and don't know where and not to do while playing their games.


    It was the Nintendo Creators Program, basically you could monetize Nintendo content on YouTube, Twitch and so on. The catch was you give up significantly more of the revenue to Nintendo and they could restrict your content so if you covered anything outside Ninteno's content or said anything negative they could block the video or even ban you.  It was a ludacrisily stupid policy thought up by Nintendo of Japan that even high ups representing Nintendon in other regions like America where constantly arguing against. Thankfully in November 2018 the program was scrapped.

  3. 49 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    We cant ignore Contra Rogue Corps. That was an absolute abomination.
    There was also MKM: Sub-Zero.
    While it's one of my favorites, FF8 didn't really do the Final Fantasy franchise any favors. But I think most people count FF9 and/or FF13 as the absolute worst that have come out.

    But there are also some spinoffs that, while they haven't ended a franchise, have damaged it. Things like Zelda Majoras Mask as well as some of the Game Boy titles. Oracle series, Minish Cap, etc. Great games all, but in the beginning, not so much. Players are often times wary of games that aren't directly related to the main story of a franchise, unless that franchise is known for changing it up with every edition, such as Final Fantasy. The first true sequel in the Final Fantasy series was FF X2. That's a long time from the first one that was on NES.


    If spin offs count then Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is the absolute worst in the franchise, especially when it comes to the atrocious PC port.

  4. 3 minutes ago, kingpotato said:

    Best and worst FPS game you have ever played ?


    I find playing FPS's a little difficult... for obvious reasons.  I don't really play much online either.


    But still, best... it's a close call between Perfect Dark on N64 and DOOM 2016.


    The worst FPS and by extension the worst game I have ever played was Resident Evil Survivor: Code Veronica on the PS2.

  5. When on the menu highlight the item (whether it be a weapon, spell, potion or whatever) you want to hotkey and hit the button.  When you see the radial wheel use the D-Pad to highlight one of the positions and select it.  You can then epuip or use that item aby time by hitting the same position on the D-Pad during gameplay.

  6. 6 hours ago, kingpotato said:

    I hate micro transactions as much as the next guy, but I dont think EA or anyone who sells micro transactions is cheating anybody,  we know that this kind of stuff is optional and we know that is wrong, still there are many people paying for these kind of stuff, EA's billion dollar profit is a proof of it. So in my opinion consumers have the blame for paying for these kinds of practices. Its like cigarettes, we know all know that shit kills you but since people keep paying for them they remain legal.


    It's not quite as black and white as saying "It's the customer's fault for buying them".  They are designed intentionally to be manipulative and use the same psychological techniques that Casino's, slot machines and even shady business schemes like pyramids.


    You don't have an issue with spending money on these things and actually, neither do I and thats great...  for us, but we are NOT the people that they are after.  Its children, people with gambling problems, compulsive spending habbits, troubles with addiction or otherwise don't know any better and/or can't help themselves.


    Jim Sterling posted an interesting video about this if you want to take a look.



  7. 6 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    No surprise there. It is the only thing keeping their greedy company afloat. If lootboxes were banned out of existence tomorrow morning, EA and others would immediately file bankruptcy.


    No they wouldn't, they are making more than enough without recurrent monetization to stay in business.  This all about greed and not need.

  8. 9 hours ago, Dead2009 said:

    Twitter user Aesthetic Gamer was the first to drop the new report. Aesthetic Gamer is known for reliably leaking previous Capcom titles (although Silent Hill is developed and published by Konami), and divulged some details about the supposed two new Silent Hill games. According to Aesthetic Gamer, one game will be a “soft” reboot of the franchise while the other will be an episodic experience similar to Telltale games or Until Dawn.


    My confidence and faith in Konami to actually deliver a decent product is right at the bottom of the septic tank at this point.  The term "Soft Reboot" in this case is a by word for it's going to have little to nothing to do with the original and the reason the other one is episodic is so when the first part inevitably fails they won't have to bother finishing it.

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