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Would you rather drink sour milk or brush your teeth with soap?

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9 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

Actually, I have bathed with charcoal soap, and I have charcoal powder for toothpaste. So I guess I can brush my teeth with natural charcoal soap that has a natural base. Ugghhh, sour milk? Maybe add droplets of blood and snake oil to it to get the chin hairs growing. 

Funny enough, I've also used charcoal soap before and charcoal toothpaste so I could do that willingly. I was talking more along the lines of traditional soap like Dove and those commercial brands.

5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

I've unsuspectingly been hit with sour milk, and it made me throw up. So I would go with brushing my teeth with soap. But I have a key reason for that.

I have dentures.

Sour milk just sounds like a bad idea all round.

14 hours ago, Empire said:

I drink sour milk anyway, and so that's my answer and who in the world would do there teeth with soap anyway. I mean what soap would you use? 

What does it taste like? Well you could use charcoal soap and charcoal can also be used as toothpaste so using charcoal soap can actually work.

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