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Posts posted by Crazycrab

  1. 1 hour ago, StaceyPowers said:

    What is your preferred breakfast?


    My mouth is very close to the ground so barnicles, worms, clams, leafs, grass...  whatever is lying around down there.  I used to eat single cell protozoa but grew out of that, you know like you don't seem to like chocolate as much as when you were a kid.

  2. The Getaway on PS2:




    It's important to note that game does not have a traditional health bar.  The designers wanted an immersive, photorealistic look so there's really no visible hud at all, it's up to the player to among other things keep track of how much ammo was left in your clip for example.  The only indication of your health is that the character will start limbing and staggering around like he's injured. It was quite a neat idea.


    I was enjoying it and the game itself is very challenging but not unfairly so... Until This one part that I swear to god the developers put in there as an intentional block.  It's towards the end of the game where you are following one of the main character villains onto a ship. You first have to clear the deck of bad guys and then enter the ship itself where the guy shoots at you when you come to an open door.  This one shot does a massive amount of damage sometimes even killing you instantly, like the asshole has a magic bullet! I know this for a fact because with practice and repetition on subsequent attempts I am able to get past all the guys on the deck without getting hit once but then I get to this door...  BAM It's over or at least my health is so low that it might as well be. I tried everything from creeping very slowly and carefully towards the door, running out as fast I could, rolling out and layout down cover fire but the result was always the same.


    I was enjoying it wanted to see how it ended but I just could not figure out how to get past this part and gave up.  I've never beaten it.  😞

  3. 2 hours ago, Shagger said:


    I'd have to look it up to get the precise details, but I believe what happened was a community leader and popular player on Fallout 76 exposed a bug  or exploit in the game, recorded footage of it and reported it to Bethesda. However to show the exploit in the footage he obviously had to use it and that got him banned. I might be wrong, but I think that's what happened.


    That's pretty much it, it's happened to several players.  There is a another vid from YongYea that explains the details.



  4. 21 hours ago, StrikingVipers said:

    Don't like gIasses so I bought a gaming light for my eyes' sake. 


    I'm only saying this for your own good.  If your straining your eyes enough to require a gaming light, you REALLY should be wearing glasses or contacts at the very least.  Especially if your driving.


    34 minutes ago, StaceyPowers said:

    The biggest quality of life improvement I want though has nothing to do with the console—it has to do with the controller. DualShock 3 controllers have done nothing but die on me, and I can’t afford to replace them with anything but crappy aftermarket ones. I wish that the next controller will be a bit sturdier and less finicky, with a longer lifespan. That by itself would thrill me.


    The current DualShock 4 is already a significant improvement in ergonomics and quality over it's predecessor...  except for 2 things:

    1. Micro USB:  I frigging HATE micro USB!  Always have!  They're fidgity, fall out all the time and are far to easy to break.  We already know that the next gen systems are switching over to USB Type-C (like on newer smartphones and the Nintendo Switch) and thank mercyfull Zues for that!
    2. Battery life:  I'm not sure if it's the light bar or the motor's for the rumble but the batteries on the DS4 seemed to drain much faster than they did before on the DS3.  So I'm hoping Sony addresses this.

    Other than that I'm expecting (and hoping) that the DualShock 5 won't be much different from the DualShock 4.


    34 minutes ago, StaceyPowers said:

    Obviously I also want backwards compatibility that goes all the way back to the original PlayStation, but we all know how unlikely that is.


    Microsoft have aready announced that the new XBox is fully backwards compatible and that's great.  Granted it isn't as straight forward Sony to do this with the PS5 since the architecture of the PS2 and PS3 in particular are so different from the x86 PC architecture that we see in the consoles now.  I know from experience that it takes a fairly powefull PC to emulate PS2 games properly, let alone PS3.


    It is unlikely but I'm hoping the really beefy AND ZEN 2 based CPU's combined with the commercial pressure from Microsoft's backwards compabilty promises they will make the PS5 fully backwards compatible but we will have to wait and see.

  6. 1 hour ago, skyfire said:

    Yes but a lot of paid games have yet to get on microtransactions route they charge upfront. 


    Are you kidding?  Almost every major full price AAA release from 3rd party publishers has paid microtransactions.  Call of Duty, Borderlands 3, Fallout 76, Assassins Creed, Overwatch, Destiny, every Sports game... the list goes on forever.  There's only a handful that haven't jumped on the bandwagon.

  7. When it comes to gaming 9 times out of 10 the term "innovation" is a by word for experimental gimmick that barely friggin works. By now I think we have a pretty solid formula for what works and a controller or mouse and keyboard and a screen.  Going back to the early days when companies would "innovate" with crap like the power glove, light guns, motion controls or more recently the Kniect and PlayStation move is the absolute last thing I wanna see. So aside from accessories that makes games more accessible for people with disabilities like the XBox Adaptive Controller (vid below) all I want is for my hardware to work.


  8. 7 minutes ago, StaceyPowers said:

    I think we have already talked about improvements we want to see in Elder Scrolls VI in terms of gameplay mechanics. But what additions do you want to the activities you can do in the game?

    For example, here are some things I’d like to see added:

    • A fishing system would be cool. We can hunt, so it would be great if we can also fish.
    • I want to be able to convert cleared forts/houses to be my houses. So often, they are in just the right location, and sometimes there are buildings that are never inhabited again after you kill their occupants. So why can’t we claim these houses and turn them into homesteads for ourselves?
    • I would love a crafting system that lets me make custom attire. It would be cool if different features from different outfits could be combined, or completely custom colors selected, etc. I would love something like a detailed character creation, but for clothing, weapons, etc.
    • I want to be able to take my kids and spouse to do stuff, like shop in town or whatever.
    • It would be cool to be able to open and run a shop, not just invest in a store at a super high perk level.
    • I want to be able to move the beggars off the streets by building homes for them or paying rent for them.
    • The arena in Oblivion is cool. Some kind of “sport” feature of this nature would be nice.
    • Gambling could be fun. Maybe some simple dice or card games invented for the ES universe. You could go into the taverns and play (like you can with poker and such in Red Dead Redemption).

    Those are my ideas for now. What are some ideas for activities you would like to be able to do in the next Elder Scrolls game?

    @LadyDay, @kingpotato, @killamch89, @DylanC


    I agree with all of that... except for maybe the beggers thing, I would never be that kind 🤣!


    13 minutes ago, StaceyPowers said:

    I want to be able to convert cleared forts/houses to be my houses. So often, they are in just the right location, and sometimes there are buildings that are never inhabited again after you kill their occupants. So why can’t we claim these houses and turn them into homesteads for ourselves?


    This is somthing I can see them doing since it pretty much already exists in Fallout 4.  In that game it's acually kind of tedious with settlers complaining about being hungry, thirsty and stuff.  If they do it without all that busy work then I'm all for it.

  9. 3 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    That's actually not true. Deer are one of the more dangerous animals we have in the US, especially during mating season. A buck will attack a human without hesitation if it cant run. And the power of these animals is immense. There are several hunters every year that are gored by deer, most of them killed. Here in Missouri that is. And a doe with a fawn is just as dangerous. She will intentionally run at you and attack to protect her young. There was one incident a few years ago where a guy hit a fawn as it was crossing the road with its mother. he tried to get out of his car to check the damage and the doe wouldn't let him out. For whatever reason he couldn't get his car to start again. I think the radiator had gotten busted in the collision. But according to him she was snorting, bleating, hissing, and rearing up and attacking his car with her front feet. He ended up having to call 911 to get help out there. Deer are no laughing matter.


    Ok, I stand corrected there.  My point still stands that this not such a universal problem a culling of deer is nescesary.

  10. I never really had an issue, I carry maybe 2 or 3 swords, daggers and bows at a time, at least two armour/clothing sets, about 5 or so of each type of healing and stamina potion and my inventory is only about half too two thirds full.  I useually have one or two companions with me who carry most of my junk and misculanious items as I go but.. yeah.  Anything I don't need I just store away.

  11. I simply vote with my wallet, I flat out refuse to buy any game with lootboxes, insidious microtransactions or from really unethical companies.  To tell the truth, I don't really feel like I've missed on anything that I really wanted to play, by avoiding these things you avoid the vast majority of the garbage.


    32 minutes ago, StaceyPowers said:

    When I upgrade my console, I’ll probably buy The Witcher 3, as I clearly am missing out on a game that will appeal to me. That being said, part of me will cringe about it, because I know that the studio underpaid for the rights (and yes, I know some people will debate me on this—regardless, it isn’t the point).


    That is debatable, if you ask me the whole debacle was entirely his own fault!  The author of the books Andrzej Sapkowski by the admission of his own ignorance made a mistake by taking a cash sum in exchange for the rights instead of a % share in the profits that they offered him in the first place.  He didn't think the games would make a dime because he didn't know anything about video games. Honestly in my opinion, he's been a bit of a knob chasing CD Projekt Red for royalties just because the games became a success.  It doesn't matter now anyway, they settled out of court just recently so can buy any of the Witcher games with a clear conscience.



  12. 23 hours ago, DimensionalGamer said:

    The reason for Sport Hunting is to keep the animal population down for the farmers.  I'm not a hunter myself but I have cousins and Uncles who are.  

    Imagine this scenario.   If we banned all fishing, and hunting.    There would be too many animals.  Imagine there are too many sharks in the ocean to extreme intent so much that beaches has to shut down.


    For every human casulty as the result of a shark, we kill around 17 million.  Trust me, Jaws and Sharknado are not going to reflect reality any time soon


    So on. Deers coming into your home for comfort. wolves hunting your kids or family members. other stuff like that.


    Deers are far to timid and quite harmless, about the worst thing they can do in a populated area is screw with the flow of traffic.  As for the "threat" posed by wolves.... your more likley to be killed by a Bee sting or by hitting one of them deers with your car.


    Hunting for the sake of food or culling one thing and farmers do need to do it somtimes to protect their crops or livestock.  Purley for sport however is ridiculous and none of the excuses like ones here hold water.  Now I'm not one of those people that put the rights of animals over people, if it was my kid was trapped in an enclosure with Harambe the gorilla I'd shoot without any hesitation whatsoever.  The truth is wild animals VERY rarley pose a legimite threat and by we are by far the most the most barbaric and destructive species on the planet.

  13. 12 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    Macintosh machines are technically not computers, but an entirely separate type of machine.


    Actully, that's not true.  Mac's use all the same Intel and AMD CPU's, AMD and Nvidia GPU chipsets, DDR4 memory and SSD's that you get in PC's, servers, consoles and plethora other devices.  None of the hardware across their range is custom, not even in their phones!  The only thing that makes them different is the software, and even that's debatable.  Part of the why I think their such a rip off.

  14. 1 hour ago, The Blackangel said:

    The other is Kaepora Gaebora. That worthless fucking owl, is enraging to me. It’s almost impossible to look in a different direction without the bastard interrupting the game. It never even offers anything to help the game. Nothing but inane gossip. Shit that no one needs or wants. It doesn’t offer any clues or directions. So what is the god damn point? For this thing, there is none.


    Ugh....  Fuck that feathered wanker!  When it comes to annoying chatacters in Zelda everybody points to Navi but this prick is SO much worse!  Everything he tells you is either useless or somthing you already know.  I just wanna smack his face in circles every time I see him!


    I think my reward for most annoying NPC ever has to go to Roman Bellic from GTA4, why:


    Roman:  Cousin, it is the moment for us to spend some quality time together, how about that old American pastime... BOWLING!!!




    If only you could use his head as the ball...

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