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What are the most anti-climactic video games?

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What video games do you feel have anti-climactic endings/outcomes, and why?

Like, I hear a lot of people say Dragon Age Inquisition was anti-climactic. I'd say the end mission felt rushed/short/abrupt, but not exactly anti-climactic.

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There are so many to name. But a few real quick were (as much as I love them) early Zelda games. They just kinda stopped after you fought Ganon. Or Shadow Link in Zelda II. Also Contra was a letdown the way it ended. But the worst of all was Goblin Sword. I have it on my Switch, and it has no ending. Literally. It has areas that you clear and that's it. No final boss. No major show. Just nothing. It has to be the biggest anti-ended game in history. There are games that aren't supposed to have an ending like Tetris. I get that. But you would think that this one would. Nope. It just stops.

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On 5/20/2021 at 1:44 AM, killamch89 said:

Skyrim was pretty anti-climatic when it came to the Miraak fight like it was such a meh ending that I was like "what on Earth...".

Seriously, the fight ending was as if they didn't know what else to do and everything just went and ended the way it did in silly to me. 

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