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What 3 games did famous writer George R.R. Martin play?

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I'm locking this thread.


This thread's title was quite literally a question with one answer, and that answer can only be provided by George R.R Martin himself. The fact the thread went on for more than one page is baffling. Either you know it or you don't, and we don't. I know that George R.R Martin's history with gaming is something of a grey area with a lot of speculation, and that can breed good conversation, and that's why I let this thread be as long as I have. It's also very current and important given his involvement with Elden Ring. However, we're entering an era of this thread where people are bringing up barely relevant things to keep it alive. Just look at the last post form @Justin11 right above this. Mystic Quest has literarily nothing to do with this.


So I'm calling it. However, I don't want this thread to end with a sour dump, so I'll post this video for some fun.



Edited by Shagger
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