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Favourite system dashboard?

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Just about every system has had a somewhat memorable dashboard, for better or worse. Do you have any particularly fond experiences of user interfaces from consoles from over the years? Do you think about them at all?

I’m personally actually particularly fond of the PS4 dashboard, though I hear it’s not super popular, but I liked that you could make folders, use themes and it was all pretty well connected and had great social options. Before we got a PS5 I had stuck with the Firewatch dynamic theme for the longest time, it even changed color based on time of day. Feel asleep to the relaxing music tons of times.


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For me it would definitely have to be the Xbox 360 Blade Dashboard. It was so new at the time when they released it and it was so clean as well and basic. The way the dashboard is now on the Xbox One and the Xbox Series, as much as it is good I just feel there is way too much going on now with all the advertisements and such as I do miss the basic look of what the Xbox 360 blade dashboard gave. I have often said if we could ever have the option to go back to the bladed dashboard I would in a heartbeat. Obviously, I understand why the dashboard is the way it is now on Xbox but something clean would be so much better. 

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Xbox 360 blade dashboard will forever be my favorite. But I will say that the PS2 menus were nice to look at too. But then again most of the early CD based consoles had a decent little dashboard/menu when you booted it up. 

These days it all just looks commercialized, like ads everywhere and sometimes it just feels way too crowded with junk. 

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