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Favorite JRPGs?

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There's as much variety in JRPG's as there is any gaming genre. What they tend to have in common is stylish graphics and design, big on storytelling and combat that tends to prioritise strategy as much, if not more, than skill. Some JRPG's play more like western counterparts and my be easier to get into such as Dragons Dogma, Kingdom Hearts or, if you're a bit of a sadist who wants to torture oneself, the Souls Games. Others have a greater tenancy to follow tradition and like Valkyria Chronicles, Persona and the early Final Fantasy games. It's the ones in the middle I'd most recommend for people less familiar with the genre like the newer Final Fantasy titles and the Tales series.


I'd recommend Tales of Berseria for a start. It's a great game and a great example of a JRPG that isn't to overwhelming. 

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