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The Blackangel

The Tiniest Detail

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This is something completionists will definitely relate to. Now I'm not a completioniest per se, but there is one thing that absolutely drives me insane. Short trip, I know. Ha ha ha. I play Link's Awakening on my Switch a lot. I would play it on m Game Boy, but can't find it. The Game Boy copy is irrelevant to this conversation though.

For those that haven't played it, there are 50 secret seashells for you to collect, as oppose to 26 on the Game Boy copy. I have no real issue collecting them, except one. I can never find that last damn shell. I get 49 of them easy. But for some reason that 50th shell always eludes me. I've gotten all 50 before, but if I remember correctly that was a one off thing. I go to Zelda Dungeon to try to find it, but every one that I look at I'm sure I got. I go to each spot hoping to find one that I missed and no luck. I honestly don't know what the hell I'm doing. It's ripping my hair out frustrating.

What's your 50th seashell issue?

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Yeah, I had a similar experience with the Harry Potter games, with the Wizard Cards. The first game had 25 of them scattered around the castle, while the second game had 101. But despite this, collecting all the cards was actually easier in the second game: if you failed to find one, then you could buy it off another student later. By contrast, the cards in the first game were permanently missable: if you failed to pick one up, you'd never get another chance, unless you restarted the game from the beginning!

I did get them all in the end, but it took me several playthroughs.

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Things like this annoy me so much! I guess because I am someone that loves to complete things and hates to see them partially completed is the reason why I get so annoyed. I remember this happening to me in many Lego games including the Lego Harry Potter games. I can't remember exactly what it was we had to collect but I remember we had to collect so many of a certain something in each level and every level I would not be able to find at least one of them and it was super frustrating. I usually find now that if I ever get into this situation, I will always look to a tutorial on YouTube for the game, quite often I will be able to find the one I am missing and complete it and other times it's trial and error hoping I find the one I missed. 

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I have this exact same issue, but in a game called Shadow Complex. It's a metroidvania style game, and I had collected every hidden item, and unlock but one gun I am still missing to this day. Or it could be a suit upgrade or something idk. I have tried everything to find this area. It leads me to an elevator that is blocked off. I try using all of my special guns and nothing worked. I ran through the whole map multiple times trying to find a way in, but it's the only locked part of the map I can't get to. 

 Has anyone here played Shadow Complex and got everything? 

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